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Posts posted by Zuntrios

  1. Bah, I use Force Choke because its fun to use Force Choke. It's the iconic Darth Vader move, FFS.


    I use Force Choke because PvP. That healer being whacked on by my group is in execute range for us? Yeah. Up in the air you go, sucka. Bye bye.

  2. i wonder why nobody complained before Mist of Pandaria was launched that WOW had not received a single content update. NOT A SINGLE ONE for over a year outside of a raid that was finished in the first 5 hours of release. all the game got was bug fixes and rebalancing for PVP. in fact there was more praise for the game THEN than there is NOW..


    yet swtor will go two months with nothing and then drop an update granted it may be a cosmetic content update or something not content rich and everybody goes 'that doesn't count' we have no new content.


    I didn't complain. I flatout unsubbed. Running the same boring content over, and over again is NOT fun. But that's how I feel here as a PvPer. Ancient Hypergate was the last real PvP update, and even that was a really crappy WZ. Then they follow it up with all the Lolster bugs they're dealing with, and they're still not done squashing the bugs for PvP. Double relic procs now? And, of course, no new PvP until 2.4... If that's even worth playing with all the tweaks they're making to PvP right now. CC break resets on death? Seriously? Because capping a node/door already wasn't a giant pain in the backside...


    And don't tell me dailies are content. That's the same excuse WoW uses for their dailies. NOBODY likes dailies. They just do them because they're a time waster that gives you money.


    TLDR Been there with WoW. Unsubbed. Same thing is happening here. Unsubbed.

  3. I for one enjoys PVP daily as an aspect of this game on all my chars and are pretty good at it, but I don't feel that PVP itself is so important that i consider it the only playable part of TOR. I spend even more time leveling, endgame FP/OPS etc.


    If you have PVP as your only interest in TOR you are severely limiting youself to incomes and experiences you are paying for.


    So, unsubbing if you don't get your PVP porridge just SO is childish.


    Enjoy the trainride and try to participate in the rest of this huge game and look forward to PVP expansions WHEN THEY HAPPEN.


    Real talk time, then. What is the main feature that SWTOR has that other MMOs don't? The class stories. Class stories, which as of 2.0, are no longer a main focus. So what's left. Ops? Other games do raids much better, and there are more of them. FPs? Again. Other games do small scale dungeons much better, and there are more of them. Dailies? Quests? None of these things stand out from the crowd. PvP, on the other hand, actually DID stand out. It was fluid, and exciting, and for the most part, pretty balanced. What happened? We don't know, but they lost sight of what they were doing with PvP. Awkward tweaks, and rebalancing, followed by lolster bug after lolster bug... Then, to top it off, ages without a new Warzone. And when's the next Warzone coming out? 2.4. Four major patches into an expansion, and we FINALLY get a new Warzone. And that's IF they don't push it back, like they're rather fond of doing...


    I don't know about you, but I'd consider that a pretty fair reason for the PvP crowd to be mighty upset at this point.

  4. Except you don't actually have to pay for cartel market content if you have the ability to post to this forum.


    If you choose to use CM content above and beyond the 6,000+ cartel coins a sub since Early Access would have netted you, yeah, I guess you have to pay. Or I guess if you JUST started subbing and you only have 500 or 1,000, yeah, you're going to hit the paywall quicker.


    Curious which boat are you in that you need to pay?


    Here's the thing, though. I'm not complaining that I don't have enough CC to do what I want with the patch. I'm upset that it's double money patch. When a ton of the "content" introduced in an expansion we paid for is buggy and broken, to follow it up with a patch all about the CM, rather than a focus on fixing things that are screwed up, it just gets a little annoying. I get that Customization is "content" to some people, but seriously, come on. I'm not gonna spend weeks staring at a kiosk, or rechanging my character's style over and over again. It's fluff.


