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Posts posted by Luvsthis

  1. For the last year and a half I have had the chance to meet a lot of amazing people in game. I ran with the best guilds had some laughs some rage but all in all I had The Best time with you. I wanna thank Apex- Gorthog,Kitty,Xanther,Talii, Kreaton,Hatred-Anakyn,Carl,Thiol, Evilpanda,Nightmare-Zapp,Rainbow,Nominal,Renaven,Neum,Sego,and Kaa-el,Select few-Marco,Sarent,Boa, It burns when I pvp, Imperial Enforcer, Sucka Free, And all the other guilds That I have helped and ran with During my time here. You guys are amazing and I wish you all the best in the world. Due to new work schedule I am no longer to make any raids or even play with anyone. I need a new time zone. This tuesday I will be transferring My characters to another server with hopes of finding what I had at the Harbinger. Impossible I know but we have had some fun. Some of you love me some of you hate me cough cough Animosity lol no harm done. But I will miss you all and I might leave a character or 2 just to hang out and socialize on the weekends. So Goodbye Harbinger ;-) have fun. Love Rolly. Alts Mercguyver,lostkozz,Menayous. Take care ;-) Oh and for you trolls that are gonna say your lame its a game blah blah dont be so dramatic Dont care I have had more fun with these players on this server then you ever will I enjoy this game and will continue to enjoy it until ESO comes out ;-) Peace P.S Hatred Better keep them server firsts otherwise im gonna come back and slap you Carl lol
  2. Whats up! Im gonna be transferring all my characters to Jedi Covenant This next week with hopes of finding a better gaming experience ad meeting new peeps. I currently have 3 almost 4 lvl 55's 2 tanks 2 dps. My jugg is full 72s and so is my merc. I am currently 7/7hm SNV 8m and 16m HM. 5/5 HM Tfb 8m and 16m. 4/4 nim ec and 1/5 Nim Tfb. Server first 16 man Nim Tfb First Boss. My raid time would be around 6pm Mountain time. And if your wondering why I dont just stay on The Harbinger I just wanna get off the server and try out a new one No harm done. I have been In the top guilds on that server and hope to bring my Skills and knowledge to one of your guilds. So feel Free to leave me a message and Ill see you all Next week. My Mains Name Is Rolly.
  3. Why wont they just boost immortal? Higher Threat/Damaging moves. Cc's.. Stealth Better Crowd control? Wait thats The assassin tank my bad. My jugg was full immortal but seeing how worthless it was I went Hybrid and I have higher Mitigation better threat while maintaining aggro. Immortal I lost aggro so much Im curious to see how the new expansion Immortal build is going to play out. But Im already rolling an assassin because when I raid I want more to offer my raid group. Such as stealth/cc/stealth out of combat/ etc. While my jugg can...Aoe taunt after 6 seconds lose the mob to lets say a merc using death from above? or a rage jugg smash? So Im taking my jugg to the test server to see so if you aint got nothing good to say its your opionion my opinion is my own and I honestly think the jugg got screwed once again. And Im sick of it
  4. I bet most of these people dont even have girlfriends hahah. People take this game way to seriously with competition, server first blah blah who cares Id rather just get things done casually instead of beat my head against something I have cleared everything except ec nim which i start next week but seeing all this dps meters server firsts just tells me that people need to get laid more haha
  5. People need to take this stuff over Bioware's head and start telling EA to get their act together. Enough grief and the ppl at bioware will either be forced to do something about it or find a new job. the End.


    Dude I agree 100% It just doesnt make sense I mean lots of people are going to miss out on the christmas packs etc because bioware wont fix there accounts. EA Needs to put the foot down on these guys and put them to work so every one has a chance to do something.

