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Posts posted by Ellren

  1. Hehe, my German being non existent I thought this was what they were referring to. Saying they can't say anything 'yet' suggests that they have been working on something for us over the past week.


    Maybe it doesn't, maybe it is just more gumpf to placate us and the subtleties have been lost in translation. But maybe, just maybe..


    It doesn't change the fact that I would like more transparency and communication but it's a step forward, however small it may be.

  2. ... BioWare ruined the entire EU RP-PvP community (english / french / german) by not haveing a RP-PvP as destination from various RP and PvP servers...


    I know they only wanted one destination per server, but this should have been the obvious approach surely? Even if it was just as a secondary choice. Instead they forced our community to rip itself in half....


    Now they've messed it up you'd think they'd have the good grace to fix things. Gluing together three broken servers is not the way forward, they couldn't be that foolish could they?


    Perhaps it's best you don't answer that. I may cry a little.

  3. Oh don't get me wrong Kiyosa, I fail to see why this is an issue to start with. If this is such an outrageous request that their systems couldn't cope then the whole thing probably needs scrapping.


    I know you think I'm deluded for holding out hope that they'll fix this, but the truth is I either do that or I start to get bitter, then angry then quit. I don't want to do that, I enjoy the game, I just wish they'd let me play it the way I should be able to.


    Every time I log back onto to LC carry on some RP I just get increasingly annoyed. I'm trying to reserve a sense of good humour regarding this whole carfuffle but even my patience won't last forever.

  4. The daft thing is if they are worried about upsetting the wider community by giving us a 'special loophole' then right now is the time to do it. Do it while everyone else is more concerned with delving into 1.3 changes.


    While everyone is looking left, shuffle us around on the right. Oldest political trick in the book. Well apart from rigging votes.

  5. I realise now that asking for a yes or a no is asking too much. So I have a suggestion to make your work load easier.


    Just give us a yellow full stop, just something to show us there is someone actually reading this. Hell if you are feeling sentimental how about an orange pixel for all of us ex-beta testers.


    No? Too much to ask?



  6. There are some of us who have rolled alts on Progenitor to keep us going until Bioware sorts this mess and arranges transfers in one form or another and the community there has been more than welcoming as we traipse across the border with little to offer but our good humour and pleasant candour Great community there.


    I'd discuss my experience on TOFN but that would just be me bemoaning the ability to create a custom hot-key/macro for the ignore command.


    Progenitor hit Very Heavy briefly last night.. there were more people on Shadaa at 4 in the morning than on the fleet when I logged onto Lord Calypho at peak time yesterday.


    This really can't be that complicated, either let us move our characters or tell us when we can. At the very least give us a damn response, I know you are very busy with 1.3, but you've kicked that bird out of the nest now so how long are we going to have to wait?


    I could have taught myself to knit using my feet by now.. and holding knitting needles with your feet is freaking hard. Sort this.


    ...Also Bump!

  7. Oh wait.. yes I do.. Let me move my damn characters to Progenitor where I can actually play.


    Look it doesn't even have to be official *slides a brown envelope stuffed with cash under the desk*. Let's just say that I log on tomorrow and find my characters have accidentally been moved to Progenitor and you get to keep what's in there and I promise not to kick up a fuss and complain. *wink wink nudge nudge*

  8. So now that you know officialy from Bioware Devs that there are no RP rules, that RP is just a "label" (just as I said) and that RPing can be done anywhere, perhaps you all can pipe down and just RP on the server they gave you.


    Or perhaps some attempt at a witty analogy about clothes shops that has nothing to do with the situation will help here and save the almighty RP.


    RP is where you are, you either are into it or you aren't...server labels are merely a general beacon.


    You'd still look pretty

  9. I'm finding the community on the Progenitor to be active, vibrant and welcoming to the Calypho refugees. I just wish someone would let me move my already established characters here *glares at Bioware*.


    They severed our community off at the wrist, they created this issue, the least they could do is offer us a band-aid.

  10. For players that feel that the RP-PvP experience is more important, there is no requirement to leave the RP-PvP server, and we encourage players who prefer the RP-PvP playstyle to continue playing on these servers.


    For all those who don't speak silver tongued politician here is a rough translation.


    "The room is about to fill with poisonous gas, the exit is over there. However, if you feel like you want to stay then we encourage you to do so and respect your right to die"


    Good show Bioware. Good show.

  11. Sod hope and wishing for miracles. If the end result of all this is that we are going to have to pay for transfers then at least let us do this now. Let us move at least one or two characters to an RP server where we can actually play rather than leaving us festering in the dust like this.


    There were 6 level 50 characters on the entire server on the Empire side when I just logged off, explain to me Bioware how exactly we are supposed to do Ops or PVP? We might be RPers but we do enjoy the rest of your game.

  12. Hi folks,


    I just wanted to take some time to address the folks that have been disappointed with the decision to allow transfers from the European RP-PvP servers to a destination PvP server. As background, the Character Transfer Service is intended to offer players an opportunity to move to a pre-selected single server that provides for a better gameplay experience via a higher population. When we initially came up with the list of destination servers, we wanted to match each origin server up to a similar playstyle destination server. This obviously worked with the majority of servers. However, due to smaller demand for the playstyle, there was only one RP-PvP server per language when the game went live.


    We wanted to maintain this type of server as an option for players and we felt that the current players that were already on these servers (who specifically selected an RP-PvP playstyle) didn’t want to change that, so we left them untouched. However, after the character transfer service process began, we immediately saw that many players on European RP-PvP servers wanted to have the option to move to a higher population server.


    Since our policy for Free Character Transfers is to only allow one destination server per origin server, we had to decide: will we allow these players to transfer to an RP-PvE server or a PvP server?


    Due to the fact that PvE and PvP are two fundamentally different server rulesets, the choice to open PvP server destinations made the most sense. The game does impose different rules on players on PvE and PvP servers, but there are currently no rules enforced for RP players – the designation is there to indicate to players who prefer to roleplay that a server is a good choice for them.


    For players that feel that the RP-PvP experience is more important, there is no requirement to leave the RP-PvP server, and we encourage players who prefer the RP-PvP playstyle to continue playing on these servers.


    Please keep in mind that this is all part of our initial phase of the Character Transfer Service and that we will be monitoring the situation closely on these three servers going forward. Your feedback is very important and we appreciate you taking the time to let us know your thoughts during the process.


    I see a lot of words here.. the problem is you don't bother to answer the pressing question. Will we be able at some some point to transfer to an RP server (eg. the Progenitor) without having to use paid transfers. Yes or No?


    Yes or No.


    I appreciate you taking the time to write out this strategic and diplomatic statement but you fail to address the only issue a lot of us care about.


    If the answer is no then fine, we'll deal with it. I might not bother playing until you sort out your system, but I'll deal with it. We deserve a straight answer, and this wasn't it.

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