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Posts posted by Kirothen

  1. Okay... seriously, the patch came out and still we don't have any clarification on this. All I see in the patch notes is this:

    However, as a Anni Marauder spec I can both DPS and Heal at the same time. Currently I'm only using one PvP Relic and one PvE Relic that both provide power surge. Before this patch I was seeing 2 power surges on my character at the same time.


    Nothing... I repeat... NOTHING in this patch note says that there's any change for me since I did not stack 2 PvP relics.


    I'm actually a bit frustrated that you guys cannot simply come out and say the exact mechanics of what should happen here since your patch note is sorely missing detailed information.


    1) Does this mean a PvE and a PvP Relic that both provide Power Surge can stack?

    2) Does this mean that the PvP Relics still provide a healing proc and damage proc Power Surge that's independent so a user can get both to proc and get double Power Surge?

    3) Does the Power Surge proc continue to interfere with the 4.5 sec ICD of the Relics that proc damage (Like Serendipitous Assault)?


    Can we get some detailed answers to these questions please?


    Bump again for clarification! Any additional information to provide devs?

  2. Give the guy some credit/slack. He's doing this when he can, and not getting paid to do so.


    Calm down bud. I was just asking if we were waiting for the bolster fix or if this was being updated and it was my first comment regarding this. If the guy doesnt want to do it or have the time to, then someone else may have better luck doing so. I just noticed its been quite a while since the thread got new records.

  3. I get mowed down by snipers, but against any other class i can easily down 1 person, and most of the time kill 2. The only way i can kill snipers is if i have most of my cooldowns up and i have a medpack which i think is ridiculous. Anyway, I switched to combat the other day and I do notice overall that i am doing more damage, and burn people hella faster but watchman is still far better at staying alive imo.


    Same here man. I think Watchman's 1v1 is great! User your defensive abilities properly with a good rotation and you can kill anyone. Snipers on the other hand are very hard. They have just as much utility with stealth and a knockback root. Plus they hit very hard geared fully. I find myself beating most snipers but the really good ones tear me up and there is nothing that I can do about it.

  4. Yeah it does grant both- I thought that's what it was, but then I went back to check the tooltip to make sure. I misread it and only saw the defense boost part so I edited the dmg reduction part out lol. Anyway, 6 sec interrupt is less useful now that healers rely less on casted heals.


    Regarding the group heal, it has saved me many times 1v1 with my other defensive abilities. I posted an SS of a 166k healing game on accident and another sent on Jedi Cov posted an SS of a 240k healing game. Then last night I got a 199k healing game. Im ticking for 300-400 each second when healing the group. Thats really not that bad at all.

  5. Grats on the 1.4 mil dmg game, what was your DPS? I'm thinking that's too much crit though.


    The group heals are pretty negligible against a team with decent focus-fire. Watchman has a little utility, but not like combat's. It's supposedly increased survivability isn't really noticeable in ranked except during saber ward. Combat now has a defense stacking buff talent similar to gunnery commandos (except it's defense instead of damage reduction) , and focus still has that extra 7%.


    I actually have been taking screenshots for everyone in my matches I see with really high, record type numbers to post for them. After I did tne 1.4 mil damage game I checked my SS folder and didnt see my SS! I am using a wireless bluetooth keyboard so I think my print screen button is not always registering. So now I have been hitting it like 5 times to make sure I get the good SS's. If I had to guess, I think it may have been 1400ish DPS? I could be wrong.

  6. I have two questions:


    1) How much crit are you going for?

    2) What Watchman build do you use? Do you put extra points in Focus to pick up Swift Slash or Combat to get Dual Wield Mastery? Or something else entirely? I can't decide which is better, theoretically (haven't hit 55 yet on my Watch Sent).


    1. Crit took a huge hit when 2.0 immediately hit. I am reading on other sites and on other posts that the new soft cap for crit is around 25%. Currently with my Conqueror implants, earpiece and MH saber (with eight 28 Might augments) I am at 24.98% fully buffed. Force crit is at 29%. I feel comfortable with that crit level right now and will stack power on top of what I have.


    2. Here is my current build: Watchman Build 2.0

    My extra points are going into dual wield mastery. I dont feel like its necessary to put points into Swelling Winds because 10% increase in damage on Smash that I try to only use in group situations or if everything else is on CD is not worth the talent point. When I start getting more conqueror pieces, I may take points out of Insight and put them into Defensive Roll for the damage reduction.

  7. Is this even being updated? Or are we all waiting for bolster to be fixed?


    There are tons of records flying around, it would be nice to get a list so that we all know what the current records are instead of posting to a dead thread.

  8. This is just my 2 cents considering I see to be a dying breed of sentinels that ONLY PvPs as watchman and have for a long long time. Currently I am full Partisan with 2018 expertise. As of this week I have gotten 1.48 mil damage in a match, ive done 166k healing in a match and have a biggest hit of 9k (which was amazing to me as watchman). I am running the power proc relics, one partisan and one conqueror. Also for reference, I am running 96% accuracy, 24% crit with 29% force crit, 71% crit multiplier 1159 MH damage with 29,280 health fully buffed.


    I do not notice my burns being cleansed hardly ever although Im sure it happens. From what I see, the healers and other classes are more worried about healing themselves or others or just surviving in general to clean the burns. My group heals tick for about 280 which helps the overall healing of the team. Although the damage of the combat or focus sents eclipses mine a lot of the time, I am always hanging at the top of the charts if not the top.


    The biggest downfall that I find is with ranked because people do not want to bring a watchman sent at all. We dont have the burst AoE damage of focus and we dont get the speed burst of transcendence with combat but I feel like watchmans utility is overlooked. We offer a group heal, a lot of survivability, pretty good DoTs and with good stats I feel like I do hit pretty hard with Master Strike, Merciless Slash and Dispatch. I find it a challenge to perfect this spec to push it to the limits and am very successful with it. Let me know if anyone has questions regarding rotation and gearing because I would be glad to share my insight.

