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Posts posted by Hermetist

  1. Phazonfreak


    For me personally, the biggest downside of the approach the devs has taken with combat styles is that the whole conception of class identity gets curbstomped and the bloody remains go straight to sarlacc pit.


    For example, Imperial Agent, who is supposed to be a James Bond-style subtle, stealthy, cunning and charismatic as hell infiltrator (in both variants, operative and sniper) now becomes a heavily armored brute that goes up-front with an assault cannon blazing. And that is what we get instead of simply giving the operative advanced class the opportunity to swap a damned blaster rifle for pistol - which could involve a simple possible renaming of his only ability that uses it and straight copying the animations from its mirror class that uses a pistol already (and speaking logically, a blaster shot is a blaster shot, regardless of agent or scoundrel being the one who fires it).


    That would be the approach that I would like to see. You choose a primary weapon (in the example above, rifle or pistol) - you get a set of abilities related to it, exactly same from mechanical standpoint, but different in flavor, you choose a secondary weapon (if any) in similar fashion. But personally I would limit the choices available in this way considering the identity and roles of classes as they are.


    What's more funny, with this approach you also do not need a ton of new animation, as they are already here.

  2. The official explanation is that it is very likely there is a purchasing block on your linked origin/ea account and that causes a maintenance high traffic page on swtor


    maybe try talking to ea support via https://help.ea.com/en/contact-us/?product=origin&platform=pc&category=manage-my-account&issue=banned-or-suspended-account


    I haven't received anything from EA on this point yet. I also opened a case in their help center two days ago and still no answer from them. Why would they suspend an account, if they did, and go silent about it?

  3. For a sorcerer to get an ability or two that actually use lightsaber would be good, as for me. And it's obvious that in order to avoid balance issues, they should be replacement for already existing abilities.


    For madness sorcerer, for example, I could propose replacement for Shock. Same damage, same range, same cooldown, just another aimation and visuals. Name it, for example, Cunning Throw and make it look like saber throw with trajectory some more intricate than simple straight whirling - and you got your Sorcerer Lightsaber Ability: it is ranged as sorcerer class ability should be, it has known stats (damage, cooldown time etc.), it makes our lightsaber look like something more than just stick in hand. Utility that gives a proc of second Shock would have just given one more throw on that.

  4. Seriously, several years have passed since the release of the game and we still have the ugly handwraps and hood made from straps of some ****** clothing on this companion which are not match ANY of the armor pieces / dyes present in game. Also, Xalek has a slots for headgear and handgear available but the items themselves are invisible when you put them into these slots.


    I suggest the following idea to fix this: edit the texture of Xalek's handwraps and/or hood to make it be coloured by the dye module installed in the item you put into the slot. No item and / or dye module - no colour change.

  5. Both classes have a pistol which is not used and visible outside the cutscenes in the dialogues. Player is able to fully customize the outfit for the character by combining the armor pieces and weapons - except for that pistol. Even in the endgame it remains that basic and ugly thing you start with.


    I would like to see the appearance slot for pistol (which means - purely cosmetic, ignoring any stats on item in it except the colour of the colour crystal) added on the Imperial Agent and Trooper character.

  6. Can we please have something better to craft than a lot of non-moddable gear which no one will ever use?


    People look for moddable gear and use modifications, yet developers still give us a lot of non-moddable crap to waste our resources at. What's the logics behind this? Having a possibility to craft custom-built moddable lightsabers of several different designs as well as a custom built moddable shields, focuses or generators instead of these would be much better.

  7. It's a competition. Not everyone should get the cake, only the people who earn it.


    And before you say, "Well they just have more people, it's easy for them," try actually running a large guild, getting people to do conquest activities, and coordinating them to be online at the correct times. It's a lot harder than your little walnut brain might think.


    "Your ego is over-inflated" ©


    Walnut brain is to log on each of 10-12 alts and start a ******** of crafting war supplies/invasion force. In large guild it is not quite hard, with 20-25+ people online at any time, especially when there is a week for officers to arrange that. The point is that not all guilds have tons of alts and loads of schoolboys with a plenty of time.


    And again - there is much more than one-two organized guilds on every server. Tons of achievements which are in practice not reachable for 99% of people just because of every planet is being conquered by the same guilds time after time. Being a member of organized guild or running it doesn't make you any more privileged than me, that's the point. You speak of "I'm so special because of", I speak of "live and let the others live".

