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Posts posted by brendhanbb

  1. I find it a small annoyance, along with no longer getting rep tokens I'm maxed out on to vendor. It wasn't a large amount but it makes most daily areas slightly less profitable. It's not enough to rage or quit over, but it is another irritation that makes this update even less appealing.


    yes it is becoming a small annoyance at this point i think my lack of motivation comes from other issues that update has.

  2. After the Grand Galactic Sale, I was left with only 10 mil. Now I have 6 mil, and the number keeps getting smaller instead of bigger. That's a problem, since there doesn't seem to be any legitimate way to earn the millions required anymore, and I refuse to use credit selling sites.


    see i am notcing that too just a bit granted i am still on the story missions myself so i still have a bit of a ways to go before i even reach points where that kind of thing maters but yeah i did notice they got rid of a a way i made lots of credits or at least a hunk of change and that was selling green gear to venders 3k min for greens. i mean i can still in theory farm heroics and story missions and missions in general but still.

  3. So I recently started playing after the new ep launched and i was kind of shocked to discover that prices of gear was droped a lot! like most gear would go for 3k each to a vender and now its been dropped to 300 credits. For me that is discoruaging as yes i can still make credits in the game but it just feels like it will be slower. as i started a new toon and and made to balmora on my jedi knight and i made over 10 million creditsand i know part of that 10 million credits came from all the green gear i sold but now that income has droped drastically. and i am sort of disscoruaged to continue forward right now. what is everyone elses take on this.
  4. Force users sith or jedi should easily be able to well defeat them. It seriously bugs me how troopers and bh and agents and smuggler seem just as merry sue as well jedis/sith( i do not mind jedis/sith being marry sue they are pretty op) its just the other 4 non sith/jedi classes seem just as op as jedis/sith. Like honestly it makes very little sense to me how they can well beat force users. I mean even during one of the flashpoints the non force users just become force users who cant use the force?
  5. i got into the game but i cant got anywhere other then stater planets right now until the ingame download finshes and i played for over 2 hours yesterday and saw no progress and when i asked in game in i just got trolled or ignored or told its based on my internet connection so apparently i have the worst internet connection in the world then lol.
  6. So I played the game for over an hour yesterday while the game was downloading and so far there has been no progress i was told it is based on my internet connection fine but i am wondering if anyone else then has an internet connection as slow as mine where they last an hour or if i should double check my internet is not blocking the download or something.
  7. So without spoilers. do convos happen automatically when they happen. or well do u have to do something other then just level up ur toon in order to unlock convos with ur compainions. for example and SPOILER ALERT IF YOU HAVE NOT PLAYED THE SUMGLER YET!


    but i have risha as my compainion and i am level 45 with my sumgler now and yet i have yet to have a single convo with her since joined my crew i am just wondering is this normal or not and i just beat hoth. so if anyone can tell me if they had convos with her or other companions that would be wonderful.

  8. ok so without spoiling anything which class do u think has the best story for me its honestly the sumgler because that one feels like its the most personal and you are not really froced into duty or regualtions or trations. all you do is whatever u want when ever u feel like with no one to order you around while still having a goal thats just a personal story unlike everyone else who is told what to do you make your own destniny and choices.
  9. i am just wondering but which sever is the best because i want to know which has the most republic players and which sever has people actully willing to do flashpoints because so many times i go on my toon i find hardly anyone willing to actully do a flashpoint with me which sucks. cuz i really want to do flashpoints but i cant find anyone willing to do any with me.
  10. ok so i have a quest do on drumkass where i have to mark sith acolites and i am just wondering something but um well is that quest buged because i try to mark them and it says u can not mark the same alcoite twice and i am wondering if thats an issue.
  11. like wow people are at lvl 50 already and the game went live. like gezz this game was not made for you to rush though the game like that. like i mean the game just went live what do u expect there to be for content right now. seriously i would like to know what u expected. at endgame i mean u porably have quests u missed do those. for example. dont tell me u did every single quest u could find i mean i am sure u still have quests that are lower lvl. this game was not ment to be rushed the way you are doing it. and also how on earth did u expect to start anything if u knew everyone still needs to catch up. i mean what did u really expect there to be for endgame thats not flashpoints or operations or pvp. and there are proably quests u missed so go check for those.
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