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Posts posted by Marissek

  1. BioWare has done an incredible job of taking the feeling of the “grind” out of the leveling your character via creative and engrossing story elements. The same needs to be done in PvP. Where the choices made have a lasting effect on your character, PvP is a mind numbing treadmill of warzones and Ilum switch-flipping that have no meaning or consequence to your character or the galaxy as a whole.



    The Problem

    Ilum currently has no purpose other than encouraging Zergs of 30 some odd people on each side roving between their bases and Center Assault. No strategy required; simply overwhelm your opponents and wait for them to respawn. Control points flip back and forth like light switches, with no tangible lasting effects other than the Valor buff.

    Ilum as a map is a spectacular design. It simply needs more reasons to congregate around the two main bases and center assault. Currently there is no structured need for strategy or tactics, because any player can simply speeder to the other’s base and sit there waiting with a zerg force. There’s nothing “epic” about this. The Allies had to land at Normandy, establish a beachhead among fierce opposition and fight through the hedgerows and on to Berlin. They didn’t board planes in Britain, and parachute the entire Allied army into Berlin, bypassing everything in between.


    The Desire

    Make it truly a “war effort.” This is a battle that should take a long period to win, with coordination and determination.


    The Idea

    Supply Lines – this is a bedrock concept of any advancing army. The objective is to destroy your enemy’s base. You must advance your supply line to the nearest of the three assault points before you can capture the next in line, until all are secured and you can begin your attack the enemy base. You advance your supply line from your nearest secured point, or base. Have the 3 assault points controlled and defended by Exchange forces so that if players are not present from the other side, it cannot simply be taken without some amount of conflict. Assault Points are secured when Exchange forces have been eliminated, and a total of 30 Supply transports have been escorted by your faction from your nearest secured point to establish your new forward command. Transports would be shielded, slow moving, and only able to move when a player is alive to advance it forward. Unguarded transports can easily be destroyed by the opposing side, but actively guarded transports become difficult to destroy. The concept is each assault point must be “built” into a command post. If the enemy already occupies the point, and you destroy their fortifications, it doesn’t revert to your control; you leveled it and must now build your command post on its ashes. This will discourage alt “flipping.”


    Supply Lines must be advanced by land. Connected or captured points are supplied by players as part of weekly quests and defenses would have automatic moderate regeneration of hitpoints so long as they have supplies on hand to consume. A point is considered Connected when there is an unbroken line back to the player’s base. Disconnected points are considered “out of supply” and will not be automatically regenerated, and actually consume on-hand supplies at twice the normal rate if left out of supply. A control point is lost when it supply reserve reaches zero, either by being out of supply, or destroyed by enemy forces.


    Base Assault – Final assault on your opponent’s base can begin when you have achieved full supply from your base to the nearest assault point for at least 30minutes. This 30 minutes gives the enemy time to marshal their forces to either oppose the frontal force directly, or thwart the assault by disruption of the supply line and resetting or ending the counter. Assault is an orbital fighter/bomber attack as currently seen in the world. It cannot be called in until you lower the base’s defenses (a shield generator would be nice) and destroy its two large Space facing Turrets.


    We feel that by placing limitations on the base being only able to be attacked after 30 minutes of holding a completed supply line it will give servers who have even grossly unbalanced populations the chance to stave off the defeat by attacking the supply lines instead of running into a hopelessly outnumbered frontal assault.


    Ideally, it would be nice to see a control room that required one of each of the classes to disable the shield. Make it a fun BioWare puzzle. How quickly the attack is launched and the objective destroyed could be hastened by the PvE space element. Add an Ilum Orbital space encounter for each side that focuses on destroying the opposing fleet and its ships. Grant bonus Daily Commendations based on the number of Assault points your faction holds on Ilum. This gives the players who prefer one form of play over the other benefits for working together on the War Effort. Engage the crafting community by allowing them to craft the player mountable guns currently at each base, adding yet another consumable that they can create. Expand it by allowing them to craft other defensive elements that can be added into the battle.


    Moving forward BioWare could expand from this to allow a more “Galactic Conquest/Defense” scenario that could ultimately culminate in allowing an assault on the enemy Capital.


    To enrich the feeling of this being a monumental task, and “epic” we suggest removing Daily objectives and establishing bigger and more robust weekly objectives that are reset on Tuesdays by server maintenance.


    Possible Weekly Objectives

    1. Capture (be present at reaching full supply mark, and conversion to your faction control) or Supply North Assault with 30 supply caravans

    2. Capture or Supply Central Assault with 30 supply caravans

    3. Capture or Supply Southern Assault with 30 supply caravans

    4. Destroy one or more of your enemies forward commands

    5. Destroy the Enemy Base

    6. Kill 150 players


    We fully realize that it’s easy to put out a concept. It’s far more difficult to allocate and provision resources to code, debug and test something like what is proposed. We are under no illusions that BioWare hasn’t already thought of something similar, or plans something similar (or hopefully better.) Our intent is not to say, “This is what BioWare should do to make Ilum work.” But rather an exercise from a player’s prospective of what will reduce the feeling of daily grind and turning it more into “Building Epic Victory” for our faction.


    We hope that you take this idea as stepping point to build a very robust conquest system that allows the PvP, PvE, and Crafting oriented players to come together and advance another Galactic story together.

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