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Posts posted by S_SienZ

  1. I suppose its not the damage of master strike that annoys me so much as the idea. It's supposed to be a heavy hitting melee attack that devastates your victim. Doesn't it make more logical sense that it stuns your enemy (you know, getting run through with a lightsaber and all) and having the whole animation play out in front of you, but still be interruptable, than being uninterruptable and having a range WAY beyond what a melee attack should have?


    It's not the game mechanic that I think is weird, its being able to hit someone with a sword from 15 meters away.


    Lol dude even if we're gonna take SW logic into account, running a lightsaber thru somebody should kill them outright.

  2. Just gonna answer the OP coz the discussion has gone way off topic.


    He knew it all by then, but it's kinda hard to turn back to the Jedi when you've pretty much caused the death of Windu. With Yoda and Obi Wan gone, Kit Fisto and Sasee Tiin dead and his need to learn how to save Padme, he pretty much decided to just go with it.

  3. :confused: Really? It took you finishing the planet that outleveled you by at least 4 (unless you do PvP and space combat on the side) levels to realize that something was wrong?


    Well it only took me about 4-5 hours to finish so... not rly.


    This was during my 2nd day of playing TOR. I did the 1st 2 space combat missions once each, no PVP. Every fight on Nar Shaddaa was close but I just figured JKs were underpowered or something lol based on what's been going around the forums.


    Was colossally pissed when I first claimed the first 3-4 quest rewards on Taris (I do my quests in chains esp when it's all in one area)

  4. Republic player. Went to Nar Shaddaa 1st. Died quite a few times but managed to finish everything. Went to Taris and realised should've hit there 1st. Every single quest gave 5 xp so I just breezed past the main quests to get out -,-
  5. I'm not so sure AT THAT TIME that romance, and marriage are against the code. In the Lost Tribe of the Sith books, a book that takes place about 600 years prior to game time, it talks of a married Jedi. And we know Revan (although he was a special case) was either married or involved with - well, someone, can't remember her name (Bastile Shan?), and Satele Shan is his descendant. Then again, Revan has been suffering at the hands of the Emperor for how many years now?


    As far as Kira, it may have been either the timing (I just found out that you were a Sith and now I want to flirt with you) or the conversation option selected, I'm not sure. All I know is hubby's knight and Kira have, er, connected, and he got no dark side points.


    One of the things I like about my Sith Inquisitor is that she can flirt with all the men she wants to it seems, and Adronikus even approved of it, lol.



    Satele Shan has a kid, but gave him away due to the code against attachments.



    And that's based on the lore based on this game, so I'm guessing love and sex = ok, attachment = no.

  6. Love isn't against the Jedi Code. Attachment and fear of losing that attachment is.


    Guess it depends on your choices I guess. So far been playing a female JK who's been occassionally leading Doc on but ultimately rejecting him. Haven't received any DS points. Gonna play a Male JK who gets Kira sometime later to see what happens.

  7. I have to agree with the OP on this. I had between 15 and 20 goes at this then decided that it was unwinnable because of the lag issue. I parked it and carried on the game less the class quests as I cannot continue with them till I do this. I haven't let it put me off though. I just went on to the next planet.



    I've got one quest left on Voss and should hit lvl 48 after that, then I may go back and give it another shot but I'm not going to waste time on it. It's too hard if you are experiencing lag issues. I don't buy into this, " you're rubbish at the game talk". I'm taking out 30k bosses on Voss so I can't be that bad. It's more to do with your ability to react quickly to multiple distant targets and lag is going to prevent you doing that.



    It's a shame that I cannot continue with the story line but I'm sure something will happen at some point to allow that to happen.


    Have you checked your internet / tried playing on low graphics?


    Usually if lag is the game's fault we'd hear more people complain about it.

  8. Appearently, we look at MMOs with a completly different mindset. If you look at an MMO as nothing more than a "leveling experience" in totality then I can see your point(s). If leveling is all there is, then make that with the difficulty/hardships you suggest. I call this the WoW mindset and believe it has not been a very good thing for developers, gaming compays, games in general, nor players.


    I tend to look at leveling as a necessary evil. The difficulty is in the end game gearing grinds, min/maxing, and PVP at max level. This type of development lends itself to longterm players and not just players who scream "where's the next content patch?" due to the fact they have blown thru all the existing content, that took developers months and even years to create in a manner of weeks and now have an unsatiable appetite for more. When devs can not keep up, they move to the next shiney (and no dev can keep up, not even Bliz - I see this with my own adult son who subs for the new WoW expansion, blows thru it in a matter of a 1 month sub and is out again until the next one).