  9. I love how everyone here is just ************, I love SWTOR and i enjoy it more and more as I keep playing been subbing since launch and tht is not going away any time soon. People need to stop ************ like a little pre-teen girl


    If you have read the PvP forums or other postings by the community that have BEGGED for changes for months and months about this, and still thing that we are "biching" about stuff, you are completely blind. Hundreds of thousands of dollars paid to Bioware for this game and the community is telling them of significant problems that they are aware of and patch after patch of no changes. I stick with this game becuase of the guys I play with and the fact that I am a diehard Star Wars fan. Not because this game is fun and fulfilling.

  10. What an insanely epic disappointment of a patch once again. How can you possibly even remotely let the smash and bubble stun problem continue this long? Its literally mind blowing at this point. Ive gone from really frustrated to it is what it is to furious to whatever, they are going to do what they want to just utterly shocked by this. You most hardcore customer base are us players that log in literally every day to PvP or do Ops. We are the ones that keep this game going, not these free to play casuals. WE DONT CARE ABOUT FLUFF ITEMS, THE CARTEL MARKET OR TEMPORARY IN GAME EVENTS. We want this game to change so that its not broken and frustrating any more and can be fun again instead of out of our control due to broken mechanics or over powered classes. This is the first time I have questioned why I throw money at your company and that sucks from a hardcore MMO player as myself that you should be keeping happy and many others like me.
  11. Lol tell me which group had 5 smashers, I'll wait. I think at most the 4th group had 2 but they had to deal with people who came in late/after groups were made/leftover.


    To-le was responding to the comment regarding that Mizzo's group (our RSB/Red 5 group) had 5 smashers because he saw 2 guardians and 3 sentinels. We had Shadee (smash sent), Muldoon specced smash other than Huttball as a guardian and Mizzo played smash as a guardian. Sowa played combat mostly I believe and I was watchman. If im not mistaken Blunty, Deviluhoh and Redek from Uncensored play smash on their A team as well.

  12. FYI you had a pub group that did the same thing


    I was just pointing out that we did kind of form as a PuG pug but have become more than that now since we have grouped with pretty much the same people the last 5 nights we have done this since we are having so much fun. Not one of our players is overly dominating although we have some very good players all around. We are still learning the different ranked strats for each WZ. Im also pointing out that our "PuG" was very successful the last few days. We did beat that US/Uncensored team yesterday and lost only one to a very close Hypergates to Republic Gentlemen. I wouldnt be surprised to see a lot of new names with the Republic Strike Back guild tag if you know what I mean ; )

  13. Hey just as an FYI to all, the group that we have been putting together every night has been playing for the last 2 weeks or so. We only fill spots with other guildies when some people are not available. One night we pugged Cuattro from QQ but for the most part its a Republic Strikes Back/Red Five group. We went 5-1 or 6-1 last night.
  14. Devil, we can mess around a little tonight if you want. I would like to do ranked tonight for sure to get some more experience with everyone we have been running with. Myself and To-le will be on around 9:30 est. I can hit up Sowa and Muldoon as im sure they will be on as well and fill in as necessary. We can start to compile a list of friends that are willing to get this rolling so we have a decent friends list to see who is online at certain times. My list is growing each day but the last couple of nights, people havent really been on much but that may be due to the holidays. Ill pst you later on Devildog or Cheerleader.
  15. I've tried many different classes and builds over this year, but Watchman is still at the top of my favorites. I think it's the combination of burst damage and DOTs and I also find it more engaging to play than either Combat or Focus builds.


    DOTs are essential to Watchman and as it turns out, almost useless in PVP situation. Don't ask me why this didn't bother me before as I don't know. I just played it and found it the most fun.

    Now, after I have been told ingame that I am not good for a PVP group, the situation has become more serious. I am not talking about recent healing nerf, even though that could be the reason for my beautiful Jedi to not be wanted. It's cleansing of DOTs that bothers me the most.


    Every healing class has a cleansing skill which they can use every 4-5 sec to remove DOTs. Every 4-5 secs they can just remove almost half of our damage and the entire reason for us being Watchmen. I would understand if resolve would helps us not get cleansed to often or CDs of those skills were longer, but it almost makes our burn damage useless.


    How do you think could Watchman become more viable for PVP? This is a MMO and like with all others, buffs and nerfs happen all the time. So maybe, with some good suggestions and enough voice, we could make our beloved samurai come back to the fields of PVP glory.


    I dont want this post to sound elitist at all or basically say L2P the spec but I can speak from experience. I am full watchman that is fully modded and augmented WH with EWH sabers, relics and 3 EWH pieces currently. I consistently beat out smash specced guardians/juggs and sentinels/mauraders in DPS on a nightly basis. Its rare that I am not top dps in my WZ's save for when playing with or against the top PvPers on Jedi Covenant. i do not notice DoTs being cleansed that much to hinder my DPS at all.


    To help you out a little, maybe its your rotation that needs some work because Watchman is a spec that has massive utility but requires you to be on top of all of your cooldowns and have an ability priority. Also something that will help, I have my surge soft capped at 75%, force crit is soft capped at 35% buffed, melee crit is at 32% buffed and accuracy is right around 99% melee and 109% force. After all that was figured out, I stacked a crap ton of power mods that you can now easily grind to get my main hand damage up to 970 buffed. I crit often and hit for big numbers. Its almost as if the burns do damage but not on the scale that you are referring to above. I feel as if most of my big hits and damage come from blasting people with Merciless Slash or Blade Rush. Plus the 10% damage bonus from the Vindicators set bonus helps significantly.

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