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Posts posted by Marvoussh

  1. I post this on behalf of our guild, Dark Syndicate. We are staying on Tomb of Freedon Nadd as well, instead of leaving this server and in that way making the situation worse, we want to focus on making this server a better place! We are a new guild and we aren't that big yet, but we do our best to recruit members and make sure that our guild is a good place to be. We hope more guilds will stay so that new players will stick around on this server!:)
  2. I used to obsess over this game and pretty much only play casually because it's not worth the trash talking over pixels.


    S2 was a horrible time to be a pure PT tank and I queued with stride under the same kind of harassment. Ironically so, Jugg tanks were king then and if we were facing one, my team would assume loss. I had the same attitude of "screw you, I'm queueing anyway," and carried more games than I lost to climb the leaderboards as a gimped tank spec. Eventually the egotistical people in the game got to me, however, and here we are. It's really not worth the effort just to be trash talked every time you log in... but if you can take that and turn it into motivation, more power to you.


    How did you feel btw, after they got to you? Did you at least get some rewards that were worth it? :( Because it seems to me, like you said, it's not worth the effort to be trash talked each day

  3. I used to obsess over this game and pretty much only play casually because it's not worth the trash talking over pixels.


    S2 was a horrible time to be a pure PT tank and I queued with stride under the same kind of harassment. Ironically so, Jugg tanks were king then and if we were facing one, my team would assume loss. I had the same attitude of "screw you, I'm queueing anyway," and carried more games than I lost to climb the leaderboards as a gimped tank spec. Eventually the egotistical people in the game got to me, however, and here we are. It's really not worth the effort just to be trash talked every time you log in... but if you can take that and turn it into motivation, more power to you.


    Hey, thanks so much for responding! I gotta admit, I recognize that these egotistical people might get to me one day in these coming weeks. I will at least try to get enough comms for the predacious weapon set, then i'm outta here I guess. Thanks again for your response, It feels good to know there are others who experience the same (not that I am happy it happened to you of course:P)

  4. Dear fellow SWTOR Players,


    this has been troubling me so much lately that I just felt I had to turn somewhere with my story.


    So, I've been playing SWTOR for 3 years now. This ranked season, season 6, is the first time I am playing ranked warzones. I have Always been a bit afraid of pvp because the community is so ruthless, but the ranked community is even worse.


    I play as a Juggernaut Tank called Mauvoushh.


    The hate comments started in the first matches I did. People actually left the warzone because I was a jugg tank and not a powertech tank, someone even went as far as using /stuck because ''we can't win with jugg tank''. Now I can completely understand people preferring a powertech tank, but I don't spend more than 500 euros on a game to play what someone else wants me to play. If I want to play as a lightsaber wielding ******, I do just that. I pay for this game, just as everyone else does.


    The ''rip jugg tank'' comments kept going on, untill I kinda got numb to it to a certain degree. But what was even worse, was when people started verbally abusing me because I was not as good as a tank as they thought I should be. I try to be the best jugg tank I can be, and I am Always friendly until people start verbally abusing me or another group member. Why do people do this? It serves no purpose, and it hurts like hell sometimes. A player (I won't call names) even told me to go hang myself. Hang. Myself. I don't care how bad you are as a player, no one deserves these kind of comments. No one, not even the trolls. I Always compare my stats to other tanks, and I have similair stats except for my damage which is usually lower. But I can only compare to pt tanks, bc there are almost no other tanks queuing anymore. I duel a lot with other players, I watch tanking video's and read posts about jugg tanking. A while back I Always asked players in arenas for feedback afterwards. I am an OK TANK. Not the best, not the worst, just an ok tank. I try to switch guard as fast and good as possible, I try to push players off the bridges in orbital station , I try to interrupt the hard hitting/healing abilities of enemy players, I try to dish out as much damage as possible, all while also following the tactic. Is it so hard to believe for people that the role of tank is not easy?


    What these idiots don't realize, is that they destroy their own game by behaving like this. I for example, will keep on playing ranked as long as I like. But I know other people who stopped playing ranked because of the community. Let that sink in for a moment, someone stops playing ranked because of the behaviour of other players. This is in my eyes not what playing a video game is about.


