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Posts posted by sithloardbob

  1. As Australia's favorite American player, I just wanted to say that I love you all and not to let mingers get you down M8s.


    i beg to differ..... im the Aussies favorite American player.....

  2. Maybe, maybe not.

    Just like ppl hype up games only to be dissapointed *cough* GW2 *cough*, Wildstar is in closed beta atm so its hard to say what direction it will take in its evolution.


    Also from everything i have read max lvl is 50 but the current Closed beta phase is only maxed at 30.


    U can't make a truly accurate assessment on a games endgame pvp based on such a small level, with out max skills, gear, talents, milestones or what ever system carbine will use.


    I will say this though Carbine has shown that they take beta player feedback very seriously and have made changes to their game.

    THey have overhauled the Milestone system. They have increased the LAS number from 7 to 8 and have stated that they are not opposed to changing that again.


    I Understand that telegraphs for dmg and AE healing may not be everyones cup of tea but whats the difference between that and Smash, Pulse cannon, Kolto cloud, Salvation, Kolto bomb all bread and butter moves for their respective classes that are AE?


    I realize that Carbine's system will be more AE/telegraph inclined as a majority of abilities but from reading devs feedback and looking at vids of game play some abilities are single target also.


    It should not be that hard as the beta progresses and they receive feedback to re adjust some abilaties so its not a simple matter of 100 decals and a telegraph fest.


    But who is to say..its still early i think.

    You can make an accurate assessment on the game by playing it for beta lol.......the combat system is ****... arenas will be pure ****, All AoE dmg and healing = everyone grouping up pew pewing everyone... dumb and This Combat system is different From swtor "I Understand that telegraphs for dmg and AE healing may not be everyones cup of tea but whats the difference between that and Smash, Pulse cannon, Kolto cloud, Salvation, Kolto bomb all bread and butter moves for their respective classes that are AE?" This is just a few AoE moves.... while Wildstar EVERYTHING is AoE nothing is single target.... nothing fun about it...

  3. I played Wildstar Beta several times, and it was fun... but didn't really care for the combat system... mostly all AoE attacks, AoE healing, I think it's going to be hard to be competitive in it
  4. Its not really a defensive cooldown, its a threat drop with a bad implementation (rage consumption) to discourage tanks in PvE from using it. It's only misunderstood as a defensive cooldown due to how Veng's cc damage reduction is linked to its use (a hallmark of middle tree melee dps specs).


    Any buff to enraged defense would really be about improving the surviability of rage and immortal in PvP, both of which don't warrant that. Rage's PvP threat is largely countered by its simple minded nature, and beyond saber ward and saber reflect, will fold under heavy focus fire. That shouldn't be seen as an issue with the spec, the issue is with rage Marauders having too much survivability, not rage Juggs having too little. Immortal juggs are unrivaled PvP tanks at present and definitely don't need more survivability either.


    I don't think you pvp Juggs are going to get the results you desire from putting all your eggs in the enraged defense basket.



    Do you even pvp!? because i dont think you have ever seen rateds/ you prolly do a few regs here and there but nothing too serious, Enraged defense as a rage jugg is almost usless, jugg dps is one of the squishest in the game... and we arent comparing mara's with juggs, just trying to get juggs a little bit more survivability when it comes to DPS PVP specs not TANK and the point of buffing enraged defense is to give rage juggs some use in pvp lol...

  5. This doesn't really work as a PvP question. The issue with the ability is that it shouldn't cost or consume rage.


    Does the Jugg PvP community really feel that they need another defensive cooldown? The issue is that this question has the net result of being an indirect petition to buff rage survivability, a questionable move when rage Marauders are currently making a mockery of PvP balance. Improving the representation of Vengeance Juggs in PvP, in my mind, should be the biggest PvP priority. Tanks and smashers are already in a comparatively strong position, its only the middle tree that is under represented.


    Enraged defense in its base form is arguably meant to be a threat drop. It's not really designed as a defensive cooldown in the traditional sense, it only becomes one with deafening defense (which provides vengeance with damage reduction while cc'd, like all the other middle trees of melee dps ac's).



