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Posts posted by ThroneOfOP

  1. Why has it always been 15 dollars a month? Why not drop it to 10 or even 8? You would still make a ***** load of profit.


    Would you play an mmo that was 8 dollars a month with content that keeps coming and a sandbox world that is beautiful and fun?


    People don't make mmos for fun and pleasure anymore. All it is these days is about money. That should not be. It is nice to make a profit and be rich, but companies need to know what players wants and if the majority of the players want it, it should go in very soon. To keep them happy, thus keeping the player base happy and word of mouth gets out that the devs listen to you. Am I right?


    Yeah I'd pay that price a month to support, even if I'm not going to play SWTOR as much anymore.

    EA management should take a look at dropping sub prices so that more ppl will stay and play EATOR... I mean SWTOR. Especially for those that paid for the game. CE/DD/Standard

    I will be continue to sub if they drop the price.

  2. I just started playing them now actually when I heard ppl completing the GAR quest for them.

    I have to say, It goes from easy to hard very fast. I thought there would be a story but seems like only the first quest had voice acting.

    I thought there would be more but seems to be only 3 or 4 variations.

    I've asked people for hints and tips but seems hardly any one plays them.


    I'm stuck at the level 42 quests.

    I can survive one but I can not destroy the 60 enemy ships. Most kills was 31 for me. I haven't tried with over loaded weapons but will do now since the event is over.

    I tried looking for tactics for the lvl 42 quest through videos but seems no one made a video of completing it online. (I find quite strange)

    I'm scared to even try the lvl 50 quests. :eek:

    still gonna try hehe..


    NOTE: i also have an issue with the targeting cross-hair. I find it is so tiny on my screen that I keep on losing it , might be the resolution I'm playing on.(2560 x 1440)

  3. Let's see..

    all from the vender.. never got lucky with the crates.

    - 3 lobelots

    - 3 speeders

    - 1 red sparkle


    after the patch going to trade my remaining tokens for:

    - the sand people armor set (x2)

    - all bow casters (x1)


    and whatever is left, going to perhaps buy more bow casters to pull the legendary mods for my low lvl smuggler

  4. I cannot get the Akar Kesh Meditation Mask. Yesterday I grouped with someone that was higher level than I am. This normally wouldn't be a problem, but he either had no idea what he was doing, or he intentionally ran off so the NPC's at his level would kill me and cause me to fail the mission. Frustrated, I quickly abandoned the bonus mission so I could go restart it at the droid storage crate. Obviously, I did this without thinking too clearly. I mean who doesn't already know that abandoning a mission in this game means you NEVER want to see it again.


    I have come back to the droid crate today, and I still cannot interact with it. I guess that's that for now.


    I abandoned the mission before the timer reached 'zero' and reset the main quest which made the crate click-able to me..

    so the reset worked in my case..


    have you tried resetting the main quest?

  5. Hehe.. nice to see that!

    In the early morning ppl were cutting in BUT ppl grouped which made it faster.

    (i'm sure some ppl wanted to get it done before they head to work.. still no excuse but..)


    Also found out about the 'SAY' command.. which I had no clue that any faction can read.

  6. Hi folks,


    We wanted to inform you all that there is currently an issue with the missions A Lead, A New Lead, and Another Lead. The way the Chevin Event works is that players can find the first six items of the mission The Grand Acquisitions Race whenever at their leisure. The next three items will unlock on a daily basis (item #7 unlocks the day after, item #8 the day after that, and item #9 unlocks a day after that).


    Players are currently running into an issue that when they complete the mission, A Lead (item #7), the UI marks Another Lead (item #9) as complete with no item given to the player.


    DO NOT WORRY. These three missions are merely hints. You DO NOT need this mission to appear in your Mission Log in order to activate it. It will unlock on a daily basis as I outlined earlier.


    To be clear, you can STILL play these missions even if they are marked as complete. You just have to wait for their specific daily unlock.


    For your convenience, I have posted the text for each mission below:

    A Lead (Item #7 - Akar Kesh Meditation mask): A Sniffer droid is available to aid you in your search for the Black-and-Orange Sphere, but is still undergoing programming. [unlocks a day after acquiring the first six items]


    A New Lead (Item #8 - Black-and-Orange Sphere): Sapaaga the Hutt is refusing to speak to anyone at this time. Check back with the Hutt observation droid at the Lower Promenade on Nar Shaddaa later, when the Hutt's string of losses may have made him more inclined to negotiate. [unlocks two days after acquiring the first six items]


    Another Lead (Item #9 - Plasma-Sealed Jar): A Republic Slicing Droid is tapping into the Transportation Network Terminal in Shadowtown in Nar Shaddaa to locate information leading the Plasma-Sealed Jar. [unlocks three days after acquiring the first six items]



    Thank you for posting.


