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Posts posted by bulltonez

  1. They have to have players to make GF work. We're all leaving and they refuse to admit why.


    They have enough players. If u have 800 players and 40% login its still enough players. Players leaving has nothing to do with it if there's still enough people online. Watch no one que for master uprisings. Starting to think star wars fans as a player base sucks. If it's too hard they don't que. Or they look for who can carry them. Anyway there's enough players.

  2. Blahhhh group finder need to be fixed. Que sucks. Can't enjoy new anything if no one is in que. Figure out a way to get players to que or make it better for the few of us that do que up. Give more cmdxp to player who use group finder might be a idea. Or give better loot odds for using group finder. There's something that can be done easily without to much change.
  3. Queue tomes are simply going to get worse as more people leave. If they consolidate everything down to one server, it would help dramatically, for a while, but then they also have to admit they no longer have the player base they currently pretend to have. BW can't do anything else to fix queue times. They've been driving players away since they announced 4.0, more when 4.0 dropped, more when they announced gearing for 5.0 and a lot more since 5.0 launched. They aren't willing to listen to the feedback they've received, so it's not going to get any better.


    That makes sense. Even taking out uprisings would help. Seem like everyone milks story mode ups and refuse to Que anything else. FP use to pop a lot more prior to 5.0. Take those uprisings and turn them into new FP may have been better option. They need to make adjustments to help. Only thing that pops is pvp. All this Pve content is useless if u can't que up. I don't mind pvp but 15 wins for 75 tokens to get a unassembled gear piece is a bit outrageous. Whatever they can do to fix, help, band aid...etc ques needs to be addressed. Que, Pve content, then gear looting is the order they should have worked in. Buts its EA after all. I was happy with my pvp gear til it got wiped smh. Trying to Pve but its not happening per usual.

  4. New "Ops"? Ummm shouldn't queue times be fixed before addressing new ops. I mean yea op teams run their usual grind and que isn't a concern for them. But for us solo players we have to sit and que for an eternity to possibly get a pop. But problem once it pops, loser players leave the group after one wipe or cry its too hard. Que should be addressed new ops won't mean crap for players like myself because nothing pops. Sure I joined guilds but they seem to only run with a certain group within the guild. Normal mmos i could get a pop and just do a run. In tor seems like u have to fill out an application with 5 references to get a op run smh.
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