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Posts posted by RickyChavez

  1. You just need to replace your video card. Id get a 560 ti ($230) or a 670 ($430). 670 is 2x faster than the 560. A 560 will probably be future proof for another year or so running things at 1920x1080. It can run battlefield 3 at max almost comfortably at 1920. SWTOR is a joke to a 560. A 670 is meant to run most games on the 5000 resolution. You'd probably want to look into getting a better cpu and youd have to replace the motherboard as well because the new cpus are of a slightly different shape. probably looking at 200-300 for an i series cpu and a motherboard for it. You dont really need anything better than a quadcore or i3 (i series is probably like $40 difference for like 30% improvement over quadcore series) or so if you wanted to save money. Video games are mostly graphics card dependent. Cpus are mostly for running more programs at once or encoding videos to upload to youtube. They have a small effect compared to graphics cards when actually running games.


    For example:

    Your "card"



    High End GPUS such as 560 and the 670



    Heres also a general guide to computer parts


  2. If your healer is complaining about some stupid crap like who is or isn't guarded, he has no idea what he's doing and is just belching out know it all information. I don't give a crap about who is or isn't guarding. I heal people and the people taking damage are being bubble shielded by me and healed by me. I am the guard on people because if someone is about to get whacked I pull them out of the way. Nobody should be taking damage that is killing you faster than I can heal the tank. Otherwise someone is either way undergeared or getting stomped on like a retard.

    Most likely they are a retard. Running HM Lost Island will prove this all day long.

  3. It's completely unimportant. You can level up however you want. Class missions are seperate.. If you do all the planet missions, you will hit about lvl 20 and you will be always overleveled for the planet you are on instead of being in the yellow/red on enemies and level up faster. You should use your planetary comms to buy mods and put them into social orange gear that is about 2k for a set. Pvp is the only thing that will hold you back. Your pvp rank can only be that of your level, so theres no point in running pvp past your level. You also can't pool commendations or use them to buy anything until you reach lvl 50. I think you cant even get expertise on any pvp bought items until lvl 32.
  4. 4) Remove inventory caps on WZ comms limits. Remove them completely and start rewarding your PvPers for doing what they love, not punishing them for it by deciding when they can buy something or not. If one wished to PvP from level 10 all the way up to 50, and save up for a half of the WH set right at 50 -- why not allow them? They put the time and the effort in and should be rewarded by being competitive when they reach 50. Reward your players and they will reward you.



    "You can play the game the way you want. Level the way you want."*- Bioware

    * - see screw you pvpers enjoy your level cap, commendation cap, items with incorrect stats on them for your class prior to 50 causing you to mod rip and throw the other mods on the ground, inability to purchase items that you could hold onto until you were lvl 50 or craft because you have the crafting level to do it, and a valor rank to cap your valor so that any valor you gain past your level is just LOST FOREVER so when you hit 50 you can get valor rank BLOCKED too from wearing any lvl 50 items.


    I only like playing pvp. My pt is lvl 39 now. I have already 4k kills on it and it gives me nothing.

    In lowbies regardless of my level, Im always top dps/heals/tank/medals because I'm skilled at the game.


    I have purchased like 4 sets of 5x enhancements to get me up to lvl 50 with pvp expertise.

    Thats 5 x 4 = 20 pieces x 900 comms each, which is 18,000 commendations.

    18,000 / 3 = 6,000 ranked commendations.


    I could almost be sitting on my banked war hero head piece and war hero mainhand.

    I don't even want to get into the math for valor. But my lvl 50 that has 60 valor only has 2.5k kills (my lvl 39 has 4k).


    I only have 96 hours on this character. I could be playing lvl 50 pvp but I would have spent the 96 hours being smashed into the ground by geared no lifers. The system should be set for skill not for gear and fatty no liferness. Think more like runescape where you get a skill maxed out you get a cool emoticon or you play 2k pvp matches and you can wear a glowing halo around your character. That's all it should be. Emoticon stuff and clothes discoballs and what not just like social leveling is. So many kills you get something, so many mvp votes you get something, so many wins etc. The whole that guy who is in full gear that has no life who doesn't play as well as me but is still killing me 1 v 1 mechanics gets old real quick and makes the game not fun anymore.