    And on a sidenote? Their way of justifying CM patches as "Subscribers get their bonus" is a cop out anyway. If it truly was a reward for subscribers being loyal, they wouldn't "take it into account as they set prices."

  5. While 2.1 was mostly crap, it by no means is a reason to unsub. Only the Cathar were worth buying. The dye and appearance kiosk systems suck. BW always had a piss poor creation system in this game, a system that is very limited. The new kiosk is nothing more than that same, limited creation system with a few new options, 95% of wich are human only. This is a poor service and the best thing people can do is NOT use it until it is greatly improved in the future. Same with the dye kits. Don't spend the money/coins/credits on such a poorly ddesigned service.


    2.1 is not worth cancelling a sub over. It is also not worth wasting any money on, either. Just do not use it. Send BW a message by refusing to use their poorly designed systems. Let them know that they must do better, that the players want true choices, not the ones BW makes for us. Remain subbed, refuse to use the kiosk and buy the kits. If they do not sell then BW will have to realize they need to improve those systems.


    The problem is, not only was 2.1 crap, 2.0 was as well. The broken achievement system, Lolster, no new PvP, revamped FPs that were harder at the level you first see them, and boring planet and daily quests? I'm not seeing anything worth spending money on. It wouldn't have been so bad if 2.1 added something cool, but nope. Cartel Market update. So that's now two patches in a row that the only way to enjoy is to pay for. I'm not amused in the least.

  6. Considering they called it a bug, and responded so quickly to it while also giving us a date it would be released, my guess is either:


    a) They've known about it for a while, and had already planned on fixing it before this thread was posted.

    b) They realized it was unintended, and it was a miniscule fix -- like changing one or two properties around in the talent object


    Eh. Either way. I'm just poking fun. I know the players have known about it for a while, because it popped up as soon as 2.0 hit, but, considering it didn't make it into 2.1? I seriously doubt they've known about it for TOO long. Or that the fix is actually easy. Who knows? Like I said. Just poking fun. The thread has no real point to be open after the gold response. Besides, if this was another MMO, you'd be seeing nothing but the age old quote "Fun has been detected, and nerfed accordingly."

  7. If it was beneficial to both factions I wouldn't care if it was backburner'd to fix other high priority bugs, but since this creates a factional imbalance, it becomes a very high priority and as such, should be squashed immediately.


    I know, I know. I'm completely in agreement that this needs to be fixed. I'm just amazed at that well, not only was that an instant "Bam! We fix this!" But also, that, instead of giving it to both sides, which, as you can see, some of us thought it was on purpose... They decide to fix it by removing it instead.

  8. The Test server is supposed to be there to test things.


    Pfffffffffft... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Alright... I'll be nice, and go with the thought that you haven't been on the forums very much. But seriously, have you ever taken a peek at the PTS forums? All those bugs that were reported and went live. Quite a few gamebreaking bugs exist right now. The OP roll bug that freezes you in place, crashes in flashpoints? Seriously. We've reported TONS of bugs. Tons and tons of bugs that should have been fixed ASAP. And what gets priortiy? Something like this, which would actually be a pretty nice perk to players. In fact, I'd just say instead of fixing it, give it to both sides. They made 2.0 all about utility... THIS is utility. But, nope. It's a beneficial bug. Must be quashed... *sigh*

  9. Having just come back from 3 months of WoW. I can assure you this is not the case.

    WoW pvp is without a doubt the worst state it has ever been in. Healing, and burst are all at an all-time high of ridiculous. If it wasn't for the lack of diminishing returns in Vanilla, CC would be on that list too. No high MMR rated team uses melee dps at all except for Frost DK's, and that's largely because of their pull and ability to harass the other team's ranged DPS. Most of them bring a Disc Priest, a Resto shaman and either a Holy Pally or another Disc Priest. Good luck getting a spot as any other healer. Most flag carriers are prot war's, good luck getting a flag carrier spot as any other class.


