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Posts posted by budbeer

  1. So I wasn't able to find anything about this when I looked, hopefully I didn't miss anything. I noticed when I've been doing ranked arenas, both solo and group, that ranking seems to go down more in a loss than go up in a win. For example I had a loss where my ranking went down by 12 points, the next match was a win and it went up by 10. I don't get this. Any clarification would be greatly appreciated.
  2. A couple recent ones I had


    Playing on my level 52 at the time sent I catch a hm kaon. Now I tend to overgear a bit but I was only in level 50 stuff at this point. So I look at the group and see a 55 guardian tank, 55 scoundrel heals and a 54 sent dps, so I think we're in good shape. Yeah, not so much. I look a little closer and oh crap the tank has 16k health. Upon inspection there was no tankin gear in evidence, a couple different mainstats and nothing higher than level 49 mostly greens. This is going to be ever so much fun. But, I'm close to 53 and I got a full set of 66 waiting for me so in I go. The "tank" doesn't bother guarding anybody and somehow we clear the first few mobs. This despite the tank dying twice due to what he referred to as poor heals. The fact that he was pulling mobs 2 and 3 pulls ahead of we were wasn't a consideration. Now the fun begins, we get to the turret. Not a hard fight but a long one. Our intrepid tank decrees that we don't need the turret. At which point I ask if he had ever tanked this particular flaspoint before. He says he has and never needed the turret once and pulls without another word. Sure enough he leaps to the first pack of mobs and insta dies. So I jump on the turret. Our healer gamely rezzes the tank who does not help by rebuffing or regenning his health but yells at me to l2p and get off the turret. Immediately following this he leaps to another group and insta dies again. Now he starts demanding that he gets rezzed again. The healers explanation that it's on a 5 minute cd was met with utter disbelief by our friendly tank. We finish the fight and lo and behold there's a pretty decent cunning piece drop which our buddy the tank proceeds to need on. When I mention that he has no need of the piece and if he's rolling for a comp it's common courtesy to make sure nobody actually needs it he proceeds to equip it and say "%#^* you it's bound now" well that was enough for me so I bid the others good luck and tell our tank that if he had leveled any way other than space missions I'd be completely amazed since actual tanking is beyond him. Well I'm annoyed enough that I jump on my slinger and re que. A little while later I get a Mando raider HM and there's my favorite tank. I tell the group that they will die a lot with this tank, throw him on ignore and get outta there.


    Anyone who plays on Pot5, pub or imp, has run across a certain guild who shall remain nameless. I'll give a hint though the initials are B F. Well I catch a HM cad in progress one day and as I enter I see in group chat "last 2 dps quit, hope better" Now I'm just entering and I'm too far away to see all of their details but my spider sense is tingling. I draw near and my fears are confirmed. It's 3 of them. I stumbled into a guild run. I should've ran but I needed one more for the weekly so I press on. Theyre at the bonus boss and I'm pretty confident in my dps so i dive in. Wow that was a bad idea. The tank and other dps die real quick the healer is dpsing. So I'm in chat over and over saying Rez the tank. This is apparently a horrible tactical call on my part because as the healer so eloquently put it, "no tell how to heal" Yeah I must be terribad if I thought a tank might be handy on the bonus boss. So upon the inevitable wipe I simply say "ummm, no" and head off. I guess the first two dps that left must've been as bad as me.

  3. Oh that nice tank bubbled me and he's taunting all these guys off me. That was nice of him. Hey look at that he got his back right up against the door and there's 4 dps headed right for him. Hey I better check the other side l, he's a tank he can handle 4 dps. I better go heal that gunslinger he doesnt have heavy armor. Why is he saying "help west"? Doesn't he know he's a tank? West bomb planted? That's the worst tank ever! L2P n00b!
  4. Having had worked in a customer service position I can see both sides of this. Ultimately STS were not making anything up and the people involved have been apologized to and compensated. On the BW side when you work in a CS position your first response when someone says "you people did x to me" can't be "you're right we're horrible. Here, have anything you want." . It has to be "let me look into this" now having read the BW response the first look they took indicated that the SS were 'shopped. People kept saying there were shenanigans it was looked at a second time same result. Third time they found out it was true acted accordingly and made ammends. Could the initial responses been worded differently to not seem accusitory? Sure. But, call your bank screaming about anything treat the CS rep like an idiot and see how much help you actually get. Not much right? Try again still screaming but not as bad, a little better. Third time be reasonable and talk to the person on the other end like a human being and guess what? You get the results you wanted. In the end the players involved were vindicated and compensated and I have to assume the GM involved will, or has already been, appropriately disciplined.
  5. This is mt first post on the problem subjects so feel free to flame away i really dont care. I'm not a hardcore mmo player. I never played WoW GW EVE or any of the others the only one i did play was SWG and i started thst about 3 or so weeks before the combat upgrade and didn't last long after (getting one shotted by Jawas was embarassing) However i love RPGs in general so when i found out about this game i decided to give the MMO genre another shot.

    All i see when i look around the forums is how this game is dead, my servers empty pvp sucks , etc. I think that at the core these are valid points and I've seen the occasional thread or response that actually puts forth a valid idea or solution.

    All that being said heres what I think. Are there problems with the game? (and lets remember thats what this, a game) Absolutely. Queue times can be long on my server (juyo) I've had times as long as 20-30 minutes and sometimes instant pops. Pug teams vs pre-rolled can be painful ( nobody likes being spawn camped ). And of course all the other things people go on about. I enjoy wz quite a bit I consider myself decent but not great at it. But pvp isnt the be all end all for me as it is for some other players

    Will server merges, cross server wz, ranked wz server transfers etc be the answer? I dont know. I think the lfg tool will be helpful but what it can't help with is the one actual real complaint I have. That is there are always people on my server looking for groups to do ops and flashpoints but nobody willing to help the undergeared get geared. I have a small guild and until we get a couple more people to 50 it seems all I'm going to hear is "sorry your not geared enough" Event that though isn't goint to get me to unsub. I'll probably roll a toon Fatman just to see the difference but I actually quite enjoy the pve aspect of things.

    I loved SWTOR 1 and 2 despite the flaws with 2 and i view this as not one but 8 versions of SWTOR 3. I don't think this games going to die anytime soon despite D3 and GW2 because I believe for every person screaming how horible this game is there is a much larger number of people like me who are having fun with the game. And after thats what this is, a game.

  6. So I have a level 50 lightning specced sorcerer my pvp group has asked me to respec to healer. ive been playing around with a couple skill calculators and looked everywhere I'm trying to figure out a build that i can roll up to revivication but also get death field. I really need help with this cause i cannot het the numbers to work if anyone has a build or ideas they can share I'd be gratefull. Thanks
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