    As you say there are differing degrees of player abilities out there. Gating even SOME people from your game via difficulty of leveling and player progression creates just exactly what we see here now. The content people are bored and/or canceling and the people who find difficulty overwhelming are writing their "goodbye" mails as well. Both sides end up heading for greener pastures. That is NOT the best situation for some1 who tends to play the same MMOs for years on end as I do. (SWG for 7+ years and STO since launch until their version of an NGE with F2P and P2W)


    All of your "difficulty buttons" are not balance. They are work arounds to go over developer created imbalance. If you want to believe it or not, there are people that just like to solo (as much as I dislike that myself being a guild leader), that's what they want to do. They end up gated with development like this and cancel over it. I'll have no problem getting by this boss due to my ingame position (I'll take a full group in there, including a healer and get the job done). But my situation is not the normal nor is it "balance". If this is supposed to be group content then it should not be labled as it is and players would have the choice to just not complete the content as they do with heroic 2 and 4s. A dev balance pass to this boss or a pass to JK is warrented. I haven't been able to decide which is the actual culprit as yet as I have not played other classes and can only rely upon what the forums tell me for such things as commando leveling, et al.


    I have not said that TOR is going like SWG. You did. I said that this community has some of the same tendancys that could make it go that way. As some1 who played SWG for most of it's public life, I intend not to see TOR go down that road. If it's developer caused, like CU, NGE, or C6CD or if it's community caused, like the bria forums, neither is acceptable and ends up in exactly the same exact placement. Community is a very large reason why I do not care for WoW and I've ran guilds in SWG, AoC, STO, and now TOR.


    There have been people here that have tried to be constuctive. Funny, I missed that part of your posts. Maybe you might consider returning to that and even consider if there has been as many threads as there are on Valis, this boss, even other bosses, and the end game boss that maybe, just maybe, something is amiss and players may not be a "bad" as you hold them to be. After all, this is not an MMO that has had years to refine their design, combat system, content, and development and there WILL be issues, if you like it or not.


    In a game as story driven as this one I find it hard to conceive the idea that the whole leveling experience is a necessary evil. Endgame content is for people who want to stick with one character instead of rerolling to experience other storylines. There's absolutely no need to prioritise PVPers / Raiders over PVE soloists who merely want to experience / role-play thru different story paths.


    I tend to look at leveling as a necessary evil. The difficulty is in the end game gearing grinds, min/maxing, and PVP at max level.


    You don't really explain this rather sweeping statement of what is the core of an MMO very well. Sure, if everyone were only playing for the leveling experience then any MMO is screwed. But everyone is different, and developers need to recognise that instead of completely catering to the majority.


    If you look at it another way, harder trials like these on the road to endgame will only lead to far more competent players in endgame PVP. In that sense, it almosts complements your "necessary evil" line of reasoning - it weeds out the weak. If you can't figure out the mechanics of a predictable, proven to be beatable AI, you're probably not ready for endgame.

  9. I think there should be a physical appearance change with lightside. If they are going to show sith corruption, then they need to show jedi influence. maybe we could be sparkly!


    Light side is the balanced state of the force, so there's no reason for it to have physiological changes.

  10. As Raj Kuthrapali said:"Follow your heart." :p


    One thing I seem to like about the LS/DS mechanic in this game is that it doesn't seem that extreme fundamentalism is integral to your character's performance (like in other games where it's either be all-in in one or be weak ***). So long as you're not playing a bipolar freak who's freeing prisoners and torturing people 5 minutes later i think you should be fine.

  11. I vaguely remember seeing a game news report on the net about a handicapped guy in wow playing using both his hands and keybinds most lik effectively.

    According to the report he did quite well in pvp and such, granted he did use specially made tailored tools for him, but it was definitely amazing to see.


    TL:DR: Bottom line: A habit can both be good and bad, just give your best effort to making it a good one.


    Going slightly off-topic here, but there was actually a Fighting games champion (I think it was Tekken?) who ... get this, had no fingers on his left hand and only 2 on his right.



  12. I don't remember it being impossibly difficult, I'm pretty sure I downed him in one attempt. I used T7 to tank and when he died I popped my cooldowns as usualand killed him with about 20% life left. He is a beast, though - I can understand people having trouble with him if they aren't used to the difficulty.


    I will say expecting people to use a 20 minute cooldown to beat a fight isn't really very effective, since if you fail you have to wait 20 minutes for it to be available again so you can try again.


    I think the 20 minute cooldown thing is pretty silly - the cooldown is so long I never use it so I forget I even have it. I think I've hit it by accident far more often than needed it, since the icons are so similar.


    Funnest part of that quest for me is that I was biochem, so I "harvested" the sand demon, which made him go away. Then the NPC showed up and started talking about it, even though it wasn't there anymore.


    Except that the timing of the 20 min CD isn't really clutch, there's a fairly reasonable length of time you could do it in. It's the timing of the refreshed Saber Ward that's a lot more important.

