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Posts posted by Orbyious

  1. With the shut down of Dalborra sever and the forced move to The Harbrinder server I have more than 12 toons between both servers.1. Will we get more slots given to us for the extra toons we have?

    2. Do we have to cull our toons to 12?

    3. What will happen if we have more than the slots allowed?

    4. Will guilds move over as they are?

    5. What if two guilds have the same name?

    I know the move will be soon as shut down times for the Asia Pacific Servers are no longer mentioned in the announcements


    I've moved this to the customer service forum just noticed the lack of feed back from Bio ware on this forum

  2. Achievements really how very World of Warcraft of you:mad::mad:.

    Should we be expecting Panda toons next:eek::eek:?

    Is there some way of turning off the achievements as having the pop ups all the time are annoying.

  3. Topic #3: Oceanic populations. Are we doing anything about them?


    Answer: We are very aware of the concerns with the population levels on the Oceanic servers. The problem is pretty complex, as the solutions we have either split the populations further (like allowing Oceanic players to move to North American servers), or would force players to go to server types (PvP or RP, etc…) that they do not want to be on. Our current plan is to wait for Free-to-Play to launch and see what the influx of new players does to the populations of these servers. We will give it a little time and if we do not see significant improvement, then we will move ahead with the solution that offers the best playing experience for the Oceanic community.


    Do I read this as the death nell for the Oceanic Servers :eek::eek::eek:

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