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Posts posted by FAtaLiTyyyyy

  1. I am just coming back to the game and am currently level 66. I heard to get endgame ranked pvp gear I have to do dailies on Ossus. Is this true? No other way to get top teir ranked gear other than pve? And how do I unlock the dailies? When I went there I only had a mission that's the weekly to kill the genosian queen and do 50 ranked matches. Do i need to do the latest DLC or something I heard? thanks
  2. Oh no, don't unleash the trolls on me, I'm a pious god fearing man, scared to death. When I get close to or even with Ravinder i'll let you guys know :) plus I had a disastrous couple of games this morning, forearm was sore again(yes i know, i'll try to control myself).



  3. Funny enough I hopped on mumble and they said they already kicked you.


    Funny thing is....I quit. But you can believe whatever the tell you. It's all good. You guys deserve each other. Nice guild. Just not the best in warzones is all. And I don't want or need that. Not my problem anymore. See ya in game...

  4. Maod this is Gage,

    Try not to trash the Dark Jesters name so bad seriously. We have some good people I swear! Daemmon is my buddy back from highschool. I kicked you last week or two weeks ago because you were pissing everyone off I wasn't reading the whole thing but you weren't being a good guildie. Crystal and the rest all agreed I did the right thing and we didn't replace the 4th spot. Just wasn't fun playing with you and they got that, even got a whole bunch of the other people in on the conversation. Point being you need to start being a better guildie very hostile behavior.

    I don't believe you hit 800k regularly seeing as even great players rarely do that regularly.


    Most importantly, if you are hitting that hard you aren't worried about winning or losing. Hitting hard over objectives means we have a better chance of losing. I choose not to smash as many targets as I see just the healers/dps I am targetting. If there is another nearby sure I'll get him in the aoe too but there is a point where doing more damage is hurting the game. I've hit 1.4 mil once by smashing everything I can see but that won't win us the game. That 2 seconds of stunning the guy so I can get the door wins us the game. Pretty much every win or loss in SWTOR comes down to 10 seconds of gameplay. Either you are there or you aren't. If you spend the whole time doing damage in the mid you aren't playing properly no matter what the scoreboard says you weren't a key player in that game. Ask yourself, did you make a difference in winning the match. If the answer is no I just ran in the mid killin' fools you probably didn't do too much to win unless it was a really easy enemy team.

    If you were essential to capping the point, turning the game in your favor, stunning the guy while your buddy caps, whatever then you are a great player. The damage/heals helps ;) Being essential to winning is always better than that guy that does so much damage hanging out at mid, even if that is a lot of damage.


    Annnnyyywaaaayyyy next time you trash talk, talk about dueling me or Daemmon or whoever, actually do what you mean and say what you do. I get in this matches and people ask why I'm in Dark Jesters because some members have given the guild a bad reputation apparently. Don't give them a reason to talk bad about my new guild buddy! We have good members but some are obviously louder than others.


    Don't be that guy,

    -Smash guy that knows that winning the game is more important than breaking 1 mil. And yes I can and have.


    That's good and all but your essay was suppose to be 12 point font, times new roman. And double space. You will be lucky if that gets you a C-.

  5. Maod only aims for highest damage in every warzone and still gets beaten by better players who actually play the objective. By the way, winning a 1v1 dual against another sorc proves nothing (even though you are consistently turning down the dual offers), it's basically a fight on who crits more. Facing other advanced classes and defeating them by using your skills properly proves skill in 1v1 situations, but of course that's not possible with you.


    Well I have been doing rather poor lately because of all my friends on this thread are focusing quite well now! I think I was close to 800k damage taken in a voidstar awhile back. But please continue! Love it when team-mates cap dem nodes. Keep your eye on the prize ladies and gentlemen.

  6. He turned me down (citing gear despite being nearly full augmented conqueror) after an embarrassing huttball in which he was outdamaged while damage farming. He then tried to claim he was playing the objective despite having 0 objective points. Some people are just impressively delusional.


    So many things are wrong with this post i don't even know where to begin. Let's start with me having 3 conq pieces of gear and you saying "I'm almost full conq gear." Like I swear you guys just make stuff up as you go. Didn't realize we were going for damage that game, I enjoy winning. And I am sorry to tell you that pulls unfortunately do not grant 500+ attacker points. I will make a ticket and ask devs to fix.

  7. Thats because hes a scrub, and he refuses to duel people who he knows will kick the **** out of him. tried being nice to that guy, but he pretty much just spit it in my face.


    I wanna see him duel gage, that will be fun to watch :)


    You are ha-larious. I qaudruple your numbers in every game and you are just QQ 'ing because you are gage's pet and since he got *****ed at by our GM for kicking me out of that group. I only 1v1 sorcs btw. Keep with the program kid. Stop running your ignorant mouth on the forums, pvp, get better gear, get better, and maybe I will honor you with a 1v1 with me. Till then you have no credibility peon. Have a nice day.

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