    High-end arena is pretty much just as bad if not worse. Go play WoW then come back and tell me it's more balanced in it's current state.


    As for BG's, the only ones I actually enjoy are AB and Silvershard Mines. I pretty much hate the rest for various reasons(boring, terrible map design, biased towards a faction). In TOR, I can't say I hate any WZ. I have a dislike of Voidstar for various reasons, but I don't hate it.


    TOR has it's problems with pvp, there's no doubting that, but it's not as bad as WoW's.


    Ironically enough, I just went back to WoW after Lolster. Because, frankly, since neither WoW, nor SWTOR can actually make PvP worth playing, I'd honestly rather just go to the one with better PvE. And IMO, the variety of new dungeons and raids in MoP is much more enjoyable than the 4 revamped snoozefests they call HMFPs here, and the ONE OP. Dailies and quests have never appealed to me in either game, but since that's really all SWTOR has going for it in its latest expansion, my choice was made. I'm no longer having fun here, so rather than make forum threads about how [bioware can't do x], I've simply unsubscribed, and am reading and posting in the forums, just like I always did, until my sub finally runs out.

  10. So you would rather keep quiet about a bug that is in your favor ?

    To me that would be the prime definition of an exploit... deliberate and knowinginly taking advantage of a failing game mechanic.


    Noone likes exploiters.


    Well, in all fairness, it's an extreme rarity that there's a bug that actually benefits the players, and most Lightning Sorcs I've run with thought it was actually supposed to be like that, as a boost to off-healing, what with the way they've seemed to be adding more utility heals to other classes, like baseline Kolto Missile. But alas, no such luck. Just another bug in the pile of bugs. Now... The fact that it's a beneficial bug like this that gets quashed ASAP... That's neither here nor there. Though, considering recent bug "fixes"... I'm gonna wait until live to judge.

  11. February: Gree event and reputation system

    April: Expansion

    June 11th: Next content patch.


    What's your problem again? Is ingame content solely WZ's and Operations? If so then I've spent over 2,000 hours doing something else in this game. The content cycle is 6-8 weeks. I'm fine with that and it irks me in no way whatsoever.


    How about the fact that the last several 'Content' updates have all been "Pay to enjoy"?


    "Thanks for being awesome and purchasing RotHC! As a reward for being awesome, we're gonna give you something you've wanted for ages! Customization! Of course... You're gonna have to pay for that too."

  12. Class Story, and decent PvP were the only things that made this game better than WoW for me. Well, now I've run all the class stories on Imp side, some of them twice, from the viewpoint of both a Dark Side, and Light Side character. I completely ignored the planet quests, because, let's be honest... A quest is a quest is a quest. Go here, kill that, collect this, return to me. When you make one unified impersonal quest line, I just don't care. The exciting thing about personal story lines is that it affected my character personally. The entire universe revolved around my individual actions. That's something you don't get in a generic quest. You're just a dog. Go fetch THIS, because we're too incompetent/lazy/stupid to do it ourselves.


    But that's really what Makeb is. Nothing feels special. There's no little nooks and crannies that only your class can enter, everyone gets the same group phases, and there's nothing actually important to YOUR CHARACTER. Oh, your the Emperor's Wrath? That's nice. Do the same job we hired this Bounty Hunter for. Or "Darth Nox! Please assist this Agent in destroying three of these hovertanks that are just standing around in a field." It's not engaging in the least.


    I won't go into how I feel about PvP. A single look at the PvP forums is all it takes to see what's going on there. Nor will I go into details about all the other things that have just made this expansion a disappointment to me personally. We all have our own opinions, and I'll respect those of everyone around me. If you're having fun, that's great. Keep having fun. But for me? I'm not. And unless 2.2 has something that completely knocks my socks off? Well... It was fun while it lasted.

