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Posts posted by DudeSweat

  1. I have 11 toons and just created the 12th - a dark jedi Sage. He's level 12 right now so leveling him with all the evilness that goes with him will be fuuuuuuuuuuun.

    Course, all my comps will hate me except for HK. Loyal HK.


    Have fun everyone!

  2. let me start from the basics. Armor progression is based on the level of content you will encounter. right now 36 (186) gear is the "basic" comm level and is available from crafters or vendors. This armor is basically used for dailies and low level content. This would be hardmode flashpoints, and or Operations (right now Ravegers and ToS).


    In side these you will gain the next level of gear (elite) currently 37 (192). This gear can be purchased via elite comms from vendors, or dropped in operations (Ravegers and ToS) this gear will be usefull in the next level of progression which is hardmode operations. Operatations will drop more optimized stats and better versions of mods/enhancements. Vendors sell less optimized and lower quality stats on their mods. Both are craftable, it will just depend on which schematic you want to learn.


    For weapons, vendors will only sell offhand version of barrels/hilts. Operations will drop the main hand versions, those two are not interchangeable and an offhand schematic will not work in a main hand slot (the exception is might hilts since the sabers are both main/offhand).


    So in order to craft the 192 level gear you need to a) run HM/Tactical flashpoints for the comms/drops to either purchase the gear (and remove the mods/armoring/enhancements hilts/barrels) to RE and learn the schematic (they have a 20% chance) b) you can run the SM operations win the kits and purchase the more optimized version of the item from the vendor and then pull the mods/armoring/enhancements hilts/barrels) for a 20% chance of learning the schematic.


    If you are not successful on learning it, you will have to run the operation again for a chance to win the drop, for a chance to learn the schematic (needing on an item just to learn the schematic is considered bad practice). Just an FYI, the materials for crafting those items, also only drop from Operations.


    The intent is, if you are not running operations you really have no need for higher level/BiS gear.


    Thanks a TON for the information! I knew operations and flashpoints were valuable (I've done a few), but not this valuable.


    Thanks again!

  3. By making green mods and RE'ing them to learn the blue schematic, and then making blues and RE'ing them to learn the purple.


    For those items you can't get a schematic for, you need to start by RE'ing drops, or mods you extract from drops, or items you buy off the GTN. (Make sure the item has a possibility to learn a new schematic before you RE it. - It will give a percentage chance if you hover over it when in RE mode.)


    I've REd so much it's crazy. You can't RE however a purple 36 to get a purple 37 which is what I'm asking how to craft. And to buy one 37 armoring mod on the gtn is laughable. 1.9 million? Nope.

  4. Hello,


    I've been a sub for almost three years now and I have yet to see any dyes for either the HK droid or M1-4X droid. The HK has some customizations, yes. But not dyes. The M1 droid has nothing.

    Recently we've seen Scorpio get a customization which is nice.

    It would be nice for players to be able to customize their droids how they want. Just like their own clothing. Maybe make a dye module available on a their armor piece to be able to do this.

    Each Commando and Vanguard has the same M1-4X. Mixing it up a little would be fun and add their own design to their companion.


    Thank you

  5. And if you are talking about the Jawa Balloon on tatooine, the only thing that one can say they accomplished is managing to stay awake long enough for the wait/ride, or that they made an awesome sandwich while not actually playing during that time, even though they were logged into the game.


    I love this comment.


    I've actually made grub many 'a time while my toon just sat...and sat. I've even cleaned, paid bills, etc.

  6. Since the appearance of the Legacy system, the way BW implemented the Class Buff has bothered me. Once you get a class past its 2nd chapter, every character you play receives, in addition to its own buff, that other class' buff. Of 'all' the Legacy powers I have access to now, this, to me, seems the most useful one thusfar. This is good and all, except when you enjoy playing the same class more than once.


    In every game I play, I have always enjoyed warriors most. I might try other classes, but in the end, I always return to the warrior. So in Swtor, I have two level 50 Juggernauts and I am playing a Jedi Guardian, as well as a Jedi Sentinel. I see others running around with a double, or even triple class buff, but I - even the tooltip for the Legacy Class Buff specifically says so - am not to receive ANY benefits from having more than one warrior-class?


    I don't see any reason why I shouldn't get anything. Wouldn't it make sense in a legacy that the child follows in its parent's footsteps? Why does the son not benefit from the knowledge the father has gained?


    I am not exactly sure how this could be implemented in gameterms, but the easiest route (at least to me, not being a developer / designer) would seem to give players with more than one warrior past the 2nd chapter a stronger buff - say a 1% increase for every warrior beyond the first. In my case, I would be able to give myself (and perhaps other players) a 7% (almost 8% now) increase to damage and healing done when using Force or Unnatural Might.


