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Posts posted by Ognathon

  1. Ewok!!!!!!


    No, Ewoks wouldn't work. If they're primitive in RotJ, I doubt they'll even have been discovered in the SWTOR era. I mean, they would be given access to all the technology in the SWTOR era if they had been discovered. And since they're primitive in RotJ, they'll not have had any access to technology.

  2. Your point is good and well thought out. But the problem is that the "MAIN GAME" is a strict WoW clone painted over with a Star Wars skin. If SWTOR had been planned out differently in a non-WoW sense... then undoubtedly this conversation won't be going on. It's the fluff that is required right now to keep the subscribers in my personal opinion. Perhaps I am wrong... perhaps you are wrong. But to be so sure is to wait and see... but unfortunately I won't be here until this game is able to capture my attention again.


    Raging Rakghoul is necessary.


    Well, if you think about it, we wouldn't be having this conversation if BW & EA hadn't failed to live up to the players expectations and released a bunch of better stuff earlier on like they said they would. But, then again, I think the players are expecting too much. SWTOR is everything BW & EA promised it would be, but when it came out, suddenly gamers were expecting so much more of the game.

  3. How many characters do I get? I see 8 character slots, but I've heard that there are 8 slots per server. However, I have also heard that you have to pay for other servers. Can someone clear this up for me? Because I don't know what to believe.
  4. Cathar! Thats BS, Wookiee, Droid, and Mon Calamari, at the very least shoulda been released as playable races before the garbage Cathar. I mean c'mon what a lame race, i'd like to know the excuse, I bet everyone on here could list at least 10 other races in the star wars universe that they would have rather had go playable than Cathar, man these guys really suck at this. :mad:


    Here is my 10:

    1. Nautolan

    2. Mon Calamari

    3. Trandoshan

    4. Droid

    5. Wookiee

    6. Rodian

    7. Deveronian

    8. Jawa

    9. Kel Dor

    10. Kaleesh


    The list could go on. In fact, I think I will go on...


    11. Nikto

    12. Weequay

    13. Togruta

    14. Quarren

    15. Bothan

    16. Gungan

    17. Gran

    18. Ithorian

    19. Neimoidians

    20. Duros


    Just say if you want the list o go even further!


    P.S. Order of species isn't necessarily the order of best to worst.

  5. I love the fact that I can unify the colours for my character's armour. It really helps if you're a trooper in uniform. But my trooper companions look a mess. Bit of orange here, bit of grey here, bit of blue here and a bit of red there. he just looks a bit ridiculous. So can you please introduce companion colour unification?
  6. Stuff for Snipers and Vanguards?! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I've been playing SWTOR on a borrowed laptop and early this morning, I had to give it back. That's really annoying because I had just got my ship AND I have a Vanguard character and a Sniper character, both around level 20 and in desperate need of better equipment. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:


    P.S. Maybe this is like a testing event, where the check out the feedback and improve it. Also, why is everyone here focusing on the negatives of the game? Honestly, SWTOR is the best game I ever played. It's not like the event is the ONLY thing you can do on the game. :d_mad:

  7. Well, by the time I finished Coruscant and I already have really troopery armour. The only piece I am missing is a helmet (I did get a chance to get the first trooper helmet but it wasn't as good as my Jedi headband ;)). I have some trooper armour with the Havoc Squad symbol and red markings instead of orange (however, i think I prefer the red) and then I got some Trandoshan Desh equipment, unified the colur and... VOILA! I had a ****** looking trooper. :cool:
  8. It's been absolutely ages and BioWare still haven't made the rest of the Galactic History episode/sessions/whatever you wanna call them. I, for one, am a major Star Wars fan and I want to know more about Star Wars lore. I even read every codex entry I get. The Galactic History thing has taught me a lot about Star Wars and is increasing my love for it. So I was wondering; when is BioWare going to make the rest of the Galactic History thingiemajiggies? :(
  9. If you want to RP go to Primogenitor server. It's where I am and is really fun. Everyone there is friendly--I've never seen anyone be mean--and lots of people are always looking for groups and barely anyone says no to an invite. There are even people looking for an Ops group to take down a World Boss. Going around in groups is very fun and you always seem to get the right people in your group (a healer and a tank + anyone else). I would strongly reccomend Primogenitor.


    P.S. if you do go on Primogenitor, add me: Ketevor, level 18 Vanguard.

  10. I'm only a level 12 Trooper but I still think I look good (with the Esseles Chest armour). So surely there have to be some good looking Trooper armour later? I mean, to me, all trooper armour is cool. I don't know why but I just think soldiers in uniform look ******! There's just something about them...
  11. I think all the **** behaviour coming from people about SWTOR being rubbish is psychological. Some people think Star Wars is stupid so that makes them immediately hate the game. Or, more often than the former, the brain is just a weird thing. For some odd reason it makes us focus on the negatives and forget completely about the good aspects to the game.
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