  6. Okay seriously I know you all will agree with me on this and yes this is just me complaining but im sick of this. Server lag non stop, credit spammers,broken flashpoints,daily quests and im sure much much more. Every single patch leads to several things broken that make this game not very fun to play. My gm has sent in 18 tickets called bioware 7 times to fix his account so that he can buy cartel coins and bioware has done nothing to help him out. They told him to create a new account did that help? NO! Now hes more then likely gonna miss out on all the christmas stuff and mounts and other stuff. But bioware has no problem charging him another 6 months today I mean seriously you can charge his subscription but yet he cant buy cartel coins? Hmm.? But he was able to purchase the cartel packs when they first came out he spent 200$ on them i mean you want your money right? And he is not the only one either there are many people out there having this issue. Calling bioware doesnt help because 1 you get a guy who dont speak english which I think should be enforced on a us server first off! Secondly respond to your tickets and get people takin care of because you will lose many more subs if you dont. I Was recently robbed by a guy claiming he can make something and it has been 3 weeks and I still aint heard a word from bioware on that I mean this whole thing is me complaining but in all honesty bioware needs to get better customer care and fix this game because since 1.2 its been broke. If you dont like what I have to say its whatever and no I wont quit the game because I am a dedicated player Im just throwing this out there that they need to fix these issues is all.
  7. Like MariaD said no love for the juggy tank? I mean assassin tanks are gettin all the love i mean stealth,cc,force sprint 3% endurance boost they get all the cool stuff i mean tanks didnt really benefit nothing on 1.3 maybe give us something like some moves to decrease damage taken or even a cc ability or heck an endurance boost ability would be cool. seems like all these updates are benfitting the pvp players but not the pve players. I could be wrong but thats how I feel im lvl 50 campaign/black hole tank and some new abilities that actually benefit me controling multiple mobs besides a 6 second aoe taunt would be nice i mean yeah smash stacks but people still pull your aggro unless your focused on just that person. would be nice to have better threat generators
  8. Ok ever since me and many players have transferred to the Droogas pleasure barge server we among many others have been getting spam reports and false accusation language reports causing account suspensions. Bioware customer 'care' is not only taking there side but takes 8-10 hours to respond and immediately state that you have been found guilty. Guilty? I mean we havent done anything now this server has become nothing but report server where no matter if you say hey or hi on general chat your getting reported. I think bioware needs to fix that fast optherwise they are going to start losing people. I actually have a in game friend who is canceling his subscription due to him gettting reported for doing absolutely nothing. They need to fix the system.
  9. Ok now I would like to suggest something that i think would make a lot of sense. So we are low levels and cant buy any pvp geat until level 50 but yet we can save 3500 ranked warzone coms and 2000 warzone coms? I think they should allow us to invest our coms and purchase lvl 50 pvp gear so when we hit level 50 we will actually be able to be competetive. I mean a fresh lvl 50 even wearing the recruit pvp armor your still gonna get torn apart because other people already have there battlemaster gear etc. so all those in favor for being able to buy lvl50 pvp armor lets make it happen because Id love to be able to purchase the goods because it gives me something to work towards. Oh man cant wait to hit lvl 50 ill have a full War-Hero armor suit when I get there ;-)
  10. Okay from what I have read everyone is arguing bak and fourth about the pvp deal. Okay I am an MMO guy and I enjoy this game a lot. The part that I have a hard time with is pvp. I mean for Battlemaster Armor I want it so bad I can taste it I literally have to play pvp to the point thats all I do. I mean for 1 battlemaster commendation it costs 1000 merc and 1000 war comendations. Thats only for one! not including you have to buy 10 merc coms with 30 war coms so all in all your playing a lot of pvp also when a lvl 50 who has that armor is in a pvp match I cant kill him even when were same level and I am okay at pvp but I read the patch notes 350k for a set of pvp armor seems fair so pvp will be more competetive cuz well have the same stuff basically. I would pay 500k for a full set of armor if that meant giving the experienced pvp player a challenge sorry i am tired and typing fast this probably dont make sense but I think being able to buy pvp armor would be great and give players more interest and wanna play more. give them what they need to do flashpoints and enjoy the armor and more so that hard earned credit to buy it. If anyone has a probem with that go play hello kitty island adventure lol
  11. Okay im a level 19 sith warrior and i keep getting my butt kicked by level 16 elites and im on a warrior quest called to kill a legend and he owns me in a couple of minutes not only does my guy suck i cant even mod my saber the machine is glitched out and i never have enough money for anything!
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