    I am Lucky, because I have the ability to bend all the insults into a motivation to queue even more, but I can't deny that it hurts. That's the whole reason why i'm posting this in the first place.


    I hope any other players who experience similair situations feel strenghened by this post, and if anyone who recognizes him/herself in this post as the abuser, please think before you insult someone. It might be just some text on a screen to you, but it can hurt someone real hard.


    I will keep playing ranked on my jugg for as long as I want, and I won't let these haters get to me. If someone FOR THE FIRST TIME actually gives some tips or insights instead of just saying ''l2p'' and leaving, that would be great.




    * Edit, I have been called a lot of things, I can make a whole list about what people said to me. Someone even relogged to all his alts to keep throwing insults at me. I am an experienced pvp'er, i've seen my share of rude behaviour in unranked but this is just out of proportions. I don't feel the need to fill this post with examples, as they add nothing to the story.

  5. Hello all,


    just a quick question. I have a full Dark Reaver geared juggernaut pvp tank, and now that I finally have full ranked gear I want to start optimising my gear. I wanted to start by buying the right augments. I've been using absorb augments since as long as I can remember, but recently people have started attacking me verbally because the endurance augments are a better choice? I've Always thought of it this way: More endurance= more hp but health goes down faster, harder to heal bc higher amount. Absorb=less hp but health goes down slower, easier to heal.


    TLDR: What augments should my jugg immortal pvp tank wear?


    Thanks in advance!

  6. You can't remove this class from the game. This would cause a major unbalance unless the mirror operatives (Scoundrels) were removed as well. I understand your frustration about the op'ness of operatives, but removing them from the game is taking it a little bit too far. Just roll a Jugg Tank, and crush them all. Operatives make funny sounds when you backhand them into oblivion:rak_01:
  7. Hey guys,


    I have an operative healer, fully obroan geared, good relics, now the rotation of my skill tree.

    When I go on my DPS alts I see operatives having 1000k-1500k healing:confused:

    My operative haves in good matches like 600k-800k healing. Any1 knows how this can happen?


    Second question, on YouTube i often see people using their Surgical probe if someone's hp is below 30%.

    My surgical probes are only enough to let them live for a few seconds longer, but when I don't have any

    tactical advantage left I use Kolto injection and it's already to late. Any tips for healing low-hp people?


    Third (and last) question, Sometimes when people see I'm healing they're going to focuss on me.

    ( I would do the same ). How can you ignore their dps and just heal on? They Always use interupts and stuns and then I see my hp, try to heal it but... to late :(. How can I deal with that?

    Thanks in advance, :rolleyes:


  8. Hi forum people:)


    I have a lvl 55 Mercenary Healer, and I mainly use him for PVP.

    What is the best gear to go for, because the gear i'd go for is called field medic or something. It has alacrity rating which is what healers need, but i'm not sure if alacrity is even useful nowadays. There is also another build with power, which sounds pretty logical too. Asking random people in general chat got me mixed answers, so I thought i'd ask the forum people, as they are usually the ones who know:) General merc pvp heal tips or personal experiences are also welcome, as i'm new to pvp in general!


    Thanks in advance!

  9. Join couple of classic ops EV/KP. You will be way overgeared there and there will be little challenge, but you can get a feel for cooperating with larger group and learn the style of mechanics you can expect from fights. Always state clearly you are there first time and people will generally help out. Then you can go L55 ops same as here. I don't have sentinel myself but people tend to think combat performs better now then watchman but that's personal preference I guess.

    And best of all oin a guild that does a lot of different tier of ops has voice comms - that's easiest way to learn operations.


    hello, thank you as well for answering!


    I don't think voice chat is a good idea, I'm not a native english speaker so that might make matters worse! I'm going to follow your other advice tough, going to start with SM first later this week! Another question comes to mind, how long does an operation take? I usually have about 2/3 hours time per day to play swtor, so I am very carefull with fps/operations to make sure I don't have to quit in the middle of a battle or something, altough dps are easy to find:)

  10. Well first of all it seems your Sent is in a pretty good place in terms of gear and rotation. The first bit of advice I can give you is that you should try have your gear augmented as well. I say this because those small amounts of extra dps can make the difference between taking a boss down and hitting an enrage.


