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Posts posted by WizardsDestiny

  1. Long story cut short, I'm a GM of a guild which dates all the way back to the Dalborra (long since dead!) days and first year of the game, now on The Harbinger. We were huge in our heyday on the AusPac servers (one of its biggest), but that's talking over six years ago now. In the time since, I've had little bursts of play here and there, but now that I'm getting into the game properly again everyone except me has fallen away, leaving me behind a ship filled with decorations (including some fairly rare ones), a stronghold, memories (sappy, yes!) and an amazing amount of new features you can suddenly do with guilds, from making heraldries to conquest to all these incredible perks and new features they've introduced which make guild life seem so fun and worth it now. The problem is (pathetically tragic, I know) I'm alone on the flagship, and have no one to share it with.


    I realise I could try rebuilding, but I'm not as commited as I was back then, and honestly it feels sort of wrong to do it without all the friends I had back then - I'd also much rather move on to an active, thriving community I'm guaranteed to have some fun with and meet new players in. I could just disband, but that's an entire ship which is going to waste, and I feel like there has to be some worth there, or at least someone who could benefit from it (from perusing the GTN and all the prices, it's probably worth around 70 mil raw value). I don't really know where to set about doing that, though. I've read some old posts where guilds and their ships have sold for 30 mil +, but it seems like a very niche order. Plus, I just found out guild ships cost a fraction of what they used to, though strongholds and banks are still fairly expensive.


    TLDR- If I'm looking to sell a guild on Satele Shan, A) is it really possible, B) if so, where should I do it (here, the forums, fleet chat, etc?) and C) how much is reasonable to expect?


    PS- added bonus, if anyone has some great guilds on Satele Shan, would love some suggestions!

  2. It's pretty much as the title says. I'm sure it's been bought up before, but this is a very simple issue to fix and yet one that's persisted for months now (and despite it being minor, it's really noticeably annoying).


    The addition of being able to include spaces in our characters' names was really great, but it comes at an annoying cost: in chat, the second half of the name isn't capitalized as it is everywhere else when you choose for it to be capitalized.



    For instance, with screenshots for convenience:


    On my player card, both halves of my name (no legacy name displayed) are capitalized, just as I want it to be and as I made it when I created the character.


    In the WHO, the second half of my name is capitalized.


    When you use an emote, the text displaying the name is properly capitalized, both halves with a capital letter at the start, as intended, IN the player chat box; but when you actually talk in chat, the second half (for whatever bizarre reason :rak_02:) appears in lower case.


    Again, it's a minor issue, and I'm sure a very quick fix, but it's incredible how annoying it can be (whether it's the Grammar Nazi in me or OCD, I don't know), so it'd be great if this could be sorted.

  3. it was mean to a) be a credit sink b) something that is earned.


    if you are a small/casual guild you dont need a huge ship since you probaby are not doing conquests to unlock any of it anyway. just buy a stronghold and be done with it.


    For raiding guilds we're all set with that. However, as mentioned on the first page, something like guild ships holds an awful lot of roleplay potential, and so newer, smaller models for that purpose which are less expensive could still be worthwhile implementing.

  4. You just responded to a thread that's a year old. Why don't you tell me if you think they have any plans for lowering it?


    Ability costs were abolished years after the game was introduced and after many requests. This thread still presents a relevant issue for many guilds; and, hence, why I asked about plans for newer models, as was being floated around at launch, not necessarily just lowering the price.


    Rather than just being snarky and hostile, you might benefit from reading a post fully. :D

  5. This is still a brilliant idea I'm hoping someone at BW has read. Even after release now, perhaps just releasing smaller models/classes of ship and making them cheaper is more practical.


    I'd also love to know if there're any plans to decrease the price because the last thing our small casual guild want to do is spend every credit we have on a ship only for it to be lowered. I would LOVE for it to be lowered/new ships introduced but if there are no plans for this we may have to rethink.

  6. This is hardly a new suggestion, but it's one that was rumoured to be in development since guild banks first came into effect and we've heard nothing.


    My proposal is a simple system which at most subtracts a very small total of earnings from guild members that goes straight into the bank: a tax. For instance, kill a mob, get 1000 credits, 50 go to the bank and you keep 950. It wouldn't be overly noticeable but it would help.


    Much more preferable is a system similar to what other MMOs implement- an additional cash flow. For example, kill a mob, get 1000 credits, but the game generates an extra 10% or so which goes straight into the guild bank. Players don't lose anything but it means the guilds can still get money from them.


    Perhaps it could only operate when guild members are grouped together, but the percentage is increased slightly accordingly. I'm really not sure the best way it could operate. Suggestions?


