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Posts posted by JimNoonienSoong

  1. I had one that happened after I did a solo run of BT, I ended up in a checkerboard like thing in the middle of the imperial fleet(Not the spacedock, the fleet, in space)I proceeded to walk off it and fall through space for a while before dying and ending up on the Ziost Shadow medbay.
  2. To be fair, I like his NON-Star Wars sci-fi. Hell, I even like some of his Star Wars novels. But overall, you're right. He does seem to be Teh Pwnzor on everyone else. He still isn't as bad as Traviss, though.


    Now, my vote for #2 is Drew Karpyshyn. I know I'm probably going to take flak for this, but the Revan novel just wasn't that good. *shrug*


    Now, if we went for Best, to me it would be a toss-up between Stackpole and Allston. Both X-Wing novelists, and both outstanding. Yes, I KNOW the obvious choice is Zahn, and he comes in a close third.

    Personally I think Drew is an amazing writer, true, Revan was crap. But you can't deny his work on Kotor I, II and TOR is pretty damn good.

  3. Who do you believe is the worst writer of the EU? Personally I think it's Karen Traviss. The woman has never read a Star Wars book she hasn't written, she shoves Mandalorians into everything, she thinks that the Jedi are Nazis and frequently gets into flame wars with fans. She always talks about how the Mando's are better than everyone, she has Jaina Solo(Sword of the goddamn Jedi) go to them for training against Jacen instead of going to her uncle, who had recently just schooled him. Traviss then displays her being beat severely by the mandalorians because of their lightsaber proof armour and ability to disappear from the force(ignoring the fact that Jaina is a veteran of the Yuuzhan Vong war). Then proceeds to imply that the Mandalorians could have easily beaten Caedus and the "Bathrobe Brigade" in her words.
  4. Saying "A Long time ago...in a universe far, far away....." would require M-theory or Tegmarks classification theory to multiverses to be true, and so far they are just theories. It 's far more accurate to say galaxy since there are billions of galaxies and it's quite possible that in some galaxy, they are hundreds and thousands of years more advanced than us technologically.


    I agree though, I didn't think this was a big enough problem to warrant a thread.


    /facepalm, He meant the opposite side of the universe, instead of the opposite side of the galaxy.

  5. I'm a focus guardian, I have all moddable gear with blue mods(Highest correlian commendations level with some purple such as my hilt mixed in. I have a purple belt, My implants and earpiece are good(blue), I have recruit relics, T7 has the gear you get from the puzzle,


    I still can't beat the damn emperor, can anyone give me any strategies or a guide on what gear I should get?

  6. I like this game and hope it stays around a long time.

    Server pop is a big issue and I hope it can be fixed before "early summer"

    I think there are many more current subscribers than people who actually log in and play right now. I have re-rolled more than once to get to a higher pop server only to have it start dieing. Now I'm on The Jekk'Jekk Tarr and it's starting to die after our large amount of aussies transferred to their own servers. :(


    Also people leaving to do their exams, fill out applications, preparing to go on vacations, server drops are to be expected in this time of year.

  7. um..try pvping at better times when actual skilled players are on...boosting stats wont make a difference if the kiddies cnat use them properly. 50's pvp or not. More stats isnt gona get you that win. Skills will.


    Or, you know, having twice the amount of players. I mean, no matter how skilled you are, you can't win when it's three on one.

  8. The issue here is that the Jedi Order seems to have too much freedom and autonomy. Why? They are mostly responsible (indirectly because of the Sith) for many of the major conflicts throughout the galaxy (notable exceptions being the Yuuzhan Vong War and the Killik Expansion). The point I am making here is that the Jedi have no checks to their own power or authority; they "serve" the Republic (or the GA) as they see fit and at times there is conflict even within the order as to what should be done to serve properly.


    During the Mandalorian Wars the Jedi Council largely ignored the crisis and wanted to let things play out instead of helping, though Revan, Malak, and Meetra Surik, along with others, were able to stop the invasion and beat the Mandalorians (without approval of the Jedi Council though). So, the Jedi Order is not actually a resource for the Republic or the GA to call upon, they stand apart, even though they are indirectly responsible for the deaths of billions because of so many Jedi falling to the Dark Side.


    The point of culling force users is meant to remove them as a threat to the galaxy once and for all. Now this might have serious problems. I doubt that the Yuuzhan Vong would have been able to be defeated without the Jedi, so perhaps other methods should be taken to keep the Jedi in check. Thoughts?




    You can't "kill" the force, you can kill them all once, then the next generation will have several times last in the amount of force users in the galaxy. A jedi led coup was what removed a cruel dictator from power(Dala). The republic and GA are incredibly corrupt, these senators have several times the power of a US senator(Remember,these are bloody PLANETS that they represent and sometimes control too in the case of the Organas), thus they NEED the Jedi to control and regulate them.

  9. I made this because i want my twi'lek to look cool like everyone else and i want my hood they have hoods in the movies so y not in the game.


    I've never seen a twi'lek with a hood in anything related to star wars, games, movies, books(May have forgotten or misread a description, so pardon me if I'm wrong) or comic books.

  10. Has anyone else noticed that in certain robes and armour, that male pecs tend to look like female breasts? I've picked every male character I have as body type 1 to fix this issue, but the npc's still have pecs/breasts, and it's really starting to bug me how I'm always shorter than everyone else.
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