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Posts posted by Washizuka

  1. Its been some time since ive touched the game, but didnt guildwars allow spectators to view the pvp battles with camera options in real time. Dont see how/why it would be a problem to do it with a newer gen game. And to prevent people from interfering with whispers and stuff and still allow betting is just have the stream be delayed by like 15-30 secs. Figure if a free to play game can do it why not a pay to play one.
  2. so it wasnt just me then, although my BH merc is only level 24 im already feeling the sting of things not working like it should. Ive made a post a few days ago about this issue


    From the sounds of it i better quit while im still ahead, as i dont even have access to alot of the talents that tracers is linked too just yet. And my power shot seems to do the same damage without all the set up involved. Feels like i would be better off going healer spec just to get that supercharged gas talent point and spam free power shots for 10seconds. Atleast then i dont have to worry about contantly having to pause inbetween enemies to dump out heat cause my main move does low damage so i have to spam it alot cause there isnt other choices really inbetween 15 sec cd moves.

    Figure being low level would make resource management tolerable, but from the way the talents are looking it wont be until mid30s-40 that rotations become more heat efficient AND damaging. But by then ill probably be turned off by the class by then seeing how the main talent points in the tree DO NOT work properly, why wait til im high level to deal with the same mess.


    I Shouldnt have to do like 5-6 tracer missles unload and railshot to kill something my level and heat capping myself in the process. My same level sorc can open up with crushing darkness>shock>force lightning> wrath proc instant lightning strike to kill something in half the time while still having about 80% force left and that is more like a dot class than nuke....

  3. yeah i understand that they nerfed it, but thats one drastic nerf if they did intend to tone down the damage that much from what could be the original tooltip. While i am trying to enjoy it, my damage seems to be suffering alot as of late while leveling and pvp'n. Doesnt help that i dont have an interrupt for the more dangerous enemies while trying to solo heroic 2+ quests with my companion or have a 'oh crap' i messed up button when things get a bit hairy.


    So far outta the classes i tried(21 veng guardian, 24 madness sorc, 43 op healer, 24 arsenal merc) the merc seems to be the worst of the bunch by a long shot. Only thing good so far is being able to aoe down a group of weaker mobs than the rest of my current characters. But i find that my lack of utility, control, damage in many situations stressful compared to my other guys.

    -When my sorc run into trouble i got my bubble, sprint, los spam quickheal while my dots do a bit. Interrupt when i need it for the ranged stronger mobs. range slow bubble heal on against strong melee mobs

    -when my op healer ran into trouble, i could always cloaking screen, flash grenade> heal, also a interrupt when doing heroic quests, evasion> heal, sever tendon run heal or kite strong melee mob.

    -And then my guardian, i had saberward.. interrupts, defensive form, the aoe slow, using los for the strong cd attacks.

    -Now my merc.. trying to los and heal like my sorc doesnt work, as the quick heal has a cd and no bubble to buffer time to get off a big heal. Using los to stop range mobs strong moves hurt me as much as them as most of my stuff require casting so they just run around the corner and start casting again >_<. And with no interrupt cant us los as a buffer for the cd as on the other classes interrupts. That stupid power shield has a longer cd than the other classes so far and all it does is lower damage, doesnt give a chance for the move to completely miss which after playing around with alot of other classes i see how helpful their stuff is.

    ***Using the rocket punch knockback doesnt seem to do much against mobs as they are back in my face before my GCD finishes..... like what good is it if i cant use that small window to get a cast off. Only thing decent is the aoe knockback with the slow.. but if i use it while trying to kite and run, IT MISSES the target alot. SO i gotta stay still and use then run which is wasted time as my potent stuff is casted outside railshot which has a long cd.

    *in the end feels like the merc is now lacking in all departments, how can a class have low damage, poor mobility, poor situation control, and weak defenses. Figure they would be glass cannons or something like in other mmos, but after them changes they are lacking the cannon part. While i can still put in work, the class is lacking a "flow" sorta like my op healer combat options(but ill leave that for another post)


    So yeah i can reroll to make life simpler, but so far seems the only class meant to be like a nuking class.. as i already have my tank/healer/dotter. Dont wanna make a sniper yet(due to having a operative already dont wanna repeat story lines just yet) And republic side mirror uses dual pistols and the merc has that and doesnt have the appeal of a sniper rifle(aesthetics i know but in a game like this it counts)

  4. I've searched the forums a bit, but most of the issues ive seen ran across been about heatseeker missles. Something i dont have access to yet(24 merc BH). But there is alot of things concerning lower overall damage and what not. Now down to my problem ive been running into during pvp concerning damage numbers between skills as the title indicates. Which may give a clue to why geared level 50s are noticing damage drops. As our main move is just not working as it should damage and mechanic wise.