  8. You know, the conquest event is supposed to be for all guilds, not for just 3-4 top ones. And when one guild can just over-craft all others - it makes the whole event pointless for all except that one.


    The game should not revolve around just one guild (or 3-4 per server). There can be other better ideas how to fix that state of things (more planets per conquest, like 6-7, or limit the number of crafted war supplies giving points to a character, for example), but the problem is the same. If you have something to say better than low-quality trolling attempts, say it. Or just ****.

  9. At the current state of things, only the few largest guilds on every server win every planetary conquest events. This makes the whole idea of such an event pointless - why bother if all know who will win the invaded planet anyway due to sheer crafting, for example?


    I propose to make a cooldown for invading the planet. When the guild invades the planet during the conquest and wins it, it should not be able to invade the planet during the conquest for some time (this can be 4 weeks, for example). This should allow more guilds to take part in a real competition, not the one they are doomed to lose due to sheer numbers of alts able to craft war supplies or invasion force.


    The guiding principle behind this idea is simple - you got what you wanted, so step aside and let others to get something.

  10. With the release of Shadow of Revan we have a character level cap of 60 at the moment. All of the character equipment modifications at the moment are present for levels of up to 60 - EXCEPT THE COLOUR CRYSTALS. So the question is - can you, developers, give us the crystals for a level a bit higher than 50?


    One suggestion is a lvl 55 - it will come just 8 more levels after the lvl 47 crystals, and will fit well in the linear scale of colour crystals progression.


    Second is just lvl 60.

  11. /signed


    Fully customizable class ship would be good addition to the whole game and to the idea of the strongholds in particular. More heavy-class customizable ship, which you can purchase just like guilds currently purchase guild flagships nowadays would be even better addition to the game.

  12. I don't understand a logic behind this desicion - why not give us only new abilities alongside with additional buffing the key old ones with an additional perks in the discipline tree?


    For example, the Blazing Shots which you want to give to the Arsenal-specced Mercenary - it looks strange (sheer blaster volley of common Unload looks much more natural and credible than the particles flying in a strange trajectories - after all, if the two blasters are a merc's main weapon, and when you shoot it like hell it looks like something expected) and it is basicly unneeded, as the buffed Unload would have done the same without needing to replace it with something else. Some other ability like wrist laser (which easily could have been channeled, high enough damage and giving a proc or applying a debuff if needed), on the other hand, would be damn nice.


    Why not giving us a sheer addition to our rotation, without those attempts of revamping it?

  13. To Daewan:


    On pets and mounts bound to you when used, I agree, that can mean quite logically that the item I would have received from unlearning them should be bound to legacy or to this character.


    As I said, it would have made no differece for me if I had been able to sell them again or not. The point is to get rid of annoying thing (or a lot of annoying things). Even if it would not give the original items at all, it would suit me just fine.


    But I strongly disagree that it makes no difference when you just remove the icon from quickbar. When I open the character abilities window and misclick on the mounts list, I usually have at least second or two to understand that this is wrong tab, and, what's more important, I see the undesired abilities in it. They remind me of credits spent to trash (and mostly those credits are quite substantial sums), and this makes me feel bad. Quite a bit, yes, but take tens and hundreds of those bits every day, and they become annoying enough to do a rage reroll of main character, for example (what I have done already several times on two servers).


    That's not to say that simple common sense can tell you that getting rid of your old car or unwanted dog is a thing done with ease, they are not something that you once bought and stuck with for the rest of life.

  14. Thanks to all for replies. Just "nooo" is about nothing without the explaining why, but at least you could have posted the picture. :)


    To Rankyn:


    For almost two years I play this game, I rarely have more than 1-2 mounts and almost never have more than a single pet on my characters. Just because I don't want to pile a trash I will not need. What I will use, I learn and use. I want a way to provide a way to get rid of what you don't need. Currently, if you learn a mount or pet just to see how does it look and then find out that it's not what you expected (cause the things in preview look not quite the same as they look in game - lighting makes the difference), you're stuck with it.