  5. How can you possibly think lowbie PvP is better than level 50 PvP?



    Half the time, 75% of the players don't even seem to know what warzone they're in. I can't tell you how many times I've seen multiple players from each team screwing around.



    And before you jump in with the "gear makes too much of a difference in level 50 PvP" argument - you're aware that lower level players don't even have all of their abilities, right?



    And that gear makes a difference in lowbie PvP, too - people can have 11k health, or they can have 16k health. And it's not just a health difference - their other stats are also a lot higher.



    See Youtube Video Below

  6. so... I pvp'd for the first time tonight since 1.4 went live. For the last two days I've read a LOT of negativity about the powertech changes.


    "QQ I can't kite as well"

    "QQ my I can't start attacking from a distance"

    "QQ give us back our range"



    Well, am i the ONLY powertech that now uses both thermal detonator and explosive dart in my rblah blah blah blah blah blah blah why am I not using rapid shotz o_O


  7. The armor rating number I believe is only on the actual armor plating mod itself and all the other mods don't matter.

    So in worse case scenario, throw an armor plating in and leave out the other mods if you dont have the cash.

    Social armor is adaptive and will scale to your characters armor class.

    So if you put it on you and youre a heavy it will be say 300 rating.

    But you put the same exact thing with the same armor mod in it on your squishy sorc comp they will have 125 rating.

  8. I believe the best use of planetary comms is to buy the (12) or whatever orange armor pieces that have the most usable mods in them. If you need all 3 mods great spend the 12 and you get all 3. Then otherwise you should use them to buy single mods. Always take a mod upgrade from a quest reward over a +1 comm since mods cost 2-7.


    Dont forget you can rip out the mods and put them into something else. Social 2 armor costs about 2k for a full armor set or check the gtn for orange/purple armor.

  9. "Is it Sith Marauder, Sith Juggernut, Sith Assassin, or Sith Sorceror?"


    Sith sorcs are a really good healing class. They are probably the most difficult healing class however since most of their stuff requires timing and channeling before an ability is cast. where other healers are more mobile and heavily armored and can instant cast stuff. They are slightly op currently due to their costless self heal they have currently.


    Jugg has a lot of moves. He doesnt do much damage but its steady nonstop damage. He can pounce to you, he can choke you, he can force throw you into a wall. He's very good at interrupting, harassing, and juggling other players.


    I haven't rolled the other two.

  10. You can usually get decent pvp earpieces or relics etc. Chests and gloves are common drops for rakata. Mainhand is probably the rarest drop since you have to do nightmare to get a rakata mainhand drop on the final boss.
  11. I've only played about 2 matches, but I'll report back once I've played a few more matches and relearned my attack distance. In the meantime, I made this for everyone who takes this game far too seriously, when in reality 95% of the people who play pvp can be beaten naked with no mods in your pistol.


    1.4 PVP Guide for PowerTechs and Vanguards

  12. How are these price changes fair to those who had to trade in BM gear and then grind way more points to get WH?


    Why would anyone who spent countless hours equipping themselves for PVP be happy about this giveaway?


    It's a slap in the face to everyone who did it the original way BW intended.


    Yeah thats how I feel. I at least expected us to get an upgraded version and a slight rename like recruit is or maybe have ours unique looking but instead we just get told that other people get our gear with like 3x less effort, which is a lot more than that when you consider being in 3x as many battles, that you would lose at a much higher percentage. While I hate the difference in gear being the sole reason a pvp match is won, I hate that the people that worked hard to get their gear get nothing to show for it.

