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Posts posted by Teraskas

  1. Hi folks.


    Didn't know where I could best post this.

    I was wondering which gaming mouse everyone is using and/of which is best suited to this game.


    I've mainly used Razer in the past, but quite frequently at some time during gameplay my camera jams and I can barely turn the camera...or with plenty of stuttering.


    I've read a while back that this is a bug which has persisted since launch (which I've always been on the receiving end of.)

    Any Mice which don't have this issue ?


    Eager to hear your reactions ! 🙂

  2. Hello everyone,


    Been a while since I last played a healer.

    As a result I've been way out of the loop for some time.

    That said, I have played all heal specs in the past, but not actively...thus I still have some basic grasp of the classes.


    With my sights set on Endgame PvE/Ops, I'm wondering which healer might be best suited for that.


    Thus far I've heard/read following concencus:

    Sage/Sorc: Easy to play, plenty of (group) uility, good mobility, easy Force management.

    Scoundrel/Operative: Most difficult to learn, but highest healing output, lots of micro management (Kolto probe uptime on all players, etc


    Commando/Mercenary: Great PvE tookit, bursty heals but better at single target healing.


    With that knowledge in mind, I think Sorc might be a bit on the tedious side.

    For reference: I mostly played operative healer way back when, and rarely Merc.


    Thank in advance!

  3. Hello everyone.


    Recently been playing around with the idea of creating a Clone Assassin. (From the Episode III video game.)

    Ideally Operative (concealment) because it matches the fighting style.

    Reference image: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4e/ff/bc/4effbc05a51a91a01802cbb5107cf759.jpg


    I'm honestly at a loss which fitting armour pieces to go for.

    Chestpiece and shoulders seem to be the biggest issue.

    For example, several chestpieces I considered:

    Fieldtech gunner, Holoshield, Recon Trooper, Battle hardened apprentice, Keeper of Iokath with the Blue/White dye.

    For the gloves I was thinking maybe Advanced Slicer ?

    Legs could definitely be Freelance Hunter.

    As for the rest of the armor pieces (including helm), I have no idea right now.


    Any help with building this specific outfit would be greatly appreciated. :)

  4. Hi everyone, first time posting on these forums.

    I decided on making a new char again and choosing Assassin for this one.

    I've already done the tanking path once and want to go DPS for a change. And no, not because of the FOTM, but because I've always liked the double bladed style. :p Specifically, this char's main focus would be on endgame raiding.


    However, given the recent changes in 2.10 I'm kinda conflicted as to which path I should choose.

    I have heard that due to the 2.10 changes, Madness is (one of, if not) the highest DPS spec ingame.

    That said, I have always been a fan of the underdog / challenging specs, so Deception does stand out to me.

    Currently I'm finishing up on my concealment Operative who is in the early 50s atm.


    Any advice is welcome, thanks in advance. :)

  5. Hello everyone.

    Decided to make another Agent, but leaning towards the Operative AC atm.

    Anyhow, I wanted to give him an agent specfic look, and was inspired by the main antagonist from Killzone 2: Colonel Radec.





    (Video which also includes the voice modulation type.)


    I was wondering if someone could give me some advice on how to build an outfit similar to his.

    What I currently have in mind is the 'Agile Reconnaissance' set (Old Tionese / Columi / Rakata agent gear) with a black / red dye to give it a similar color scheme. Granted, there is only a shoulder pad on the right side, but if anything it's a start. I might have to pick something such as the Mandalorian Hunter's Boots as these appear to look heavier than those provided for the Agile Recon set.


    However, I'm at a loss for the helmet. Currently I have the helmet of the Enhanced Assailant (Old Tionese / Columi / Rakata Marauder helm) set in mind as it primarily shares the trait of the glowing eyes and sort of similar mouthpiece.


    Any suggestions on this outfit are more than welcome. :)

  6. Hello there. :)

    First time I'm posting in this forum section.

    I've leveled all classes by now and was interested in making a Merc again.

    The trouble is, I can't decide between heals and DPS.

    Don't get me wrong, I already have a Commando in Gunnery spec, so I know it's essentially a mirror class with different abilities and animations.


    Truth told, one reason why I can't decide is because imo the animations look much better (for dps) than the commando ones. (and that 2.7 will be a noticable improvement for DPS mercs.)

    The other reason is that I've never leveled a Commando / Merc heals before.

    I have leveled a Sorc / Sage and Scoundrel heal spec in the past though.

    I've heared that Merc / Commando healing is much more of a challenge than the other ones due to the bursty nature of healing. Don't get me wrong, I love a challenge, especially as a healer. :cool:


    Any healers here who can give me some feedback as to how this healing style compares to the others so I can soldify my choice ?


    Much appreciated in advance. :)

  7. Hi there.

    Been a while since I last posted in these forums. :p

    Regardless, I've got a question about relics related to the vengeance spec.

    Been playing since launch, and leveled a vengeance jugg as one of my first alts.

    I shelved that character for a long time because I wanted to focus on others first.

    Some of you might remember the days that when you hit 50, you were granted a free set of recruit armor and PvP relics.


    Now flash forward to this day, I have been busy with this character again.

    Got him to 55 and currently mostly in 156 rating gear. (still working on it.)

    However, the relics aspect puzzles me atm.

    The dread guard relics which I normally go for on fresh 55s are all inferior to the old PvP relics which I'm wearing atm.


    I've gotten plenty of alts to 55 in the mean time and geared them up, but never found myself in this current situation.