    Trying to organise donations to a bank for a casual guild who would still like to pay for repairs and work towards a stronghold or ship eventually (this would still be no easy task, as that would defy the whole purpose of having one) is a nightmare. Usually, rather than it being a guild effort, it falls to a couple of donors who bear all the weight of ensuring repairs are paid for and so on; rather than there being a transactional relationship, where guild members work as normal and accordingly help the guild along with this system, it's currently very much a one sided thing, and to me that defies the purpose of having a guild 'family.'


    I was wondering if any progress had been made on this or if there were any rumours for future implementation floating around, given now over two years ago devs said it was basically a glaring omission that they would aim to fix soon.

  7. I'm particularly curious about the "one who is not one" part.



    I'm thinking Revan and the Emperor have been pulled together somehow, and this is the "endgame"" for the Emperor- destroying everything. I think the "on a moon with others" alludes to an Op finale.


    A couple of months ago "The Future of SWTOR" was posted on Reddit. While I was very dismissive, and I remain sceptical, everything predicted in it initially has thus far come true regarding FA. This mail only heightened my suspicion that the theory of the Emperor and Revan joined as one (who is thus, of course two- not one) and leads me to believe there may be some truth in that Reddit poster after all.


    Exciting. :D


  8. The League of Shadows is recruiting and wants you to join!


    Find us on The Harbinger!


    (Due to server merges, we've had to redo recruiting, but our website is still the same and we have over 400 members in game.)


    We're a casual, active on all timezones, large guild, focused on helping each other out, having a chat, and optional Operations/Hard Mode Flashpoints plus Warzones/Flashpoints. We do these on a causal basis, and for fun or gear- we are not an elitist grinding Ops guild. We're here to have fun!


    A 10% Experience and reputation boost is given for being in the guild, three bank vaults are available for use by all packed filled with useful items and schematics, with specialized vaults for crafting, items (such as Cartel stuff) and Ops and levelling gear and weapons. Experienced players are always prepared to help, whether by offering you a hand in your quests, or just offering their expertise, and we pay for all of your repairs and specialisation costs!


    We do dailies together quite frequently as well as take down world bosses, and love a good chat on our Mumble server, who anyone is free to access once they join up and are part of the guild.


    We are open to absolutely anyone- just apply or ask for an invite! You can apply in our recruitment tab to join the guilds. In applying, it is more than likely the Guildmaster, Hezon, will approve your application and organise a time to invite you in game.


    This isn't needed, though- you can just mail Hezon here or in game, and we can organise a time to recruit you!


    See the recruitment tab at tlos.enjin.com/recruitment for more info and an application form!






    Click here for some photos of our guild at work in Ops, parties, and fun!

  9. Not sure if this question has already been asked on the forum, but I was wondering if someone could tell me what the different is between the RD, TD, and TH gear for the imperial agent. I'm specifically looking at the RD-07A Elite Watchman Jacket, the TD-07A Dread Scout Jacket, and the TH-07A Master Scoundrel Suit, which can be purchased for planetary comms. They all have the same exact stats and look the same (except the TH gear). It looks really cool and I would like to buy it, but I don't know which one to get. Thanks in advance.


    They do look great. The Watchman and the Dread Scout are actually the same, meant for power and accuracy. The Master Scoundrel is a tad different with alacrity instead of accuracy. If you're a healer, go with the Master Scoundrel, and if you're a DPS, with the other two. :D


    Otherwise if it's purely aesthetic you can rip the mods and take any. From memory the Scoundrel has white sleeves while the other two have black.

  10. So, I was leveling a new BH today and got to the final conversation of "My Sponsorship". Make it through the conversation, but the cut-scene never ends. I've soft logged, hard logged, restarted my computer, Changed characters, Emergency Fleet passed and returned but nothing seems to push it past the conversation.


    Any thoughts?


    Did you try a quest reset? If not, the Customer Service guys are usually pretty good when it comes to stuff like this, so I'd pop it there.

  11. Hey there fellow hunters. I am returning to the game after a short stint when the game first came out and I want to roll a bounty hunter. I am curious to what is the best spec to lvl one. Ty. :rak_03:


    Depends whether you want heals, DPS or tank in your playstyle. Bounty Hunter will let you do all 3 haha.


    Heals are fun to level with as a Merc, make pops that little (huge) bit easier, the animations are good and the heals themselves are quite simple but rewarding.


    Tank powertech is bleurgh in my opinion, and that was the first Bounty Hunter I rolled. They're fun, you can use your jetpack to bolt to other people, and you can be pretty strong, but if you want to tank I'd say do a Jugg or an Assassin instead. More fun and probably better off doing so.


    If you're DPSing, Merc all the way. I'd say Arsenal, or whatever the missile one is, is a hell of a lot of fun.


    Best of luck, have fun. :D

  12. every time i got in the conversation freezes at the beginning. i tried space baring, resetting quest, resetting phase and everything, can someone plz help me.


    I know this will sound ridiculously stupid, but most of my class mission issues are fixed with a relog. :D If its freezing, try aborting the conversation rather than trying to space it. Who is the conversation with?

