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Posts posted by Madmecha

  1. Going to be an oddball here and say Corso. Reason? I pull aggro off any of my other comps.


    Yes you heard me :) My Sawbone Scoudrel does so much DPS that other comps can't hold aggro off me. I need Corso and his Tanker aggro keep a hold of things so I can do my full DPS.


    I try Akv but she doesn't stand up to Mobs like Corso, so her extra DPS doesn't matter if she face plants. Not to mention I rip aggro off her so fast :(.


    Your milaege will vary of course based on how you play and what your gear is like.

  2. First...


    Go to the PVP area, hit the quest terminal and grab the quest "New Technologies"

    You can complete this quest simply by clicking the box next to the mission terminal.


    This gives you a Full suit of Recruiter Gear (DPS or tank .. your choice). Or you can take the 320k token....


    Now... if you know the Flash Points... you can move onto HMs.


    If you dont know the FPs, I would do normal FPs a few times to understand whats going on, things change up a bit in HM but for the most part thier the same... just stuff hits harder.


    Defiitely keep at your Dailies, For Earring, Implants, Maybe Relic? But dailies give good money and a nice upgrade to what you have.


    After playing my Healer alot, I started workin my Tank and jumped right into HM FPs with recruiter gear without any issues (Stay away from Lost island lol). You will upgrade gear pretty quickly, plus biuld your 5 Black Hole Comms daily , as long as you use the Que.


    If you dont feel comfortable doing HMs in recruiter, then do the noraml high level FPs. They will drop grade 51 gear off the bosses, generaly this is slightly better then your recruiter gear, plus it will give you experience playing the FP.

  3. This is what I tell people new to hitting 50....


    First... Go to the PVP mission terminal and pick up "New Technology" mission. Right away click the completion box next to the mission terminal to complete it.


    Poof.... instant Recruiter Set or 320k your choice.


    With Full Recruiter you are set to enter high level FPs.

    Now if you dont know the FPs I would do Normal FPs , and try getting gear with the 50/51 purple mods.


    Do your dailies and buy upgrade implants/earrings. If you think your going to biuld the Black Hole comms up quickly, then I would look into useing your dailies for a relic upgrade. very dependent on your class of course.


    Once your familiar with the FPs, start que for the HM FPs. This will net you your Tionese (51 mod leve) and Col (56 level)... thiers also Exotech (56 grade) and Exenotech (51 grade) gear that will help you along the way. You will also pick up Tionese Comms, and doing the weekly/dailies with HM FPs will get Black Hole Comms, along with more Tionese and Coliumi Comms to upgrade your gear.


    It really dosen't take that long to upgrade to Tionese/Col/Exo/Exeno gear. Some of the FPs can be run well under 30 minutes so thier investment is pretty minimal.


    EVs are a good source of gear as well, and manhy times I see people join that are full recuriter they do fine in it.

  4. After donig Lost Island a few things I have come to the comclusion that the robot fight makes no sense at all. Tweek the robot fight, and everything else is fine with the FP.


    Why is a guardain robot... able to control seemingly at will, the flow of Lava? (nothig happens until you start the fight.


    Why is a guardian robot about to spawn these monstrous adds at will, that do his commond? Fine the robot breaks the tanks... but thier horrible mutant abominations. Why do they instantly help the robot??? Wouldn't crazyed mutatons attack anything that moves *shrug*.


    Speaking of crazy mutations.... Where the hell did that rifle come from? Really? He had a sniper rifle with him in a kolto tank??


    Considering the diff of this robot vs everything else, (some will hate me for this) the fight needs to be... toned down a slight bit. I'm not 100% sure what would be best to tweek or remove. But the fight is like juggling chainsaws, even with people that know what to do, its to dependent on luck most of the time.


    Thiers definitely something wrong with a FP where the hardest boss is at the beginning of the FP , and its not the Final boss.

  5. Put healers on Assassins, easyest thing to do for them.


    As for Scourdel Healer vs Assassin, Im normaly one of the first done. *shrug*


    Granted I started doing EV late, I already had full Col gear when doing my first EV.


    Keep yourself up with Healing dots, and burn your energy return powers and blast away.

    Dont be afraid to use your basic attack power to. I run into so many people that seem to think the only way to cause damage is to use something that burns energy. With 2100 Cunning, you be surpised just how much damage that basic shot does for free!.

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