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Posts posted by SoothingDarkness

  1. Hello. I would like to remake my operative, but I am having trouble figuring out where to get the same model of gun that I currently have. The weapon I got was from the bonus series on Vos, six years ago. I have attempted to get it again on a different character, and it just gave me some random loot container instead of a special weapon that it used to do. The weapon I have is the B-412 Assault Interceptor. I've looked many places for a blaster rifle with the same model and noise, but to no avail. The cartel market, the cartel bazaar, many vendors, and the gtn.

    I have found three weapons that looks similar, but they do not look the same. Nor do they sound the same. The wiki said it came from Heroic Rock Eaters, but it doesn't. It's just some random loot box, or one of those items you give to alliance commanders depending on your level. If anyone can help, please let me know.

  2. I completely agree with the original poster. That same group you're talking about, does the same thing on Satele Shan. They go from server to server, doing the same thing. As for anything happening, I doubt it. These jerks have no respect for anybody. Just mockery, when people speak out against them. This is not at all about the abilities of pilots. These people are just thugs, that use numbers to beat up people. Then they jeer each other on, to convince themselves that they are good for it. This isn't the first time this has happened. Since gsf came out, I have seen this happen a half dozen or more times, with different groups of people.


    So you want them to delete GSF because you aren't winning enough, and replace it with a worse game that will let you win more.


    Splitting the queue is a terrible idea.


    Why not form a team?


    Why is splitting the queue up a bad idea? So you can't go around doing that to people anymore? Or are you afraid of actual opposition. You are one of the people causing the problem, and you've been doing this for a long time now. This is a reasonable solution, that goes right at the heart of the problem. You'll be going against some organized teams, instead of going against a collection of individuals. If you actually cared about enhancing the game, you'd be excited about it. This is an excellent idea, and only hinders people that have been doing this abhorrent behavior. The numbers of pilots are there, as is evident when groups aren't running amok. The fan base is there. I hope you get what karma you have coming for you, when you are forced to fight organized teams. Scum like you have been doing this to the rest of us, for far too long.


    Note to original poster. This section of the forum is almost never looked at by anyone but players. Try General Discussion>Suggestion Box. It's almost never looked at either, but there is a bigger chance of something being seen there.

  3. Please make the stronghold ownership, and the guild control of planets message optional. It gets really annoying to have it tell me that I am in my own stronghold, or whatever guild controls a planet. Maybe it helps somebody out there, somewhere, but for me it's just a really annoying. It would be nice if there was some way to turn it off in the interface editor, or the preferences menu.
  4. Please explain this open voice discord thing? I don't think it's as publicized as well as you think. At least not in game. Every once in awhile I see someone tell people in matches about /cjoin gsf, but perhaps only during operations have I seen mention of a voice thing. If it's of value please talk about it in game, as I'm probably not the only one to play a lot and not watch forums. Is it set up so solo queued people can easily form a radio frequency within the minute they have before starting? You've piqued my curiosity.


    I don't think ship balance is really an issue. They all seem to be pretty good. Perhaps there can be some tweaking to this or that, but for the most part it seems ok. I do like those ideas that were mentioned though. I think the player base is there. Look what happened right after the server merges. Lots of people queued up, all through the day, and night alike. I think there are more bad things pushing people away, than good things retaining or attracting people. Some refinement in matching what people want to queue for, to what they actually get put into couldn't hurt.

  5. Those are some decent analogies, if you were talking about groups only. But that's ignoring that solo queue is a option, and most defiantly should be. It's like putting two teams from similar spots together, without any kind of streamlining to make it work.


    I'm sure someone will probably take this out of context, since that seems to be the recurring theme. The queue is fake, and plays favorites. Groups skip ahead in line, regardless of how long someone who is queued solo has been waiting. But telling people they have to queue group, get skipped in the queue, or get destroyed takes that option away. Nothing I have brought up is anti-group, or anti-solo. Yet it seems that people have taken it that way. I'd like both options to be viable. There are group pilots, and there are solo pilots. There are some that are interested in both, and just want to have a choice. That's where I fit.


    What I said about third party programs has been taken out of context to. That fits into that sports analogy like one team using aluminum bats, and the other team using wooden bats. The team with aluminum bats will be able to hit the ball farther, with respect to equally skilled batters. If both teams are using wooden bats, or aluminum bats there is no problem. It's when you have a disparity in what is available, that's when the cheat arises.

  6. Why pick and quote my quotes? I'm not the original poster of the quotes I quoted. I just didn't want to mark my quotes as quotes, so now my quotes are quoted quotes. :p Mocking my suggestions doesn't really help. Critiquing them, and offering other ideas does. I'm not saying that people aren't. I've seen good ones. This is just for those who would rather say no no no, rather than thinking up ideas.


    Anyway. People are quoting me out of context, without taking into account what I actually said. Regardless of what you feel things should be, the queue dies every night as soon as a certain group shows up. This is not something of a matter of opinion, but it's something supported by empirical evidence. There is no opposing group that they play against, and they don't make any effort to balance out the matches. All this behavior about you should do this or that to stay competitive, is just people trying to be elitist. Which is a vulgar behavior in any culture.


    All of this is a moot point anyway. The reality is that people stop queuing, rather than form groups to challenge an overwhelming group. If an unopposed group will not split up and form multiple groups to challenge each other, they deserve the dead queues which they wrought.

  7. 1) No groups

    I'd say have solo queue, and group queue. Split it up, so you either queue for one or the other. Nobody wants to mix them into the same battle. The groups frequently piss off everyone else. Grouping shouldn't be forced on everybody in order to play without being annihilated every battle. And for the comment about it being in other games, the same problems exist in other games. That doesn't mean we shouldn't do something about it.


    2) Teams are no longer faction specific (like on Odessen PVP)

    Factions are kind of integral in GSF. Maybe you could implement that into some new maps, but not the ones which have great big capital ships shooting at each other. Maybe some way of just seeing people's ships as your faction's equivalent.


    3) Teams are selected by capability

    It would be nice to have some sort of skill based group division. However I think that randomizing mixed with my other two suggestions would eliminate the predictable outcomes somewhat. Some actual skill balance mechanism may or may not be better than true randomizing. It's hard to make one, and it's questionable whether there would be any improvement over random mixes. That said; when groups are mixed in with solo queue, there are never random mixes.


    A big issue is the use of third party programs, which make it so that people can talk to each other when playing. On it's own this is a non-issue. However it creates a huge disparity in the overall power of a team, regardless of the skill of the individual pilots. The very fact that it is not universally used, makes it a cheat. Since there is no practical way to prevent people from using them, including a good communication system into the game itself would be a possible solution.

  8. I don't mind crew skill pop ups by themselves, but omg I hate them in certain situations. It lets me know exactly what I'm getting. However I don't feel that is necessary, and I have been annoyed by the pop up. It doesn't pop up in combat, but when I'm sneaking trying to prevent combat it can get me killed. Just today, I was guarding a door on a Voidstar warzone, and there was some stealthy person that placed a bomb on the door while I was busy closing the chain of crew skill popups. The person was perfectly positioned behind the popup, so I didn't even know she was there.

    It's easy enough to just click on the flashing pending button when I am ready for them.

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