  13. Sounds brilliant. :D Just hoping Bioware has a listen to these ideas and implements them accordingly. I've always wanted guild ships, but empty space just for the sake of standing around is not really what we want guys, so please, take on the indeed relatively simple to program and simple ideas of the OP, even if the ships are just generic designs for empire/republic, and add a little customization- clearly possible what with strongholds.
  14. Flagships and housing are announced!


    What's delightful is that so far all furniture and player housing is steering away from the Cartel Market with just a few added bonuses there, as it should be, and Guild Flagships are speculated to follow much the same wavelength. :D

  15. Okay, so obviously this is slightly obvious as most of the SWTOR ability animations like Soresu Form, etc are derived from the style of fighting in the films and various abilities. However, tonight for the first time I noticed something I thought might be worth sharing for people who hadn't noticed it. If you want feel free to post other occasions when SWTOR abilities are used in the films here too. (I know that sounds like the movies copy SWTOR, but that's by no means what I'm implying, stupid phrasing!)


    The occasion I'm talking about now is during the Obi Wan VS Qui Gon VS Darth Maul fight. When trapped in the ray shields, they begin to recuperate. You can see it pretty clearly here: http://youtu.be/w42nD3vfUZ0?t=2m46s


    Obviously, Introspection's animation is derived from basic meditation, but Maul's movements here are identical to the movements made while performing Seethe as an Inquisitor. I just found it to be a nice little thing to see, and wonder if that's where the SWTOR devs derived the animation from. Call me stupid, I just felt like sharing. :p

  16. Hi guys,


    Just saw Thor 2 and was reminded of the "Deceived" SWTOR trailer in one part in a scene which seems nearly identical in its own right; the Dark Elves pilot their ship into the main hall or throne room of Asgard, taking out columns and pillars which look ancient in the side, tearing through the room and skidding to a halt before the guards in the room who stand with their weapons ready, as a shot inside the ship reveals the enemy standing and poised for battle with swords and guns at the ready. The doors slide open and the Dark Elves pour out and engage in a battle in the Throne Room, which at the end of a later Malgus-like scarred Malekith the Accursed destroys the throne symbolically.


    I'm not suggesting copying issues or what not, but it was very similar and reminiscent of the scene where the Sith pilot the Bounty Hunter's ship into the Jedi Temple and are revealed inside to battle in the main hall. Sorry if you think the post was unnecessary, just wanted to share. :o

  17. How do people expect Bioware to consider anything they say on the forums nowadays, when all they get from half the people is negativity about every single move they make? Oricon was a great addition, and so were the Arenas. This looks even more compelling. Yes, updates can be slow, but if they're good in the end then that's worth it. I'm not surprised half of the ideas don't get listened to on the forums, because the vast majority of posts are people complaining about the game or attempting to troll and upset others who might be excited about something. :jawa_mad:
  18. I hope I'm wrong, but it looks like the same tube shooter crap that we have now.


    It's been confirmed this update has made a deliberate effort to veer away from the 'on-rails' combat to allow for a free space experience. With any luck, though this is speculation, free roam in space may well be possible one day! :jawa_biggrin:

  19. I understand you can't go into specifics, Eric, but is there any update on the very early on mentioned guild ships, what with the addition of multiplayer space combat? Without too much detail, I feel Guild PVP could emerge from this, with guild ships becoming practical bases to store and upgrade starfighters as a group for those in guilds, or even share them around.


    Also, again realizing specifics can't be delved into, but I imagine these starships will have to be upgraded or purchased for some kind of expense. Will these be through the Cartel Market, or in game credits?


    Looking forward to this expansion! :D Keep up this work!

  20. I don't mean to come across as insensitive to all of you who had to download the whole game again, which is ridiculous, but for those of us who didn't patch at all, is it now safe to log into the game? Forgive me for being a bit confused by the multiple times they put up; I try to convert them all, but, being an APAC player, it's hard to keep up with it all!


    Is it safe to play for those of us who didn't download, or should we wait until maintenance?

  21. Sounds like a great update for PVPers, and it's good to know that PVE and PVP get to take it in turns, as someone who engages in both on different characters and different servers. This update looks like a lot of fun, can't wait to pull groups of four friends who know each other together to try and dominate an arena! Quick question: will current level brackets and bolster apply to these people? And as for the new warzone teased at the end, that's also very exciting!


    A new update without a single mention of Cartel Coins or the Cartel Market. I'm so proud of you, Bioware. :o

  22. Just got that as well. Quit playing a few weeks ago though, APAC server was dead and the US lag blows.

    Sub cancelled.


    Thanks for the memories SWToR. I did have a great time playing and loved the character stories and companions.


    To be honest with you, I've noticed a tiny- if any- difference in lag. Just popped the graphics town a tiny bit to the point it's unnoticeable but my gameplay is just as good, if not better, than what I had on Dalborra.

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