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Posts posted by Chocobo_Kramer

  1. Hey everyone,


    I'm returning to the game after the announcement of 6.0 and I was just wondering - which server has the highest population of PvPers? I'm eastern US - not sure if that has any bearing on which server I should be looking at.


    Thanks for the insights!

  2. Send me some in-game mail and we can hopefully sort something out.


    Had some fun last night in the couple games I played in. That game when I was on my sage was super intense. Love those tupes of matches. Death told me ya'lls schedule, so I've added it to the sheet. Waiting on at least one other team to let me know what's up before I post the spreadsheet. Ggs

  3. Brazil Force! You guys have been practicing! EXpecialy your pubside because I remember you guys being the joke of the server on POT5 during the early days of swtor...now when I queue up against 4-5 brazil force guys on pubside im like ****!


    Haha, yeah, our reg teams are pretty stout at times, but we need a lot of work in ranked.


    Thanks man :D

  4. Dear ranked teams,


    As much as we love throwing together a team at random times throughout the week (seriously, we like that teams are actually eager to throw together a 4s team at the drop of a hat), I think it'd be cool if all teams could kind of find a common day of availability so that maybe we can have a dedicated 4 v 4 day.


    For that matter, how many guilds even q for these? I've seen nerd on nerd, good talk, brazil force has 2 or 3 teams, and backrocket bastards... And that's about it...


    Any schedules/best times would be appreciated. I can throw together a spreadsheet with the schedules as well if needed.




    Nerdkiller/Teknasty <Brazil Force>

  5. How does one achieve a 50% win rate and not place Bronze or above? I thought the whole idea of letting lower ranked players play more to buy the higher tiered rewards was just that - if it's tied to win rate there's no difference between the old system and the new system.


    Also, if you really want to improve participation bring back the old expertise capped blue set for credits.


    The one system now is completely based on win rate. With the new system, you can suck, but if you suck long enough you can get any reward you want. It will get the bads q'ing and it will keep the good players from getting their feelers hurt. Bottom line: PLAY PLAY PLAY Q Q Q Q Q ! MORE Q, MORE PEOPLE, MORE FUN

  6. This... Seriously, I must be reading the notes wrong or something... In an extensive match, dps classes that can taunt and classes that have the capability of healing will always have more medals than a combat/concentration sentinel or a gunslinger.


    Unless you guys are planning on reworking medals, this is a really bad idea.


    Someone answered my question.. I WAS reading it wrong... Oops

  7. "A player that wins the match with max medals gets a larger amount of Comms than a player that gets the minimum number of medals and loses, at roughly a 1:18 ratio. "


    As in, 1 to 18 medals? If so, please reconsider that. Some classes have a very hard time getting that many comms because they don't have both taunts, shields and damage / healing.


    This... Seriously, I must be reading the notes wrong or something... In an extensive match, dps classes that can taunt and classes that have the capability of healing will always have more medals than a combat/concentration sentinel or a gunslinger.


    Unless you guys are planning on reworking medals, this is a really bad idea.

  8. <BRAZIL FORCE> is currently recruiting PvPers to run with in Ranked and Regular Warzones. We're in need of a tank and some additional DPS (we currently only have 2 regular DPSers unless our tank is on an alt).


    We will accept people who just want to play and have fun, but for our ranked team we definitely need people that know all the ins and outs of their class and can work well in a team environment. The most important quality that we're looking for in a recruit is a good personality. Rage quitting/ flipping out on your teammates happens from time to time, but if it's a common occurrence, we'll /gkick. Nothing personal, just not our style.


    If you have any interest in joining the guild, hit up me up at Nerdkiller or Nerdestroyer in game (Republic) and game with you for a bit. Please have mumble :)


    A little about the guild:


    <BRAZIL FORCE> started on Pot5/Fatman and it had a bit of a different look than it does now. At that time, the players were much more casual and it was open only to individuals who could speak portuguese. For population reasons, <BRAZIL FORCE> GM Universo moved to The Harbinger and began gaming with other people from Pot5 who also switched servers due to population concerns.


    We moved to The Ebon Hawk about 3 weeks ago and have been very happy with the move. We've met some really cool cats and some of the PvPers here are really great.

  9. Thanks for the kickball guys.


    Want to apologize to the teams that we faced early on when we had a tank. Definitely thought matchmaking worked a little different for compositions.


    It was cool getting to know some of the Ebon Hawk PvP community and we had some good matches when we swapped out our tank.


    Cheers, amigos.

  10. It is not ELO, if this is what you call ELO it is the worst implementation of it that I have experienced.


    The ELO that I am used to is if you have a high rating and beat someone with a low rating you gain maybe one point. Even rating you gain a decent amount +20ish, low rating and you beat someone high you should gain +60 they lose 60. Basically to have a high rating you need to win all the time otherwise you will lose huge chunks of it at once.


    What happens here is you gain or win a set amount based on the amount of games you play, you win 10 then lose 10 you will have a much higher rating than if you lost 10 then won 10. Does not matter who you play against. The more you play the less points you win and lose. Which makes no sense. Lose 50 then win 100, you probably wouldn't be at 1200.


    The queue system also tries to group people of similar rating, then tries to find a match. So if you have several top rating players in the same guild in voice chat queuing at the same time, you will almost always be on the same team. Guaranteed if you are the only ones of that faction.


    Pre season was great I agree. It was fun, randomized teams not weighted teams. If you were a good player and played a lot your wins would be greater than your losses even if you lose the jackpot. If you lose the jackpot in season 4, you will always be paired on the lower rating team against the high rating team and always lose. the only way to progress is to queue dodge the queue syncers. When you need to play a sub game just to play the same, that shows its a bad system. Griefers will always appear on the low rated team, new players as well. It is a system that feeds the rich.


    I feel the best system for ranked is probably something like pre season, no weighted teams. Have rewards based on the number of wins. 100 wins for crystals, 200 wins for that fancy weapon set. 300 for the armor. No strings attached. Award the top players with the most wins in each class a mount, doesn't matter. The people who play the most should get the rewards. Not the people who game the system the hardest.



  11. To be honest man, the only reason I stick with this server is because I play during primetime exclusively now, and I know a lot of people on Pot5. If I was working crappy hours like I used to, I'd probably send aall my toons to Harbinger.


    I know some people do busy work like daily's in between matches or duel... Otherwise, it's pretty much just count how many laps you can run around the fleet before pop.

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