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Posts posted by Madrox

  1. Seriously?!?!?! 4 seconds of me just standing there getting beat on by all these stupid classes while I can't do anything is just over powered and it's ruining the game!!! Pretty much every class just stuns me then beats me down while i can't do a thing it's freaking stupid!


    Feeding the trolls again i see Xerain

  2. It may not take as long as the OP had stated but still a fairly long time.


    Voidstar now ends when round 2 team exceeds what round 1 team done. So that can potentially quicken the amount of time inside that warzone depending on how it plays out.


    And of course our favorite warzone, huttball, can be fast if you 6-0 the other team or are 6-0'ed yourself by the other team.


    Not arguing ur point of it taking a long time. Just stating that those 2 things could shave SOME time off of it.

  3. 1. Pin Down

    Sever Tendon has a [50 / 100]% chance to immobilize the target for 2 seconds.


    2. Jarring Strike

    Hidden Strike has a [50 / 100]% chance to knock the target flat on its face for 1.5 seconds.


    3. Sleep Dart

    Puts the target to sleep for 60 seconds


    4. Flash Bang

    Detonates a flash bang that blinds up to 5 targets within 5 meters for 8 seconds


    5. Debilitate

    Deals 312 - 344 energy damage and stuns the target for 4 seconds.


    A lot of these are situational stuns. There is a right and wrong time to use them


    Sever tendon only immobilizes for 2 sec but the affected target can still fight back. just not move.


    Sleep dart is only used from stealth and only on players who are NOT in combat. Also, it instantly fills your resolve bar.


    Flash Bang has a high resolve filler and it is easily broke by anyone who attacks the affected target.


    Basically the only 2 left are the ones being used the most often by agents. Debilitate and jarring strike. Often I will open up on a target with hidden strike, then back stab, he/she will use stun breaker so then I debilitate to keep from being knocked back/stunned (by now that person's resolve is full), shiv, lacerate, overload shot, frag nade. Rinse and repeat (without hidden strike of course)


    If the OP is being stunned for 10 straight seconds then killed by a single IA and no other attacker, then the only conclusion is that he/she had been flash banged, but that is broke by combat so that makes his argument moot.


    IA's are not what they once were before the acid blade nerf and the adrenal stacking days right after launch. I seriously question this person's complaint about agent's stunlock-kill ability because it is just not there, there is none.

  4. Ok so I am not sure if I am alone on this one. But does ANYONE else get a bug in Warzones where your camera just starts spinning and does not go away? It seems I only get it in Warzones so not to sure if it has to do with my keyboard. Just seeing if anyone else experiences this.


    Im bumping this because I experience this ALL the time. Only fix ive found for it is to load out or in to something. Unfortunately, that means leaving the wz.


    I play with a razer naga and G13 game pad. IDK if that has anything to do with it. Im sure it does somehow.

  5. This info was in the 1.2 PTS patch notes. Did no one read them?


    "New War Hero PvP vendors can be found on the Republic and Imperial Fleets. They sell the new War Hero and Rated War Hero PvP sets for Ranked Warzone Commendations and the equivalent Battlemaster piece."



    In the "Items and Economy" section under the "Vendors" sub head

  6. Within hours of dinging 50 i had 5 pieces of pvp gear. 2 champ and 3 cent. Buy a champ bag somewhere around lvl 40 and just hold on it. Then cap your coms (1000/1000) before u hit 50 so that right when u ding lvl cap you open the bag in ur inven, and can buy 5 more instantly. Gives you a solid start on some pvp gear.


    1.2 will have a "new recruit" set for fresh 50's but if you plan ahead its not that hard to get some gear right away in the current system. I don't know why people fuss so much about the gear as a fresh 50.


    If you know ur gonna be pvping from lvls 10-49 there is no reason u shouldn't have 1000/1000 by lvl 50.


    Even if you wanna buy ur lvl 40 pvp gear those should be bought around lvl 30ish so you have them already.

  7. Thanks guys, just one other thing how do you actually receive a pass or pick up the ball if it's been thrown into an open space, is it automatically picked up just by moving over the ball or getting near to it?


    Just be inside the large circle that shows up on the ground when your team mate (or anybody really) passes. Tho, i will say I do not know how BW calculates interceptions that may occur. I've thrown (and been thrown to) ppl who were inside the circle but somehow the pass was intercepted. idk.

  8. Wait so hold on...


    You are grinding to war hero gear simply because its cosmetic and not the best in slot pvp gear (who knows if it will be, there might be a pve/pvp combo) but lets say its the BIS pvp gear.


    You like the way it looks, its tight, it makes you look big, which is a reason people play mmos, they think their char looks cool. Have you seen the War Hero armor models? They look like garbage. And that seems to be the general consensus among the community from the threads ive read.


    But you are also a min/maxer who likes to get the best out of his equipment to have the best stats.