    Next being that your Watchman you are viable in any operation your burns and sustained damage are always welcomed. In terms of what Operations to start with I think your too well geared to do the classic Operations such as EV KP but I think maybe start doing EC SM or TFB SM if you can manage those you will be more than ready to harder content.


    Thank you for your response!


    I forgot to mention it, but I already augmented my entire gear:) I've read your post and I'm going to start my first operation later this week, I'll go for EC SM/TFB SM first!

  11. Hello fellow SWTOR people,

    I have a question that i'm sure has been answered some time before, but since my situation might be different i'm just asking again, also for other people who want to know.


    I want to start doing operations, because I feel that the HM FP'S are no longer a challenge. Also, I don't need the elite gear anymore. But, I'm a bit worried about how to make the jump to operations. I have a lvl 55 Sentinel Watchman in full Elite gear (1/2 ultimate pieces) and I've been waiting far too long to jump into operations. The thing is, there is so much information out there regarding operations, that I just don't know what to believe and what not.


    I don't know if I'm good enough to do operations, because I don't know how to judge this. I have learned that having elite gear doesn't make you a good player, I've seen people in basic gear perform better than fully elite geared people.. But I know my rotation well, also i'm working on getting the right stats (accuracy 100, crit 30 and surge 70) atm. I know all hm tactics for dps, also the new czerka ones.


    So, what operation do you recommend to start with? If I know which operation is the easiest, I'll go learn the tactics so that I won't slow dow the team.


    Well thanks to anyone who bothers to read my story and maybe answer:)

  12. Hello everyone,


    I have been searching for a group for this mission for a very long time, but I can't find anyone..

    Anybody on the Tomb of Freedon Nadd server who still needs to do this mission? I already tried to do it alone with my faithfull companion, but I can't get past the sniper boss, got him to 50% of his total health, but couldn't beat him Luckily I already did the last mission for the seeker droid, because I had a lot of difficulty finding people for that too..



  13. As a Jedi Knight you need:

    Strenght, Endurance. Those are your 2 main stats.


    Then comes Accuracy Rating, improve it till you have 100%, improve Critical Rating till you have 30%, and improve surge rating till you have 70 %. You can find the 2 main abilities you need in your codex under the ''Game Rules'' tab. (Strenght and Endurance) Strenght is the most important, so always choose the item with the most strenght. For example:


    War masters Iightsaber

    30 Strenght

    90 Endurance


    War hero's lightsaber

    50 Strenght

    70 Endurance


    In this case you choose the War hero's lightsaber, because it gives you more strenght, and that is the most important to your Knight.


    A short list of meanings:

    Accuracy Rating: Indicates how much the chance is that you hit an attack. If accuracy rating is 100, you can't miss an attack. Very usefull for your Sentinel.

    Critical Rating: The chance that you do more damage than you normally would with an attack. This is called a Critical Hit. Building more Critical Rating is especially usefull for a Sentinel.

    Surge Rating: If you have a critical hit, Surge Rating amplifies the strenght of this critical hit. The more surge rating you have, the bigger the critical hit is.

    Alacrity Rating: Makes stuff like cooldowns, casting times, go faster. You as a sentinel shouldn't pay attention to this.

    Aim: Increases damage with ranged weapons, this is the main stat for Bounty hunters and troopers. So you also shouldnt pay attention to this , because a sentinel doesn't need aim.

    Force Power: Increases Force powers, offensive and healing. This is included in every lightsaber you'll ever get, so don't worry about it.

    Tech Power: Smugglers and troopers use this for example, so your sentinel doesn't need it. It increases the Smuggler/Trooper damage with tech abilities like Grenades, and death from above.

    Shield Rating: This is only for tanks, it improves the shield you carry.

    Defense Rating: Only for tanks.