  13. As long as there are players who suck, there will always be players who leave a WZ. A lot of times, those two traits happen to be in the same player. I welcome players who leave, frankly. Most of the time, they're pretty horrible to begin with. Plus, if they leave, I don't have to deal with their nerdrage anymore. Sure, filling the slot of a leaver in the middle of a match is no fun, but you also have the choice to leave as well. No punishment is going to make them stay, and worst case scenario, they won't leave, but rather find ways to keep in combat so they can't be kicked. Look at WoW, people. That crap isn't funny. As soon as you force them to stay, they WILL stay. Doesn't mean they'll actually try, though, and now, you're not only down a body, but they can give the enemy free kills, which is a HUGE disadvantage, in things like Hypergate, or worse, they now have a player to leap to in Huttball.
  14. This is going to be hard to hear but here it goes:


    The people doing dailies out of boredom are not the target market of SWTOR. They have said over and over they were targetting the market that would take 3+ months to level one character and then start working on the next character.


    3 Months to level ONE character? Do they really think that they're playerbase sucks at this game that much, to take THREE whole months to level? And that's just if they focus on a single alt?... Yeesh. With the literally inexhaustible ways to increase your experience gain to suit the kind of content you want to play... The only people who take 3 months to level are the ones who purposely slow down to enjoy content they've outleveled... And frankly, no grey content can possibly be THAT interesting to anyone.

  15. Only thing saving this game from sinking is the Cartel market, not the actual "game development" itself sadly. I guess I'm somewhat thankful for that, but amazed at how badly (and fast) this game tanked. :( Also just read this today, which is worth the read. Frankly, if the current Devs of BioWare get shifted to focus on other Star Wars games, this game will be (if not already) the red-headed stepchild of EA-Star Wars development.


    I enjoy the game enough to remain subbed, as a few friends are still lingering about, but it doesn't surprise me that the saving grace to TOR is the Cartel Market and not the generated content itself (which has been subpar due to copius amount of bugs). They've run off too much of the PvP base in a potentially great PvP game (even if that was not their focus), and the PvE factor this game has doesn't really hold much of a candle to others, unless you consider a saber a candle. :p Hope it turns around. I also strongly believe that each server has 50,000 active accounts, maybe close to 100,000...:eek::D:rak_03:


    Hit it right on the head. The only thing keeping this game afloat is their Cartel Market, because frankly, there isn't enough content for it to actually hold up on its own merits. When you have to use PR spin like "A new direction", or "Shifting Focus" to make an excuse for lack of content, there's a problem. And it gets old. When you read the patch notes, and there's a wall of Cartel Market updates, and maybe a single bug fix, when faced with the literal flood of known issues, let alone the ones they refuse to admit to, it's just not worth caring about this game anymore. And I know that the BioDrones will tell me "You just don't understand the direction Bioware is taking! This game is good, you're just not seeing it." You know what I'm seeing? I'm seeing them screw up everything that actually made me enjoy this game. Individual stories. GONE. PvP worth actually playing. GONE. A reason to run Space Battles. GONE What do they fill that up with instead? More boring dailies, snoozefest HMFPs that were harder at the level you originally faced them, and a mountain of Cartel Market updates. And, of course, the crown jewel of fail this content update. The horribly broken achievement system. Which actually had given me a reason to play, until I realized that 50% of all PvP achievements were broken beyond belief.

  16. Nice post OP.


    There's no sense whining about what I'm about to, since what is done is done, but the level cap was really unnecessary. In World of Warcraft, when you levelled up to the new level cap there was an entirely new end game; new raids, new dungeons, new battlegrounds, new dailies, new crafting and even a new hub for when you are idling.


    In SWTOR we got a new operation and new dailies. Crafting is the exact same bs that it was at level 50. The only thing level 55 did was to re-introduce the same grind you had already endeavoured... and there's no real incentive for the grind this time around. I don't get how bolster works, but I don't like the feeling of not being aware of what stats I gain and lose when I gear up, since bolster seem to change them. That, and I had 3 level 50s fully geared. Now I have gotten 1 to 55 and I'm in full partisan, and when I want to play the others I have to endure the same Makeb, and then start grinding for the same gear again... and worst of all; the augments. Sigh...