    I have a little concern though.

    Before I completed the 'A Lead' on Corosant, I was able to interact with both the DROID and the PANEL on the crate the droid is working on in Nar Shadda (Another Lead). (got these big red text letters saying 'slicing droid has not completed its investigation plz come back later ')


    After completing 'A Lead', I can interact with the droid BUT i can not interact with the panel on the crate any more (Another Lead).

    I'm hoping we only need the interact with the 'DROID' to complete the quest correct? and not the panel when the quest unlocks

  7. I'll be playing 3 games actually..

    DCUO it is F2P and I am enjoying it but I have only been playing it for 2 weeks now

    SWTOR.. after grinding my 2 Lvl 50's for over a month doing dailies (3+ hours per day) im taking a break..

    gonna stay subbed for at least 2 months for sure..

    GW2.. the dynamic events and the somewhat end of trinity is definitely pulling my interest.. different type of learning curve for players.. multi-tasking healing/dps and supporting.. will it live the hype.. well ill be finding out


    it is all allegory..


    I predicted today that there would be a new event.. but guess I was wrong.. :(

  8. The one thing nobody can dispute is that bioware has rid of us gold farmers. However the gold gremlins are probably waiting to see if they can climb in alongside the free to play crowd. :rak_03:


    Probably wont get an answer till we know how much restrictions are on F2P accounts.

    Like what is a the credit limit and also inventory slots and bank tabs.


    This might really test the security key codes since 15$ MIGHT NOT be an option for them.

  9. They gained accounts. Not people who play regularly, or even pay anything. Go spend some time in that game, and watch the new temp kiddies dueling outside the PD stations. Yeah, they are great for the game.



    Yeah.. I can vouch about ppl dueling.. I set my settings to ignore duel requests.. and mostly temps (blue names right?)

    I should have worded my questions as actual Subs.

    But those numbers alone might help SWTOR rep as it did for DCUO..

    again really falls on how SWTOR can keep ppl subbed and new ppl subbing...

  10. Well I'm not gonna read all these post but has anyone considered the fact that maybe they expect that these 2 mil of new players will be coming mostly from Asia pacific and as you know the F2P model (although i cant call this a real F2P and this is very similar to DCUo model) is more popular in Asian countries.


    I have to say though, this hybrid model is VERY similar to DCuO.

    DC is a brand name just like SW is.


    Anyone know how DCuO is doing?

    Cause i have a feeling SWTOR is keeping a VERY close eye on how they are doing.


    EDIT: i do know DCUO did well in the beginning (bringing in F2P) but wondering how it is doing now..

  11. Yes check to make sure your companion has all his/her skills on. (well the skills you want on)

    The tilde key opens up the side menu of your companion if you didn't know.

    I tend to send him on missions before I log off (on my ship) so every time I cold restart the game, I have to manually recall AND turn on shields for my companion Qyzen for example.

  12. Coming soon in November!


    Tired of lag? Sick of wiping on Kephess night after night? THEN YOU'RE IN LUCK!


    Available now in the CARTEL CASH SHOP, priority data packets! Reduce your lag by 15% for just 500 Cartel Coins!

    ACT NOW!


    Is this a one time deal.. or subscription based? :confused:

  13. weird.. I have done 50+ Esseles (majority social runs) runs and not once have someone been kicked or harassed for not "spacebaring" on (note: Elysium Server mid/low pop back then)


    even with players that are DCing.. we would wait for them to come back and chat while waiting for them and during cut scenes.. some folk would undress or wear a mask to make the cut-scenes fun to watch .. Hehe..


    sorry you went through that.. I'm on a larger server now and guessing this might happen more frequently

  14. Spoiler Alert!


    From the Jedi Knight Storyline... the female Voss Tala-Reh (nice story but the ending.....)


    Smuggler Storyline.. the female Mirialan Kixi on Taris.. i thought she was gonna be a companion..


    Jedi Consular Storyline... hmm.. padawan Aris on Taris and Sidonie Garen (good voice acting) on Alderaean.. but none I would consider as a companion.. well Mako did make an appearance so :D

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