  13. they do interrupt incinerate. all I can come up with is that everyone seems too dumb to move out of the way. I'm always the last person to die. I think the energy balls are tearing them apart. I'm not ooming. They are at near full hp and then just flatline on me. I'm even purging off anytime I see fire to knock off incinerate. The whole thing seems like the most complex fight in the entire game.
  14. Ive probably attempted this with about 8 teams of people so about 24 different people in full rakata or black hole and we can't get past the 2nd boss. This is supposed to be a col/rakata pre Hardmode ops flashpoint and this boss is nearly impossible to get past. The first boss is a joke but this second boss just kills everyone in 1 second even if you interrupt and his energy balls are aoeing everything and we are kitting him around in a circle with him facing away and everyone else is stacked behind him and the fire and the aoe and incinerate and the mobs are just too much. Heck I could heal HM KP no problem in my battlemaster/columi and get Kep down to like 13% in nightmare mode and now im in full rakata with some bh implants and we still can't get past this robot.
  15. Almost full War Hero Sorc heals here. I'm pretty expert at staying alive by kiting (as good as one can be against melee types that have lots of gap closers), and I have to warn you that the changes to Overload and Electrocute are going to significantly reduce survivability for Sorcs/Sages.


    Overlord is a "skunk's tail"-like defensive cooldown in kiting: I turn my butt toward the enemy, knockback, and then create separation by moving away, usually in search of a LOS breaking obstacles. With the new ability, I'll have to face my foe and then trigger Overload and then turn around and then run away. That's hard to do in practice because lag prevents quick movements like that. Another use of Overload was to knockback an enemy while standing at a corner of LOS and then going around that corner. Not possible with your new cone effect. Adept close-range fighters are already skilled in moving through you, making it difficult to use forward-facing effects on them consistently (particularly with a narrow aperture cone at very close range, I imagine). So this is a major nerf to an ability that, talented with Electric Bindings, was one of our few escape mechanisms. We're already very squishy, and melees already have lots of gap closers. Why you want to reduce survivability is beyond me. I've heard lots of complaints, but "sorcs always get away" was not one of them.


    Similarly, Electocute was a preemptive opener at 30 meters. If you could get it off before the leap, you could try to run away. Not so at 10 meters. The leap has likely occurred already and some melded have CC immunity after leaps.


    These two changes favor melee types at he expense of a class already regarded as too squishy by most. I meant his feedback in a constructive light and not as a complaint. I Enjoy the class and it's limits as is. But less survivability against melees is not the right direction for balance.


    Yeah also this. I can't heal myself break cc, try and cc, try and run away, try and aim my face towards the guy to push him away so I can turn back around and run away all at the same time. I see myself on my pyro circle strafing around these squishies and blasting them non-stop while they try and aim their face at me which they will probably miss and achieve nothing and if they do hit me and push me away by the time they turn around to run away ill be out of knockback and orientate my screen on them and then hookshot them right back.

  16. "Polarity Shift/Mental Alacrity now additionally grants immunity to interrupts for the duration. Improved visual FX to demonstrate this effect."

    • This sounded like an awesome effect because at first I thought it was for healers and it was on their 2 min global cooldown or something but then I realized it was for the dps of our class so they can now stun us while we cant stun them and bash us in the face.

    Dark Resilience/Valiance: Now additionally increases the healing dealt by Unnatural Preservation/Force Mend by 15% per point.


    • Is this a new ability? I cant seem to find it. So a maximum of 30% more healing from that spell? What is that 30% of?


    Force Speed now has a 20-second cooldown (down from 30) for all Consulars and Inquisitors.

    • This is the most useless ability in the game. Its like a button you can push to trigger people's predatory instincts to attack you. It might help if the levels were more complex but they are all open plains and people lol at you and hookshot you/stun you. If it was immune to stun for like 75% of its duration or something it might have some escape use. I see it possibly helping to get you out of the range of stuns now since they aren't so uber long anymore.


    New Sorcerer/Sage ability, Unnatural Preservation/Force Mend: Heal yourself for a moderate amount. Only usable on yourself. Instant, costs no Force, 30-second cooldown. This ability is trainable at level 18.

    • This needs to be instant with the way things are currently. I think if another spell gets added to the rotation, we wouldn't be able to heal in the time needed before people die. This does seem like a good idea though to give us a tiny boost to consume on or to keep us alive for a second if we get randomly targeted by a boss or something so the whole group doesn't wipe.

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