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Posts posted by PowerReaper

  1. I'm so tired of this class at this point. I can't think of ONE time that Vanguards and PTs haven't been borderline broken and or anti-fun in the history of this game. However, now it's just a whole different ball game.


    This class has to much in its kit. It's ranged, gets a ton of god like passives giving it deceptive tankyness, despite being ranged has a DASH and PULL for some odd reason making them EXTREMELY mobile and near IMPOSSIBLE to kite since once a Vanguard/PT decides to focus you you're better off accepting the beating.


    I really wish this class was just gutted, I'm quite honestly sick of it. On top of it being broken beyond words and toxic as hell, the class is arguably in my opinion the easiest class to play in the damn game.

  2. You have a spec that revolves (and always has) around using ravage consistently yet it feels horrible to channel as the ability does no damage now and even when it does its still nothing compared to what an AP PT can do in that 3 seconds.


    You also lack any burst at all and even your sustained damage with barely noticeable dots is lacking. I still manage to pull out 1 mil + daily with vengeance thanks to the dotspread but the fact remains did those dots accomplish anything? Meanwhile an AP PT is doing double my damage in burst, sustain, etc.


    I recently started playing again and I began noticing my damage in Vengeance was lacking a little but I didn't think much of it at all. However, this changed once I leveled up my PT, Sentinel, and Assassin and realized they all can dish out better more reliable damage in almost every scenario. Healers most of the time ignore me when I'm focusing them on my Juggernaut to the point where it's embarrassing while they're scared as hell if I jump on them with any other one of my characters (especially my PT and Assassin).

  3. I personally love vengeance spec, i've hit 1.3mil in it (highest yet) but incase you're having trouble here's some tips...

    1 - After you leap immediately go into a ravage, unstoppable + overwhlem is going to be hard to avoid.

    2 - Make sure you're using your rage wisely.

    3 - When you get destroyer you don't always have to use it immediately (i personally like it as a filler).

    4 - Getting Shatter's dot on a target will maximize your damage (the dot surprisingly isn't bad, I've had it crit for as high as 1.6k). Please keep in mind this ability deals internal damage.

    5 - Just because your rampage trigger doesn't mean you have to consistently use ravage, try to save it for when you have a good feeling you won't be cc'd or knock-backed.

    6 - That 2 stacked-savagery force scream is probably your main upfront damage (next to Impale), use it wisely.


    That's about it, this spec is very situational and there is no real rotation to it.


    P.S Seething Hated should be reworked (useless talent), make it - Increases the critical damage of Impale,Force Scream,Ravage(possibly) and your bleeding effects by 15/30%.

  4. Marauder

    - More DPS

    - More survivability

    - Team Support (Predation and Bloodthirst)



    - Tanky

    - Can switch to tank stance for ball carry

    - Can tank (guard)

    - Dps is amazing if played right

    - Taunts

    - A long ranged ally-leap that increases their damage reduction for 6 seconds

  5. I play both classes since launch and honestly Juggernaut, i mean Juggernaut gets taunts, a snipers bane (Saber Reflect), another friendly leap (Intercede) making them godly ball carriers, extra damage to ravage. This is my opinion but i do more dps on my juggernaut (vengeance) then i do on my sentinel but idk its your choice.
  6. Overall

    Overall Vengeance is a very viable pvp spec that delivers great damage while also giving the utility required to compete with other classes and support the team.



    Vengeance has a very unique mechanic, 4 seconds after we leap we are pretty much unstoppable so we can get as much damage as we want without being interrupted by CC.

    Vengeance has many ways to get its damage out, Impale,Force Scream Crit, Destroyer,Rampage.

    While Vengeance is also a good dps spec you won't be a complete punching bag thanks to Enraged Defense.

    Vengeance makes a great ball carrier thanks to unstoppable.



    Vengeance has a useless talent "Seething Hatred" since vengeance isn't a full burst spec (i think it's more sustained damage) we have to be in the battle as long as possible to get our damage out, this could use a change.


    Most of our core damage comes from the skill Rampage, Ravage is a very easy to interrupt ability. Also even with unstoppable when that wares off which only triggers from Force Charge Rampage will still be procing Ravages which can be interrupted easily if unstoppable is not active. Another problem with this is that Ravage only procs from Rampage with the abilities Impale & Shatter and both have pretty long cool downs. Unlike other specs we cannot proc the ravage from ability spam (such as a Watchmen Sentinel spamming Slash to get the cool down of Cauterize reset). Lets not also forget their is only a 30% chance and you get only 2 chances, I'm not saying Ravage is a bad ability as Ravage is a great channeled ability its the fact our spec is dependent on it. Destroyer can proc from Ravage, 2 of our abilities finish the cool down of Ravage, and any half decent player can avoid a Ravage even if its used with the first unstoppable.


    We still don't have a critical damage boost talent, almost every other spec i can think of has at least one talent that gives them bonus critical damage to their abilities. The devs point with Seething Hatred was to give us more mobility but they failed to realize in this spec you're suppose to be in combat and they already added bonus movement speed to Shien Form so this talent is completely useless and should be replaced with a talent that gives bonus critical damage. So redesign seething hatred to something like - Increases the critical damage of Impale,Shatter,Force Scream & your bleeding effects by 15/30%.


    These are my main concerns, I've probably missed a lot but these are some that i want fixed or tweeked especially Seething Hatred.

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