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Posts posted by knghtmar

  1. Most guilds demand their members be polite and respectful. But are there any guilds whose sole purpose is the improvement of the server's community? i.e. showing new members the ropes, lending advice, and generally encouraging players to be more considerate of each other?


    I realize that there are many good people on this server, and that there are many good guilds as well. But what I'm talking about is a guild whose members enjoy helping others out above all else. Does such a guild exist already?


    A couple of the players in my guild back on WoW set up a guild like this, turned out to be an overall pretty decent idea. They provided advice on a wide range of topics and even took it a few steps further to having members of the guild camp out in the Starting Zones to hand out "Welcome Packages" to new and returning players.


    Useful things like starter Green gear, bags, potions, etc.


    If you start something like this, I'd be happy to donate equipment and consumables.

  2. If anyone decides to play final fantasy 14 arr your welcome to friend me I'm Catheana Noswald y out need to include the last name as well I'm currently a lvl 35 dragoon and holy white this games beautiful HUGE the lack of voice acting compared to swtor is sad but when you think about it swtor pioneered that quality in mmos. I'm on the brynhildre server


    I had contemplated moving to FFXIV a while back but was afraid I'd be disappointed in FF, I take it that you're enjoying it then? How's the gameplay? Immersive? Enjoyable?

  3. There are no wiminz on the interwebz... Haven't you been paying attention?


    Truth. I always just assume that everyone on the other side of the pixels are 42 year old fat dudes sitting in their mother's basement smelling of Vaseline, cheese puffs, and desperation.

  4. Me <whisper> :((Dude...here is the long and short of it. I play this game with my GF. We RP all the time together and are pretty much regulars on both fleets. This 'ain't' happening. And in case you missed it...I just said my GF or since there is obviously a learning disability going on here my 'Girlfriend' So...what do you think that makes me? Male or Female?))






    ...are you saying lesbians can't play the game?

  5. No worries :)


    *forum hug*


    I freely admit that, when it comes to GSF, I let my ego run a little wild. I've played a lot of video games in my life, and apart from GSF and Smash Bros., I've never felt that I was really "one of the best" at any particular game. And when I entered a Smash tournament at PAX one year, a Korean kid showed me how not-good-at-all I really was.


    So yeah, I cling to my GSF skill a bit ... but any posting of scores I do is in good competitive spirit (this is PvP after all), and not some attempt to lord over anyone.


    And hey, it's not like I'm the one with threads declaring me the "Queen of Space". :p


    This week I may be a bit more scarce while I'm off getting my butt kicked in Titanfall.


    I'll nominate you for "Queen of Space" ;)


    (edited my sig for you <3 )

  6. Observation noted.


    For my own "friendly observation", I note that you have a lot to say about GSF for someone that confessed to not having played hardly at all since 2.6 dropped. I don't recall seeing either of the names in your sig in GSF, and I play every day. Maybe you play GSF as a different character? I do ... Shayd's 55 and his ships are all mastered, so I do most of my GSFing on a low-level alt to level him up.


    Or maybe we just play at very different times.


    Either way, I am sorry if my occasional posting of numbers to give context around the point of my post annoys you.


    As mentioned in a previous thread you and I do run at very different times, hence why we've never seen each other (at least on our known-named toons) at the same time. I've actively tried to queue at different times in hopes that I might be able to play against some of the better Imperial targets but it never seems to work out (I hardly see Delphi or Rainous anymore, since I stopped playing with major frequency).


    I typically play 1900 to 2300 EST but of late my focus has been on Ground PvP so I queue GSF just enough to fulfill my daily/weekly requirement on low-level toons for the XP. Please, take everything I say with a grain of salt; as it is simply an opinion from a single player who likely does not run near the amount that you do and is largely an opinion formed from text-based interaction and observation on the community forum.

  7. Right, because our server doesn't have five Republic aces for every single Imperial one.


    And I did play Republic almost exclusively in the first two months of GSF (as Nemarus) and mastered almost all his ships. It was only when I saw the massive faction imbalance that I decided to switch sides and build up <Eclipse Squadron> to create better parity.


    I'd say that things are pretty good right now. Each side has a reasonable chance of winning.


    As for modesty, I am happy to let my performance speak for itself--except when I'm accused of hacks/cheating. And even then, my response isn't "how dare you" (despite being called some pretty heinous things by my mysterious accuser). My response is "Let's talk so I can explain how I play and give you some tips."


    My comments on modesty and humility are largely in response to the way that you phrase things in your text, which being text means that it can always be misconstrued in its tone which is something I try to take into account (mostly) when I am typing something.


    Your performance may or may not speak for itself, I've never ran with or against you so I cannot and will not be the judge; however, you do enough speaking (text, whatever) on your performance to drown out anything that it would have to say. In most posts that you make regarding GSF you're quick to point out your statistics and prowess and regardless of your willingness to be helpful to you peers, or trying to bring some competitive balance. That #@$#@ is annoying, in my personal opinion. Please take this as just a friendly observation.

  8. Blackbolt (i.e. Imperial mirror of NovaDrive) is primarily all I fly in TDM (like 95% of the time) ... and the ship I get the most kills and damage in. Once I master it, I'll probably switch things up some more ... though not a NovaDrive. :) I run an Imperial GSF guild!


    Thank you, I am aware that you run Imperial. The implication of Nova was to say "Go switch to Republic side and run there for a while, so that you might learn some modesty and humility."

  9. There is no republic guild worth mentioning anymore in pvp imo, <Republic> and <The Core> have a /very/ limited amount of good players and even when the core feels the need to super queue (at least in the matches I run into them in..) they still lose many times. Back when 2.4 came out a few republic guilds tried ranked and failed pretty hard, and despite ranked not even being a factor anymore even with the rewards, I still don't ever see pubs doing decent on this server again. I hear pubs run beregren colony(spell check), so if you want some good pubside pvp, I'd suggest looking at other servers...or leveling a mara and falling to the dark side of the force :D


    I dunno, I think it largely depends on the timing. I won't deny that Imperial wins greatly outnumber those of the republic but when I am queuing (usually between 1900 and 2300 EST) on a given weeknight I can get to a good 50/50 win/loss or at worst 40/60. Weekends are the same way, I find that the morning or early evening are pretty decent times on for the Republic side of the fence.

  10. Stop. Victim. Blaming.


    Once more for empahsis:


    Stop. Victim. Blaming.


    PV stroking itself is better than this. It's surely the mom's fault some crotch-scratching, fedora-wearing, group of neckbeards kills people over and over for very little gain and then demands credits even after it became clear (through dialogue) that this person did not understand what was occurring.


    I don't think anyone is -blaming' the victim, per se, but it is clearly evident that it is a lack of understanding of the mechanics on both their parts that allowed the harassment to continue. I'm not defending whomever was camping, that's pretty much a d!ck move no matter how you look at it.


    Caveat e: Their ransom demand, however heinous in its intent, was ingenious and I love it from a fully immersive RP perspective.


    At the same time, the added information that the kid is autistic is pointless and an obvious draw for sympathy and attention. In a standard scenario no-one knows who is on the other side of those pixels so the "taking advantage of" scenario goes out the window and was added simply to garner some "woe is me" attention from the community.

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