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Posts posted by ogclutchbossman

  1. I am still contemplating whether I want to transfer over to POT5 or remain here on BC. Most of my best friends were from Knights of Tython, but have unfortunately left the game. Besides retaliation and a few pub guilds, there aren't many friends I have left from Ieldis that still actively play. I live on the east coast, so the time zone change will be nice as well as ranked being more active. I really enjoy the tight knit community here and like how ranked is becoming more and more active each week. If I do end up switching over, I'll most likely leave ogconfucius and og'clutchbossman here.
  2. I'm still having trouble with scamper in general. Yesterday I was completely stuck in 2 warzones after spamming scamper on my scoundrel. /stuck didnt work and when I was pulled by a sage I was still stuck. And then I was stuck in the spawn after dying. IT WAS THE WORST. Myrm was in that wz so I know he heard me yelling at him to kill me. Hopefully, they can fix some of these bugs with scamper and such.


    PS, Electronet is boss :)

  3. Same can be said of someone who has rakata stims or medpacs. Sure you can grab an exotech stim, but you can't get the same hp boost as you would in a rakata medpac, which can be helpful for some self healing classes that rely on a percentage of their overall hp. Everything should be on the table in these duels. It isn't fair to discriminate against a certain crew skill. These duels should be everyone employing whatever fair tactics they can to win. The way I see it cyber tech is no different from biochem. If you want to disqualify one crew skill, might as well do them all IMO. But then that would change the unique nature of each competitor. Let people fight on their terms, anything that is usable in a warzone at least. :)




    Tell them you have a galaxy to save. :rak_03:


    Saturday night I can make it. I can usually hop on about 8pm cst. Sunday this week is a no go for me though. But that's just me. I don't expect this to be decided on my availability alone. :)


    We could always just throw out biochem enhancements as well, in this case the rakata medpack.

  4. So I think grenades should be allowed. We all use them and I don't care that Cyber has a small advantage. You can make v-4 of every version they can. Plus lets be honest we all use stun ones anyways...the other ones are decently useful, but you are probably wasting a GCD you should use on one of your class abilities.


    I would like to request special dispensation to be in the Sentinel/Marauder Bracket :). They are still knights/warriors and its not fair I have to go against the smash monkies that my armor and cooldowns really don't do much against. :) I am totally kidding unless everyone wants to allow this dispensation and let me get in with the marauders and sents and then I am totally serious. :)


    I like the idea! Plus, I would love to see someone kill you. :)

  5. Wow. Well I'm glad your going to end that rant, and I'm with denny's how the hell do you come up with all this...nevermind. I feel bad for whoever it was that started this thread asking how pvp was on this server because you probably scared em off lol.




    Tyro, "my dude" there are still some of us oldies around here who have been around since the beginning. While I do not agree with the reason you were kicked out of The Resolute, pretending that it did not happen is just silly. They didn't like that you would "break the peace" at central, ilum back in the armament days by killing imps. Alot of pubs were carebears back then so it was their loss. As for shadowfury we all know the truth about what happened with that guild, regardless if some would not like to admit it. What happened in PS is over with, no amount of arguing will change that so its pointless to do so.


    Hopefully with all these rants and QQ coming to an end we can get back to the original topic, but I honestly think the OP was scared off.


    Dude I miss The Resolute. When we merged with them right after transfers I really enjoyed our ranked matches against you guys!

  6. Hey everyone,


    I know I haven't been around much lately but I plan on forming a ranked group on Saturday around 8-11 pst. So if there are any guilds or pug groups that would be interested let me know. Thanks!

  7. If only I had sticky grenades.... Seriously though, you get stickys that hit up to 5k?? Lameeee.


    No I do not get sticky's that hit up to 5k. Although I wish I did:). For some reason, Swtor adds my damage of stock strike on top of sticky grenade. So if they both crit for up to 2.5k then I also get the 5k medal. I wish I had recorded it! It's pretty Ogtastic if ya ask me.

  8. Yes.




    That's why I made the disclaimer regarding circumstance. If you're on a team that's poorly geared, up against a team that's not, bad things happen; people go from 100% - 0 before you can get a cast off, don't live the full 20 seconds for HOTs to really count for anything, etc. Heck, I've been in matches where healers are left to solo guard nodes. But I find that those matches are somewhat rare, at least pub-side. Besides, every other role is team-dependent as well, it's not a factor exclusive to healers.


    In a typical match, 300k heals should also be a given. Killing blow medal is pretty much a given. I'd think that 2.5k dmg single blow would be, too, but I don't have a sage so I can't speak for that class. So that's six. As Shepard mentioned, there're also the kill medals we receive (provided the team manages to kill something). With medals at 10 and 25 kills, that right there makes eight medals. Then, in addition, you've got attacker and defender medals that you get pretty much just for being at an objective. Plus the free medals if your team wins. Etc. etc. etc.


    TL;DR: healers don't have it any worse than any other class, provided you don't mind spending one warzone after another with a target on your head.


    * I should also add that I'm talking about the 50s bracket. Lowbie pvp is another story altogether.


    If your a commando you can also throw a sticky grenade and wait right before it goes off then use your stock strike to get the 5k damage medal if both crit. At least that works for me as a healer :D

  9. I completely understand where you're coming from. I have fought in several rated matches and see that it is a major issue in each warzone, especially in voidstar. Each team will switch specs depending on the scenario. I myself have done it many times. Playing as a commando allows me to go dps on offense or heals on defense. And depending on your team composition, you could conceivably stack your team specifically, healers and tanks. I would like to see BW possibly change this especially in rated. Perhaps by disabling the ability to field respec once you load in to the warzone. It would make both teams rethink their strategies rather than just respeccing, and taking the easy road. I guess that is what I would call it. Anyways, those are just my thoughts and I appreciate feedback whether its positive or negative.
  10. Knights with Tights On may be queing for ranked tonight if we get the numbers and the right people. Hoping for the best, and am looking forward to some fun matches!



  11. Well, your best bet is to hit a merc/commando while they have reactive shield up because of the increase by 20% in healing received. With reactive shield, kolto bomb (inc. of 4 or 5% cant remember), and inspiration scalpor hit me for about an 8.5k heal in a huttball.
  12. Well, you guys know I am always down for ranked; however, it does get pretty frustrating when we constantly play the same team and lose on a regular basis. But I really enjoy the competition, especially when its the three brothers together! (Melyn, threid, kirax)



  13. Does this server not off-let any decent PvP videos? I'm no Xaos Kun; I don't have the time to put together such things. But doesn't anyone in PvP?! Is Server Begeren Colony devoid of any PvP film-artists?


    I only made 1 good PvP video, and it was as a trader in SWG. Grim Determination doesn't keep any in-German videos? Do I really need to start filming myself? Yours truly is no egotist.... But anyone familiar with YouTube knows this game is lacking some good PvP vids - and Begerern Colony is the proof of it!


    Will start loading up my Fraps before logging in from now on - but yours truly is operating on a sub-standard system. Anyone else care to be forums-rivals for the best PvP vids?



    Dude, shut your butt...

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