  13. It's because there are no cookies. We are lured in by them initially only to find out later there aren't actually any. By that point point however, it's simply too late to turn back. :eek:


    Sue for false advertising man! All the lawyers are on the Dark Side anyway :D

  14. @Spero - Thank you. Someone with comprehension beyond literal surface value.


    @docant - PvE still means the guy might want to join groups for raids and such. And yes, learning keybinds is gonna make you suck, for a while, that happens to everyone when adjusting. But no one in history has went thru the transition, mastered keybinding, and went "meh, clicking was better."


    Also a general clarification to everyone who thinks there's "clicker hate". No one hates you, get over yourself. People are just telling you how suboptimal it is. You're ok with it? Fine. But there's no need for you to encourage such behaviour in others in any way by deluding them into thinking there isn't an objective difference between the two using anecdotal evidence that means nothing. Two hands working in conjunction will always be able to perform more functions, or the same amount of actions faster than one can. FACT.

  15. Yeah, because playing a computer game in a way that somebody else thinks is "wrong" is COMPLETELY like starting an addictive drug habit that drastically increases your chance of heart disease or cancer.


    Oh, wait.... no, it's not. In fact, it's nothing like it at all.


    It's called an analogy. The key similarities apply. It's objectively worse than the alternative ( not smoking / using keybinds ) and it's not something you should encourage in people.

  16. Meh clicker or keyboarder? Does it really matter?


    I've been playing a sentinel for a while, and only just really started getting into it (after level 30). I do both - I key 1-0 and use my mouse for others. I have no love for setting up keybinds for all the rest of my abilities etc. Now for sure I know this will make me suck in operations and pvp...


    I don't do PvP, and I never have the time for operations...so I guess its ok :D


    Sometimes, yes, it would be nice to have 26 keys all set up to do awesome super damage...but then it just really confuses when I switch spec! I do reasonable damage, I can survive soloing and...well thats good enough for me :D


    Here's the thing: you know yourself better than anyone else, so it's very different. You know you don't like PvP and team stuff, so it won't matter much. To assume this guy's son doesn't like to PvP and do Ops like you is just as bad as assuming he wants to be the best PvPer by next month.


    Not using keybinds from a team's leader's POV tells a lot about your mentality. People who go "LOL it's just a game", statistically speaking, are usually also the hardest people to work with, simply because of a difference of mentality with the rest of the group. Not to mention they're effectively potential deadweights for future expansions as harder stuff comes out.


    Clicking is really like smoking. If you know what it does to your play and you're fine with it, fair enough, but it's not something you tell people to do. I dunno about other people, but if anyone would go "it's ok" the first time they find out their kid is smoking, I judge them for it.

  17. lmao thank god im a sith warr and don't have a huge badonkadonk like you poor jedis. That picture seriously shows off some child bearing hips/bubble *** on a guy.


    You would think all those cookies the Dark Side offers would go down to your hips and *** but noooooooooooooooooo :mad:

  18. Well,I'm SHOCKED at this recent development! After all my posting and arrangements my son(sputter) decided that the Jedi doesn't call to him after all!


    If that isn't bad enough the ungrateful bugger makes up a SITH! A foul no honer power-mad dark heated punk who then has the nerve to demand (Make with the slaves) to the rest of us!



    Has such a horror ever befallen a good little gamer group before?



    At this point he isn't gonna get a naga for his birthday..let his evilness click and arrow key turn all he wants!



    I think my wife has something to do with it as well. She keeps whispering to him when they think I'mnot listening.


    "YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE!!!" incoming

  19. 1. Reread dust storm description. It DECREASES the accuracy of ENEMIES hit with sweep by 5% for 2 talent points.


    Think you misunderstood him there. What he was trying to do was question the use of the talent in PvP where most people would have high accuracy anyway, would 5% be significant?

  20. Holy crap! I didn't even notice that! Yeah, terribad. BTW, in defense of Gather Strength, it's actually awesome. Gather Strength gives you a flat percentage damage buff for surviving all of the stuff that is guaranteed to happen to you anyway. You WILL be slowed, you WILL be snared, you WILL be CC'ed. You might as well get some kind of benefit from having all of this stuff happen to you. It's a rather sensible ability to have. This stuff happens so often that you don't even have to keep an eye on a Gather Strength Proc. Just take the ability and play your game as normal. With as often as Vigilance Spams focus spending attacks and as often as you WILL get slowed just play your game as usually and enjoy the occasional MASSIVE hit that you're going to get from having anywhere from a 10% to 50% bonus chance to your damage on your next focus spending attack. I used to have to really try hard to reach the 300,000 damage mark. I respec'ed to add gather strength and made no changes to my gear and now I get 300k + damage without even trying.


    Interesting. Will think about it.


    Does PvE / PvP matter though? I would imagine CCs would stack more in PvP.

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