    I'd love to see an instanced open world pvp area. Empty of NPCs, and have several objectives for pvp to interact with. Arenas would be fun as well, in addition to some new warzones. I'd especially love to see another huttball map. We have 3 warzones with capture point pvp, it is getting really tiresome.


    Yeah. 2.0 let down the entire PvP playerbase. Even if you like Bolster, there's still nothing actually worth doing in PvP, that we haven't already done to death. One would hope the expansion we paid for would have actually brought new Warzones, but nope. It barely even brought any PvE to the table, for that matter. One new Op, and 4 HMFPs that are easier than their original versions were at level. Oh, well, I guess. I had my fun. But, for now, at least, I'm letting my sub lapse, and stepping away from SWTOR. I'll probably come back if they ever add something worthy to PvP, but for now, I honestly can't justify paying $15 a month to run laps around fleet.

  17. Oh and please do not misrepresent what I said. I said three hours in an evening, not per week.


    You made a lot of good points, and for the record, it's pretty much all right, but this is the one I wanted to address. Let's be honest here. If a group of people thinks that 3 hours an evening is an overcommitment, I seriously doubt that they've made plans to use the rest of their lockout this week. It's probably the only time during the week when all 8/16 are available to be together. I'm aware you said evening, but in reality, it's probably the latter.


    And what you said is true. The majority of the MMO crowd right now don't have a clue about anything resembling decent play. Because that's the direction the entire gaming industry seems to be going. And you're right. It angers me to no end, since this is MY realm. I grew up playing games that actually made you work, and I was bullied the hell out of for playing "Those stupid video game things." So when I see the same type of people that made my life a living hell, enjoying the very hobby that I was beaten for? Yeah. I'm frustrated. I actually try, and get told "It's just a game.", because gaming is now "cool", and anyone that tries to play properly is a "Basement dwelling nerd". It gets old, real effing fast.

  18. Well, I just joined the OP, and I'm not the only one. Both my friend and I are done with this game. It's just not fun anymore. He and I both agree, 2.0 was the worst 10 dollars we've ever spent. Another boring planet, snoozefest HMFPs, and grindfest dailies don't appeal to us. PvP does. But PvP is a joke right now, for a variety of reasons. So we can't enjoy that, either. So what did we pay for that we ended up enjoying? A new skill per class, and five new talent points. Hoo-freaking-ray.
  19. I'm getting to the point of unsubbing, myself. 2.0 was a complete flop for me, after the initial surge of "Yay! New stuff!" wore off. I've barely spent any time in game these last few weeks. I was a little excited for 2.1 and customization, and then I saw the "Using Cartel coins!" part, and that killed any amount of care I had left. Oh well. Not the first time I've quit an MMO, and honestly not the first time I've quit this one, either. It took the Legacy update to bring me back last time. They've got until June to excite me. Here's hoping they do.
  20. On the other hand, a lot of people who play only have maybe 3 hours in an evening. And they aren't organised like the military. What I mean is that if you have time from 8pm to 11pm. It usually means people have their team together and are in the actual ops probably by 8h30 pm. Most people don't find it as easy as the op so they take a bit longer, wipe a couple of times, explain tactics to people etc. and all of a sudden it's 11pm and you have killed 3-4 bosses. So yeh, it is a bit long for a lot of people. A lot depends on playstyle and most teams are not as streamlined or hardcore to do this ops in a couple of hours.


    Just a reality check. Just because a few of you harcore's can blow through these ops, doesn't mean the other 95% of players can do the same. That's just a silly assumption.