    Willpower: This increases the damage with force attacks, like throwing rocks at people, using the force to throw people away, and these are attacks that a Sentinel can't do, so Willpower isn't usefull for you either.. If you choose to become a Jedi Consular however, Willpower becomes your main stat.


    However, this is only main information, it also depends on what you wanna do, do you plan to become a Pve player or Pvp? And it also depends on your skill tree, you choose it once you go to the fleet for the first time.. If you plan on becoming a Pve player, I advise you to take the Watchman skill tree. When you have chosen this skill tree, you should start using the Juyo lightsaber form once it is available. Hope this helps, if you have any more questions try google first, if you can't find your answers there then ask here! But I understand your confusion, this game is confusing to new players, and there should be a bit more guidance for new players imo. I myself only truly understood the gameplay for the Sentinel when I reaced level 55, so don't worry there are bigger noobs out there haha:)


    Just continues with your sentinel and you'll start to see things for yourself!

  14. @ xBenouze Yes, I agree with you.. I can't believe I forgot to mention the loot needing in my message , that has got to be the most annoying subject out there.. Good to read that there are more people out there who sometimes help people out, instead of kicking them out without explanation! I completely understand why you quit the group, I would've done the same, some people are just impossible:)
  15. I've read a lot of the stories here, sometimes even laughing out loud while reading:) I usually don't post stuff on the forums, but I just have to post something now.. It seems that lately more and more players don't know what to do..


    At the fleet I see lots of jedi knights leaving off to coruscant without choosing sentinel/guardian, I also inspect a lot of people and I see lots of people wearing the wrong gear.(Jedi Sage with Aim/Cunning implant) Or tank players who can't aggro more than 1 opponent, healer players who heal at the most random moments, dps players who queue as tank, all issues already mentioned in this forum.. I don't pvp because my computer can't handle it, so I don't know what the situation is there, but in Pve it gets quite frustrating sometimes.. But I also think some people should show a bit of respect..


    About 4 Months ago I hit lvl 50 on my Jedi Sentinel, and I remember that when I queued for Flashpoints I got kicked because of ''too low gear'', even before the casual 'hello's and hi's'.. I am still learning a lot in this game, I am not a native english speaker so some stuff takes a lot of time to learn. However, when I asked what was wrong with my gear/what I could do to improve my role in the group, I never actually got an answer.. Also people ridiculed me because I didn't have any artifact gear, and because of the way I looked.. It was very surreal, and to be honest I really didn't know how to get better gear than tionese.. I didn't even know it was possible.. I just assumed that everyone with +20 k of hp had pvp armor.. So yes I was a big noob, about the biggest to have ever roamed the server I think...


    But now I'm level 55, and I have full basic gear, and already 2 elite pieces.. I hope to do my first ops in a few weeks, I am preparing for it by reading a lot of info about the various ops levels, and I just want people to give some respect for players who are low geared/don't know what to do.. If you run into someone who doesn't speak english well enough, direct them to the fleet where they can find a guild of their native language.. If someone has too low gear, explain what is wrong about the gear and if needed, where to get better gear.. Do you see someone with the wrong implant, tell them.. This game can be very confusing to new players, sometimes it still is confusing to me, even tough I played this game for over 9 months.. And by just kicking someone without explanation you only make the problem worse.


    One time I took a undergeared sage to the black hole daily area and did the whole daily run with him just to explain what he should do.. He didn't even know what to do at the blue gass mission, he just ran into the gas towards the leaks in hope of making it somehow.. He had items with strenght/aim in his gear, and I told him that was wrong.. I guided him to the fleet after the black hole daily run and helped him find a guild in his native language so he could be helped there.. Now I sometimes see him on black hole, doing the run by himself.. It gave me goosebumps..


    I think more people should be a bit more nicer to each other.. I mean, you don't have to drag beginner players to the fleet and explain everything to them, but just take a minute or so of explainging them at least something thats wrong about their gear/role in the group.. For you it takes 1 minute, for them it means much much more..I love this game, I didn't call anyone by their names in this post because I don't want any people to get insulted, just wanna post my story here.:)

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