    So you are going to take away all the mods from the "best pvp gear in the game" and put them in the oranges simply because they have access to an augment and your pvp gear does not.


    So the gear you grind for "cosmetic" reasons...has absolutely no purpose at all, you can't even wear it to show people what you earned...because its in the bank.


    I realize people are like you should pvp for fun, but to some people it is still a competition. If you are capable of grinding the "cosmetic" ranked pvp warzone match, it should be best in slot pvp gear. It will be the best in slot pvp gear, until you rip the slots out and place it in an orange piece. Then u will essentially have the same pvp armor(even the set bonuses transfer), except with a different skin to it, a better looking skin most likely.


    Not the baby orange gear.


    Am I wrong on this? Why do I feel like im crazy...


    I for one hate the look of the new stuff and am glad I can harvest the mods from it and place in orange gear.


    Yet ofcource we get no options to add slots to preexisting armor, so if you like the look of your Battlemaster gear? Too bad.


    Who actually likes the look of the champ/BM armor? Don't make me link a screenie of my Combat Tech Bounty Hunter BM helmet in here. Nice huge phallic symbol with turn signals.


    Imma BH. i want a cool set of armor with a t T-visor helmet. Not the ugly awful looking crap that we currently have available for us at end game.


    Im all on board this orange crit crafted gear change.



    *Bonus* They stated at the summit that crit crafted orange gear is gonna be harder to get than it currently is. So your 3-4 hours and 10k or less argument might not be accurate once 1.2 actually hits live. Wait til it comes out and then make your judgement.

  10. You want some good (or even just decent) open world pvp ideas?


    Take a look at what SWG had towards the end of its career. 3 static pvp bases on 3 different planets. Crossing the imaginary line flagged you for pvp and you entered the base. This mechanic will work well on pve servers too because ppl are willingly flagging themselves by crossing. No forced pvp for those who dont want it.


    If your faction controlled it you could go into the base and get some cool rewards like damage boosts and armor increase buffs and heal stim. At a certain point, if your faction held the base long enough, the rewards would upgrade. Those rewards would be upgraded and new rewards also became available. That kinda thing made me want to go to a pvp base and hang out in it.


    Now, on the other hand, if the base wasnt controlled by your faction. You had to interact with 4 separate terminals at the base to flip it. All four had to be controlled before the base finally switched over to your faction.


    Add some static pvp bases in to all mixed faction planets (maybe add a lvl requirement and even a valor requirement to enter on them if ud like) where ppl could go and pvp and reap some benefits.


    Adding multiple bases in with lvl requirements and valor requirements would spread out the population and wouldnt be such a "who's got more numbers" kind of fight. If that wasnt enough, put a cap on the zone itself. If you would add multiple lvl 50 pvp bases ppl could just go to a different one if that one was full.


    Now the rewards dont even need to be anything new. Put a normal pvp vendor down there if you want. Make everything on it like 15% cheaper if your faction holds the base compared to the SAME pvp vendor on the fleet next to the terminals.


    I sure as hell would go and pvp at the bases for the chance to get a discount on stuff i already buy. Especially since now you are selling champion and battlemaster coms on the vendors.


    Anyways, just a long winded rant/suggestion,

  11. you cant same faction open world pvp and even if they wanted to we have outlaws den already.


    The faction imbalance is all about wookies/alien races pvp is paying for that oversight. They claim it would cost to much to make wookies playable and no one would relate to playing as a wookie LOL. I wish thier was a poll about how many people would play wookies if they could. That was a huge screw up and its whats causing the faction imbalance i think. They could improve the storylines for rep side but even still


    The legacy system is going to piss off people more then its going to be positive. Thier not looking at long term solutions for it


    Everyone is already ************ about same faction warzones already and were supose to go this way for months? On top of it were getting a new one that we still cant choose...


    I dont know i have bad feeling about all this but my guy tells me 1.2 will be worse then 1.1. Just wait till everyone has force choke and pureblood sith jedis lolz. Sigh...to say the least


    You are blaming the whole faction imbalance thing on Wookiees? wow

  12. Can always consider a different server if u like the republic and don't wanna switch factions. My server the republic dominates warzones, mainly because the imps are horrible for the most part. I think i play on 1 of maybe 2 servers that have the issue of republic ruling over imperials.
  13. Im fairly certain the 23 mods are schematic drops from somewhere. Nightmare Operations maybe? Don't quote me on it. I do know that Torhead.com has an item database and in there are schematics for the 23 mods and armor plates.
  14. BH isnt overpopulated because of the highlighting or any sort of special attention u think BW gives the class.


    People play the BH class because Boba Fett is bad as ****.


    When i got to beta test the game and played a BH i had no idea about any of the moves or what they did...I played a BH because that was what I played as in SWG. I played a BH in SWG because I really enjoyed the Original Trilogy movies and thought Boba Fett was a bad ***.

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