    -Tracer missles with 5x armor debuff with HVG on:

    *Hits for about 1000-1200~ against medium armor(operative healer no defensive buffs on)

    *tooltip shows a 1574-1714 damage range(using no stims or anything)

    *assuming i understand mechanics right thats a 55% armor ignore against a target with about 25-30% default dmg reduction, which would make it about 13-15% with all the armor debuffs in account. In which just using the very low end of the tooltip it should be hitting for about 1304~ at the least using the highest armor amount and the lowest damage from the tooltip. Yet still down and out by atleast 100-200 damage using the harshest variables instead of using the top end to inflate damage numbers.


    -Power shot with no debuffs on target(same operative healer) HVG still on though.

    *Hits for about 1150-1200~(HOW i do not know, does power shot secretly almost ignore armor alot by default?)

    *tooltip shows a 1208-1341 damage range(last i checked weapon damage and kinetic are calculated the same in terms of armor types)


    There is something terribly wrong with this picture, i have taken screenshots mid combat to try and show the damage situations best i could. And is willing to upload them if i had a good way to do so in case people need proof.(image hoster suggestion)

    So far this is very underwhelming to be dealing with, especially seeing how the talent trees are set up. Ill have to keep using tracer missles to get anything else going which makes me question if i wanna keep leveling up this character. Seeing how the skill i had before(powershot) hits harder on average and on crits(especially with that red buff in the warzone where power shot can crit upto 2700 with no armor debuffs on target where as tracer missles rarely go over 2200 with debuffs UP)


    So are the tooltips lying to me or what. I really hope not, its bad enough i had power shot before tracer missles(iconic talent point). It hits targets faster in pvp due to quick travel time compare to missles, MUCH less obvious im gunning someone down due to no red laser and explosion after. Almost no incentive to being arsenal if i cant take advantage of the spec....


    Only reason why im still using tracer missles now is for my sniper friend(level 21) which i usually queue up with for pvp, cause for some reason now hes able to crit for 4k with ambush? or something due to my armor debuffs which i dont even seem to get the benefit from.


    Once again i do have screenshots ready for uploading if i had a way to do so.

  5. It could also suggest that his team just wasn't able to kill very many of them because they had strong heals and/or too much AoE and not enough focused DPS.


    Thus why its hard to determine class effectiveness due to scoreboards, which is one of the main things being debated here. Posting numbers hold little weight given various situations on how things played out. Would be nice to add an addition panel or two, showing successful interrupts/cleansing which would give a better look on who is using things better utility wise.

  6. How can this guy boast about numbers so much when the only high one he has is damage, everything else is low.

    1. lowest amount of kills suggesting maybe he wasnt aoeing so much, cause tagging anyone a bit with aoe would net more counted kills. This low number shows he probably was beating on a healer or 2 for about 3-4 minutes straight. Straight damage padding.

    2. second lowest on medals... suggesting he didnt stay with the group that much

    3. second lowest on objectives. which again leads back to probably solo firing on a healer somewhere away from the group.

    3. second lowest on healing, shows that the healer that was under you was probably the one healing you seeing how you never needed to support yourself. straying away from the group.


    So all you basically did was doing a dps rotation keeping there numerous healers giggling as your class lack of interupts couldnt really pressure them.


    Only abnomaly i see is that xinja dude, he had damage/protection/healing. I know assassins can self heal but *** O_o its almost rivaling his protection.

  7. The rewards that you gain are based on team and group effort or medals. It was implemented last patch. So if one player joined late or didn't participate, the whole team suffers.


    No late joiner could amass the near same amount of objective+medals in conjuction with the rest of the team like that, looking at the numbers everyone was there from the get go as everyone had over 17 medals

  8. i guess it works this way: maximum valor the game gives you is something around 88-90, the factor that allows you to surpass that are the mvp votes.


    well according to the second screen shot, he received 0 mvp votes, yet gotten alot more that time.

    My guess would be it was punishing his premade or something. Too see the scoreboard looking so loopsided and EVERYONE with high amount of gold medals for a near even game looks weird.


    @the other poster mentioning time done, you can only go so fast when your team starts out defending(voidstar), cause once they went attacker second round they auto win after they get one door which looks to be the case according to the screeny( the time past from the round start)


    edit: what the poster said above for the score calculation being due to voidstar design flaw/oversight.

  9. I find it pretty hard to follow this thread correctly, He is talking about level 50 right? If so i dont get how he could claim that 300k was the cap pre1.2. As my pre1.2 my level sub level 20 arsenal merc was almost able to get 300k(280k is my record in HUTTBALL pre1.2) without the access of tracer missles or other high level talents. And i know people at level 50 hit much harder due to gear and talents. So what is the deal, i know someone decredited the other low level BH cause he was a pyro one and people dont cleanse. But that doesnt apply to me as there is nothing to cleanse.


    And post 1.2 im still pretty much doing the same damage as tracer missles hits for what my old power shot did pre1.2, So if a level 50 cant do what im doing now there is something wrong and im not sitting at 0 objective points either.

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