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Posts posted by raverk

  1. I had originally wrote an essay but ill stick to the main points.


    After seeing what has happened to other p4f aka (pay to win) this seems to be a recurring problem..

    (I believe this will happen here (eventually) but hope it doesn't.)


    Step 1.. release update with new content filled with bugs.

    2, unhappy community complains and seeks fix's

    3, after the generic response period we receive a fix or (workaround)

    4, after fixing the primary issues like character proggression other (less important) are left on the side untill further notice


    But to keep the money flowing please refer back to step 1....


    The build up of bugs forces alot of the long standing players players to leave...not that it matters because the majority of their income is from new players but this will have a domino effect across the game which leads me to..


    Forums becoming playgrounds.


    Although afew players have had a frustrated response (understandably) the majority of the forum here still gives contructive feedback..which is easily read and matters can be discussed. Now the problem as i see it is, when the majority of players here now leave, mainly with the breakdown of service. The new kids will enter the block and they don't have to pay to get in... food for thought.


    If you want an example of things to come look at BFH. Dead forum with continuous trolled responses. we'll probably eventually get ingame adds too... *sad panda*

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