    I am sure my own suggestion has flaws. Any and all suggestions are welcome. Even if BW does nothing with this, which they probably will, I have presented the suggestion. I hope others agree with me, at least to the point where they acknowledge there's no definitive reason why players playing the same class more than once should not receive some benefit, albeit a very minor one.


    I think this is a great suggestion and I wasn't aware it was even an issue. Playing only the same class and only getting the benefit of that class while others (me included), who have multiple classes get more bennies. Like you stated, not sure how it would be implemented but you're right, there should be some benefit for peeps that only play that specific type of class. Now however, how does BW implement/change that buff if for some reason say a person who only plays juggernaut or guardian decides one day to create a trooper or sage? Hmmmm...

    Great question though.

  7. Thanks for all the information peeps. I hit max comms at level 18 with only a level 18 valor. Wondering what the hell to do with all the comms until rank 40.

    Not sure I agree with the medpack/adrenal solution as you get a butt load every time you do dailies/weeklys and I agree that pre-rank 40 weapons/gear stinks if you're gearing your armor/weapons as you level. There just isn't anything to blow it on. Then I read the comment by Scraycroft about maxing comms, buying weapons, returning weapons, warzoning...that does seem like a lot of work but it's also valid.

    In the end, we'll see.

  8. I hope this will pave the way towards Guild Capital Ships and perhaps being able to queue for PvP Space Combat from there with a ship launching sequence.


    That would be sweet!


    But then again, if they're going to do that, they should allow fuzzy dice and naming your ship just like with your character. Then for each kill, there will be hash marks under the canopy.

  9. when you created your first toon on the pvp server, you were warned that this might happen and were asked if you were ok with it.


    This is a fact of life on a pvp server. Deal with it.


    It only happens very rarely and if you cant handle the open world leveling and the pvp there... level up using flashpoints, warzones and space missions.


    If you still want to cry then the door is that way.


    Yes. I'm crying. I can't sleep at night due to PvP. It's keeping me up at night, I can't eat...all I do is, cry.

  10. This is a fact of pvp servers, it has existed since world pvp was first created.

    Yes, the internet is full of people who don't care one jot about other's game experience.


    I agree with you. If I hated PvP altogether, I'd scratch my guys and move to a PvE server.

    There have been many times I've gotten a beat down from a guy and they move on. I yell "fool!" and I move on. When you can't complete missions though because like you said, there are those that don't care, that's when it's frustrating. And that element will always be there no matter what MMO you play.

  11. What is with people on these forums? All you guys do is complain. If you don't want to get attacked by higher levels dont be flagged for pvp and if you are on a pvp server thats exactly what you signed up for.


    I'm not talking normal PvP. I'm talking about 55s (mainly), feeling the need to attack someone almost 30 levels lower than they are. There's no challenge in it so why do it? It's fun? Obviously for some.

    Also, I don't think even a 55 would like getting ganked by a geared 55 while trying to complete missions. If my geared juggernaut was hovering over you every step of the way, you'd get frustrated and don't say you wouldn't. PvP server or not, there's no reason for it.

  12. First off let me say, I love PvP. It's fun, adds another dimension to the game and keeps you on your toes on PvP planets.

    Second, I don't agree with allowing higher level characters attacking lower level ones. There is no reason allowing a level 55 to attack a level 28. Period. The only reason it happens at all is because of a higher level's inferiority complex or something I can't put my finger on. If it were merely a hazing/Code-Red/welcome to the party kind of thing and the 55 let it go at that, I would blow it off. However when I see 55s repeatedly go after the same person/people, it becomes something more.

    Would it be so bad truly that in SWTOR if you're more than 5 levels up, you can not attack each other? A 35 can't attack a 29 or vice versa. Do people really need to feel superior by attacking lower level peeps?

    I have one 55 Juggernaut and I don't attack lowbies. Why? Because there's no sport in it. No challenge. To say nothing of the frustration. I've ended up just throwing my hands up and turned the computer off because I can't complete a mission due to much higher level people attacking me. I don't want to add to the frustration of others by doing the same thing.

    Think about it.

    I know a large portion of people enjoy knocking the lowbies down but if you find it fun, there's some other issues going on in your life that need to be addressed.

  13. I agree. In-game currency would be much better than cartel coins. But then again, that means reduced income.


    The $15 a month is no biggie in my opinion, but then you start adding other charges on to that for mundane items/unlocks, etc. and that begins to stink like big business.

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