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Posts posted by Ninjoo

  1. Welcome back to the game!

    Tactical is currently recruiting. We are a recently created small to medium sized imp sided guild of active players. We have almost daily raids and events. We have XP bonus, a flag ship, Discord etc. Most of us are on PST and a few on EST. We're definitely small enough for everyone to know who they are but also large enough that there's almost always someone else on any time of day with maybe 15-20 in the afternoon/evening.


    Do a /who Tactical to find a recruiter or /whisper Teh'evolzerz to reach me directly, if you are interested.

  2. Hi AstralFire:cool: do you know what the best thing about star wars toR is it isn’t the good class system or the grate game play it isn’t even the awesome story it's you and other players like you who go out of their way to help other players out of pure charity, so thank you very much for this guide.


    While think I have understood you’re guide “more or less” I’m stile uncertain as to which combination of Crew Skills is best for me. I am a level 14 Sage Telekinetic on a PvE server but I have only recently progressed to Coruscant (I over did it on Tithon hehe). What I want to do with Crew Skills is to have the best equipment for my character, so should I go with the Money-Making combos you suggested? Or the Self-Levelling? Or PvE Endgame?


    Also I’m a little uncertain what you mean by "Self-Levelling" and what do the numbers above your class descriptions mean? Example Standard (32/7/2), Offensive Levelling (30/9/2) Standard (3/31/7).

    Ps Thank you in advance for your help.:D:D:rak_03:


    It is difficult to say which Crew Skills will prove most beneficial because this can vary somewhat according to server economy.


    In my case I found it best to have money generating crew skills (Underworld Trading/Archeology/Slicing). I got most of my gear just as I went about leveling and buying orange items/item mods with commedations. I never found myself underequipped doing this. If you want to PVP I suggest getting the appropriate gear for that, which is most easily obtained through WZ commendations.


    I did not send comps on any mishes until I got C2N2. Once I got Theran (Coruscant?), I used him as my comp and sent Quyzen on mishes. In my experience the most lucrative mishes are the Underworld Trading ones which will yield blue/purple crafting mats pretty frequently starting around skill level 150 iirc, until then the comp gift rewards are nice to save you some creds. I advanced Slicing in open world as I went along. It will never yield tons of creds but the occasional 1k or so that you get from the cases are not to be scoffed at. I sent Theran on the occasional slicing mission later on in game when I had to team with other comps due to gamemechanics but don't really think it is cost effective (later mishes will cost you 1-2k each easily and the cred-boxes usually yield between 750 and 1.5k creds iirc).

  3. I didn't decide to be "us" or "them." I don't want to belong to a camp on either side of the debate. I just want to be a person who plays the game and has an opinion in the discussion.


    In other words (and I'm guilty of this too), the labeling needs to stop. If there's any anger or disappointment at all, it should be aimed at BioWare in a clam and respectful manner.


    I take issue when people get on me because I received a gift I didn't ask for...


    I'm not saying you made it an "us v them" I'm saying BW did; I'm not getting on you for receiving I'm getting on BW for giving. At you I am answering the question as to why I won't just be happy and move on:


    Frankly, I probably wouldn't get rewarded even if it were based on how long one had been subbed. But if that were the basis of why people are gifted I wouldn't give a damn because I'd see the reasoning behind it. As is, I do not see any reasoning, hence I am upset (with BW, not you, mind you) that you got and I didn't.

  4. A loyal customer who hasn't hit 50 is happy playing an element of the game that's good. It's the people who are bored with endgame they've got to prove something to.


    A loyal (as in long-term) customer who hasn't hit 50 is content settling for something else until there is a better reason to hit 50 just like a customer who has hit 50 and keeps at it is content settling for sub-par content. Either way the game is perceived as lacking. For BW to elevate one way of coping with this over another is wrong.

  5. this is just wrong. There are people with many characters who have been subscribed since day one (Australians included on the Asia Pacific servers when they came online) who have been playing and leveled there characters greatly but not to level 50. Nice to show who truly matters to Bio Ware and EA


    Well said. I could give a damn that I didn't get the free month. I could even give a damn that BW called someone who isn't me a more valuable customer.


    What angers me is that the distinction between worthy of an incentive was based on an arbitrary factor. Being Level 50 has nothing to do with how loyal a customer I am. My monetary investment or lack thereof, however, does.


    As for all you: "50's deserve this because end game content sucks"-sayers: Maybe some non-50's decided not to level to 50 because the end game content sucks thus making alt-rolling a better option for them, until better endgame content is released.


    While this isn't applicable to SWTOR because it has only been out for 4 months, I know people in another MMO who have played and paid literally 10+ years without ever hitting level cap. Are you really trying to tell me that they are less loyal/valuable than someone who rushed cap in 6 months? If so, I'm done talking to you, if not then the same holds true for SWTOR: The incentive ought to go to the longest subscriber/most invested player, not the one with the least amount of real life.

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