    And with this post, you've summed up the rather pathetic direction MMOs have taken. The Happy Meal approach to raiding. "Oh, we can't play more than three hours a week! Also, we lack situational awareness! Make these raids small and easy, so that we can feel good about clearing joke content." It's kinda funny, really. Last I checked, reaching the end of ANY game, not just an MMO, was about dedication, and overcoming a large final challenge. In an MMO realm, that meant that you needed to organize a group of good players, that could actually show enough commitment to play with each other for enough time to clear a raid, even if that meant having multiple days set up during your weekly lockout. It actually gave players who have a small amount of skill something to look forward to playing. Now? Bite sized raids, for the ADD casual crowd.


    When you have people saying that a raid is too easy, and short, it doesn't mean that they're "Hardcore." The Hardcore guilds already farmed the crap out of it while it was on the PTS. They're not bragging because they're "So good", they're asking for some content that isn't a freaking snoozefest. Because the only thing 2.0 actually brought to the table for the endgame crowd was a single Op. You can't claim the achievement system is worth doing, since 75% of them are bugged, there was no addition to PvP, and the new HMFPs were a disappointment for anyone with a pulse.

  21. Yah Makeb is garbage almost all-around. The mob density is the worst offender though by far.


    it's an artificial time pad they put in...takes longer to do something..so takes longer to level..spend more time there....claim x-hours of content...which is double what it should be because of garbage groups of mob after mob just standing around.


    the xpac was only $10 (for subs) and worth it for the REST of the new stuff (5 lvls..raids..etc) but Makeb, itself, is utter crap. Crap design. A lackluster story ("Rise" of the Hutt Cartel??? it's more like a light fart)


    I don't know why I even bought the expansion at this point. Planet quests are always kinda meh, the "New exciting Macrobinoculars!" don't excite me in the least. The new HMFPs are alright, except I've already done the crap out of them, and the minor changes still don't change the fact that it's the same FPs that we slogged through on our way to level up, and attempting to PuG them is like voluntarily taking a cactus to the face. I can't comment on the new Op, as I haven't got a chance to run that yet. And on top of that, they've completely borked PvP, which actually IS my main focus in this game. So, out of what I paid for, the only thing I actually can enjoy this expansion, is the rebalanced skill trees, and a new ability per class. So, basically... 10 bucks for a new button, and 5 more talent points. Yay.

  22. Look. Let's just be serious for a bit here, folks. Healing IS kinda powerful right now, but TTK is also shortened as well. The issues you're facing, however, are not "X is overpowered", it's the same problems you will always face whenever you join a PvP match. Coordination. An individual healer is a threat to a party, yes, but CAN be shut down if your group focuses the healer. Of course, that assumes the enemy team lets you kill their healer, but that's another point. The main issue is not single healers. It's a combination of healers, working in sync. Basically, "Healers healing healers." We've all been there. Our team is bursting down that Sorc/Sage, who sprints away as they run low on HP, and the other healer in the group pops them back up to full. Repeat ad nauseum.


    Things like Hypergate, Voidstar and Novare, for instance, are really Healer paradise. You always end up running into a wall of heals, because you keep having to come back to where the healers are, be it center, or a door. That being said, I really don't think it's a healer problem. I think it's a bolster problem, especially in the lower brackets. That free expertise makes it so healing isn't reduced much at all. And when you hit 55, you end up running into the wall of heals again, but this time, because so many people work together at 55. So it's not an actual "Overpowered" issue at all, but more of the way the system is set up. Nerfing healing itself will do nothing but make PvE suck more, due to less healing being generated in OPs and FPs. So, I really don't know how this can be fixed, barring scrapping Bolster.

  23. Funny, as a healer I seem to have an issue keeping people up when I face a team that knows how to focus and put out some dps. If you are one of those people at the end of a WZ that has less than 100k dps, I think the problem lies on your end.


    Funny, as a healer I seem to have no issue keeping people up when I face a team that knows how to focus and put out some DPS. If you are one of those people at the end of a WZ that has less than 100k hps, I think the problem lies on your end.

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