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Posts posted by XenusParadox

  1. Interview with two of the devs on 1.3's crew skill changes just went up.




    There are two costs to add an augment slot: credits and an Augmentation Kit. The current cost progression starts at 4,500 credits and ends at 50,000 credits, while the kits come in the same MKs that match the types of slots you can add to an item.


    Kits are acquired through three crew skills: Armstech, Armormech and Synthweaving. There is no difference in the kits they make, and they can find the recipes on the trainer. In order to create a kit, you need 10 Augmentation Slot Components of the appropriate MK. You receive one component whenever you Reverse Engineer a piece of crafted gear. Note that this is a non-random addition on top of the other returns you already get from RE, meaning that every 10 consumed items will reliably give you the components for one kit. This helps counteract bad luck dealing with randomness and crafting crits, as you’re guaranteed to be able to get the primary limiting component for an augment slot after 10 crafts. Note that since you get the component for the level of the item you’re making, you don’t need to try to craft the expensive purple 10 times. Just make one, then if you don’t crit you can make cheaper items to get the components necessary to create an augment kit.

  2. For me, the mission on Nar Shaddaa where you have the choice to either kill the

    alien who's taken control of the Hutt network

    or let him live was silly. Letting him live benefits you personally as well as the Empire, while killing him is honest and loyal to your Hutt allies. Yet the selfish action gives you LS points and the the noble one gives you DS points.

  3. not to mention when SGR comes out, every male player rolling a female SW will dump quinn in a heartbeat


    And every male rolling a female SI will dump Andronikos/Talos for Ashara.

  4. Go play the multiplayer portion of Revenge of the Sith for the DS. That's how space combat should be. Use mouse steering, throw in some level-up type system similar to Valor ranks to upgrade your ship, and Bob's your uncle.
  5. Solution: Give the L50 sabers a really cool cosmetic option.


    Like... Once you equip the item and it becomes bound, you get a special item that lets you rename it once. Or give it an "appearance" item mod slot that you can drag another lightsaber into, giving the EML the skin of the lightsaber in that slot.

  6. The mouths moving is actually a graphical bug that exists on all mask-wearing characters. You can see it on Darth Malgus in some of the flashpoint intros when he looks up, and if you're playing a SI and keep Kallig's Countenance, you'll see the bottom portion of the mask moving when you talk.
  7. Are you sure about this? I have Mako, Tharan, Doc and Elara and I have never seen them heal me in passive mode. In fact I died on several occasions because I left my healer on passive mode.


    He's saying it doesn't but it ought to.

  8. Just turn on passive mode. Problem solved.


    Then he stops healing me.


    I don't want him passive, I want him to stop aggroing everything in sight.


    I'll pop a group, CC a couple with Whirlwind, then start attacking the others... Talos will break my CC by attacking, then he'll run over and aggro a completely different group, so now I'm fighting 6+ enemies that are 2-4 levels above me, getting me killed.


    What's the point of running with a healer companion when he's causing me to take way more damage than he heals?

  9. Stop attacking CC'd enemies and enemies who aren't aggroed on me that I'm trying to sneak past.


    Seriously, BW, fix his AI. This is ridiculous. I've turned off his offensive powers and he still uses basic attacks on them. I'm trying to solo above-level content and he keeps attacking everything in sight.

  10. I don't get it, what is not to like?

    Persist through suicide is necessary because it would invalidate the reason for having the vaccinations.


    If you don't want to participate just vaccinate yourself and be done with it. Why you don't want the high-end crystals is you're own business. But stop butting into the business of people who DO want the rewards.


    I shouldn't have to shell out 2k credits because I don't want to get sick and die.

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