    Enraged defense is possible one of the worst defensive cool downs in the game.....BOTH DPS jugg specs need to a little more survivability, they have no place in competitive pvp because of how squishie they are, also jugg dps Enraged defense needs a buff.... it really sucks for rage spec




    -Not viable

    Merc dps





    if you honestly think merc dps isnt viable then i guess you have never been against a good one.... they provide amazing burst/electro net which used correctly is a guaranteed kill/ respec to heals/Off-heals


    Jugg DPS is way too squishy, and 99% of jugg dps players are terribad at it, Sin dps can work but is also super squishie and good team will focus and kill the assassin first cause its a free kill most of the time

  7. Happy now Palm? We just needed flexxy is all.




    you may COMMENCE the **** talking!!!!!! Lukewarm TaunTauns....... i believe it's your turn!?!? Opfotm got the last hit and it crit for over 40 thousand!!!!!!

  8. Where the hell is bantle, I went back a few times and never once saw him and people talked about him in fleet chat like he was a memory in the wind...


    On a side note, anyone care to explain a time when I "sucked the D" to get into a guild? Far as I remember, everytime I've joined a guild I was invited, or I applied. That applies to SS/Ascendancy and any PvE guilds as well. I offered to tauntauns that once murkgal had quit I would play for them if need be, and played with them a bit on harbs, then after posting on bastion forums and scold saying something along the lines of "I'd be interested in playing with you talk once over" I got a whisper from nekron asking about it, then unmuted myself in mumble few days later to hear that maarken and myself had been assimilated in. /fin


    any evidence to the contrary is damning, thankfully there is none.


    Anyone care to come back to that? On an aside, you're welcome Palm, I did my best to make the drama for you to read but really I don't think they're gonna give a good enough fight ;(


    You tried ..... it was a valiant effort!!!

  9. That's cool. You are right, it becomes difficult to work on any weakness really when we go with whatever people we have on. However, those statements cut both ways and I sure as hell didn't hear you in any discussions as to how to better ourselves.


    In the end it really doesn't bother me or anyone else I imagine, we've seen this pattern before ;) suck enough of the D to get in the better guild, and when they don't cut it bounce to the next best thing.


    /discussion the sequal


    he isn't even in MvP? lol

    so it would be kind of hard to quit and join "the next best thing"

  10. did you really just say sorcs are easy mode?



    first off this shows how little u know, because i dont play madness and you would have know that if you knew anything about other classes


    secondly i play lightning which is by far the hardest sorc build to play under focus


    nice try though, just keep tabbing to ya boyfriends focus target and throw ya 10k demo rounds, must be hard tho



    whats funny is you were actually hybrid.... so yes was a miss tell on my part.. .and at 24k health i wish i could get 10k demo rounds...i have a sorc and sorc isnt very hard to play.. it's ok you suck 90% of the people on this game do and its easy to believe you are one of them :)

  11. opfotm's steps for swtor success



    1.) quit your difficult, non fotm class


    2.) roll the easiest class in game


    3.) spec the easiest build in game


    4.) charge into the biggest crowd regardless of objective, spam force sweep while getting healed


    5.) stare at damage done when the warzone ends, proceed to stroke tiny weenus


    LOL you are so funny, considering sorcs are ez mode especially madness sorcs lol its ok you are bad i udnerstand.... plz continue to talk **** and act like you are *********** good when you are nothing more than a regstar who is not even an average player ..... you are just a **** player :) thanks for playing

  12. you're right.. instead of complaining about them i should make one, with a dumb sarcastic name... then say i roll some hybrid spec when really i just go focus 99/100 games and then talk trash to people i 3v1


    would that make more sense?


    i was flattered by the focus u and ya boyfriend gave me in that novare though thanks


    yeah you did some sweet deeps in that novare... i think like 300k? lol like i said one of the worst sorcs on the server.. maybe even in game!!

  13. smash build skillpro with 1mill heals poured on him talking smack to probably some 12 year old


    feel good about yourself?


    i have a question nihil.... how does it feel to be one of the worst sorcs in the game?

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