    You can reset your skill points, yes, to get rid of the feat you don't need, so why should the pets and mounts be different? The game has the mechanics to get the chatacter rid of ability, so there will be not that much work to implement it. And for me it's no difference will it be bound to me in all cases or not. I want to get rid of something that annoys me without be forced to reroll the whole character or making a new one specially for checking out smth new.

  15. What if you have learned by occasional misclick an expensive pet or mount you would have wished to sell?


    What it you *suddenly* got bored with a browsing through a loooong list of mounts or pets, of which you really use 1% and other 99%, while fun long ago, now are just a useless ballast for you?


    Here would be godd to have a possibilty to unlearn a pet or mount.


    How do I imagine it working? A trainer-like NPC, which shows you a list of your learned pets or mounts, of which you can choose and unlearn any you want to and do it. This would remove the pet or mount ability from your character and give you the original item you learned it from. If the item was Bind-on-Use it should be so, if Bind-on-Pickup, it should be Bind-on-Pickup, just as it was, and so on.

  16. Reason - when you have a plenty of decorations and time, you may want to make a real eyecandy from your stronghold (especially when it is a single stronghold with full unlock) and don't have a hooks left unused to make your idea come true, you may want to get more hooks available for you to fill This is the case with my Dromund Kaas Apartment stronghold - I have garage, one of three starting rooms not filled at all, along with balcony and one of three small rooms at second floor (since I still collect the decorations required and want my stronghold look as good as I can make them), and have 75+ % of completion. It is obvious that I need more hooks, and damn much more of them.


    In situation like this such an unlock may be quite useful.


    I suggest adding the possibility to buy from cartel market the unlock wchich will add, when used, a small number of decorations which you can put to existing hooks (15 or 20, or smth like this) in one of your stronghold.


    This should not increase the maximum possible conquest bonus from shronghold (since it is derived from percentage of completion, which cannot exceed 100% even with this unlocks).


    This will not require remaking the hook layout in stronghold - it will just allow the filling more of the existing hooks.

  17. As for me, the better place for the glacier and snow themed Stronghold would be Ilum, not Hoth. Those crystal formations and ice spires, combined with black sky with a multitude of stars look awesome, as for me. It brings the atmosphere of mystery and boundless abyss of space, the feeling of time stopped - and this is what Hoth, while looking like iconic ice planet, lacks.


    The main point of Stronghold, as for me, remains the same - it should be self-sufficient in it's base. Not the apartment. It should have it's own landing pad or bay, and it must be stand-alone.

  18. I would like a Stronghold in a highly volcanic mountain area - rocks and cliffs, lakes, rivers and waterfalls of lava, crimson skies. Example of this is a Belsavis (remember the caves of Gharj in the Eternity Vault ops - this kind of place) or Mustafar from the Episode III (a volcanic planet where the duel between Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi took place). I would have paid an enormous amount of money for a small castle on top of the active volcano in such an area or the undeground base in series of vast caves filled with lava lakes and rivers.


    Would agree for Manaan.


    Also would be a damn nice to have a Stronghold on one of the Force-users homeplanets, Korriban and Tython. A secluded mansion or castle, for example, along with it's own landing pad. But the main point - it must be stand-alone not an apartment in some huge building.


    Another example of what I would want can be a Kaon 5 ( a planet from the Flashpoint, that night city with star-filled black sky and greenish lights) or Rakata Prime.

  19. This bug persists since the launch of this gunship. The engine option is in the list, abailable, upgradable and functioning as normal, but it's model on the ship itself (and engine trails as well) is not shown. I've submitted a ticket but it had no effect - the bug still persists. Auto-repair does not fix it.



  20. I would have payed a ****load of cartel coins for a Heavy or Adaptive armor versions of a following pieces for my Sith Juggernaut. The point is to get an armor pieces which would look relatively simple and, what's the most important, look credible to someone who is capable to imagine how a man would move in armor. And there is a great lack of such a pieces in game.

    What pieces I mean:


    Lacqerous Battle Jacket:



    To give it a best look the vambrace on other hand and a small plate piece on the abdomen and a loincloth (similar to the one on the Section Guardian Chestplate) with a short fauld (similar to the one on the Section Guardian Chestplate, but, damn it, shorter at least by half) would need to be added.


    TH-21A Master Scoundrel Boots:



    These I would want as they are, just Heavy or Adaptive version.

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