    The situation is this: I currently have 2 PvP relics from the 'old days'.

    - Battlemaster of the boundless ages: + 37 end / + 51 expertise / + 103 power.

    - War Hero relic of the boundless ages: + 41 end / + 57 expertise / + 113 power.


    Seeing as my main focus for this character is going to be on PvE, I was wondering whether or not I should swap out these relics for a 'better' option, and also wondering what this better option is atm.

    I currently have a boatload of classic comms, yet these options seem to be vastly inferior to the ones I'm wearing right now.


    Any advice on this topic would be greatly appreciated. :)

  8. Just had another dramatic experienced.


    Logged in, did some Czerka dailies and Core Meltdown on normal difficulty.

    I requeue and get placed in HM Core Meltdown.

    Assassin tank with 34K HP, Merc DPS with 32K-ish health, Myself PT Dps with 28.5k-ish health, and lastly a Sorc heals with 23K health.


    We clear the trash mobs and finally arrive at the Vrbithr boss.

    Both dps open up with death from above, etc.

    I apply the standard tactics of nuking the adds as fast as possible so they don't swarm our healer.

    Tank starts taking a lot of damage and heals is having a lot of trouble trying to keep up with his health loss.

    Tank dies, boss aggro's me (Why he never even went for the Merc, I have no clue tbh.), I start losing health rapidly, healer manages to get a battle rez off. The tank recovers to around 40% but is hit by the boss' groundpound stun.

    Starts taking a lot more damage than expected, once again heals is having trouble managing all our health at once.

    I pop my explosive fuel buff and the other related ones and down the boss, only to be met with a snide comment from our tank 'Wow, you guys took way too long.' (He spelled it as 'to' instead of 'too', thus the correction.)


    After that horrific experience, we continue to the Sanddemon boss.

    This is where everything just went belly up.

    We open the traditional way, start dpsing him. Generator pops right at the bottom of the stairs.

    He goes into rampage mode and smashes it, whilst being around 75%ish health.

    Tank brings him towards the middle in order to gets a birds-eye view of the next generator that'll spawn.

    For no reason, the tank once again, unexpectedly starts taking a lot of damage.

    And yet again our Sorc healer has monumental issues trying to keep up with the spike damage.

    Needless to say, the tank goes down, boss turns to me yet AGAIN, I know at this point it's a hopeless battle as at 63% I'll never be able to win from it.

    I do down, Merc dps goes down 3 seconds after that.

    Sorc goes down in 2 hits.


    We respawn, try again, same result.

    The tank is complaining that we're not going enough damage. (I'm mostly in 162-168 gear with the exception of a 156 chest, while the Merc DPS was only 200 ahead of me in the Aim stat and still wearing at least 3-4, 156 pieces)

    Then I inspect our healer, and it was as I feared. Green lightsaber, green 114 belt, of the 156 stuff she old had 2, lvl 41 earpiece, etc.)

    After this wipe the Tank once again rages that we're not doing enough dps.

    (I knew my class and rotations compared to some in that group so it wasn't exactly a L2P issue.)

    Merc DPS drops the group, I requeue us, we get a Merc dps again, 35.7k-ish health.

    Comment from the tank 'FINALLY someone who can do Dps.' obviously pointing out me in an indirect way as I was the only DPS left prior to him joining.

    I hadn't said anything during that entire FP, nor post-wipes.

    At that time I was just fed up, and commented before porting out and leaving: 'Quit your crying fool. My dps is just fine.'


    Long story short, once again a scenario where someone with inadequate gear queues up for a 55HM.

    The day before that, I came across something similar: HM FE with a Shadow tank around 14kish health still rocking 40-44 armorings. The day before that it was a DPS Shadow using tanking stance because 'It gave him more armorz.'

    Honestly, this isn't rocket science by a long shot, is it really THAT hard to know your class and upgrade your gear ?

    I swear to god, most who queue think the rating requirement is just a tip/hint rather than an actual guideline.

  9. I rarely post on these forums, but I felt that given the nature of this thread I had to share an experience.

    Several months ago I was leveling a Gunslinger toon, was around level 36-37ish on Quesh.

    Was part of a guild, and some guy was raving to me in broken, nearly incomprehensible English as to why he had not been promoted from the rank of recruit to something more. He even complained that there were 55s still at recruit rank.

    I said I'd talk to the Guild leader about it.

    He started raving even more in broken English to me, starting to insult me.

    Truth told it was really incomprehensible.

    After a while he just added me on ignore rofl.

    There are days that I wish we'd not be plagued by all round bads and clueless folk, lol.

  10. Hi there. Due to a lack of appropriate messageboard to post this, I decided to place it here.

    I've been playing the game since launch, but lately I've been trying to replicate some unique NPCs ingame via character creation.

    This time around I'm aiming for a Sith Sorcerer who has to resemble the Emperor.

    I've seen this type of face before on multiple npcs ingame. I.e. The Emperor, Moff Pyron, Ephran Zell, etc.

    I was wondering if anyone has managed to find this specfic face / complexion combination ?


    Thanks in advance. :)

  11. Hello there.


    Due to an abundance of tanks on my account I've been playing around with the idea of changing my Shield Tech to Advanced Prototype. Similarly I've done this with Sith Juggernaut except I've started a new char which I leveled all the way with the Vengeance tree.


    Now, my actual question is about the stats required for the AP spec.

    I've been going over guides related to AP but always get conflicting statements regarding these.

    The most common selection I've seen is Aim + Endurance + Crit / Surge rating.

    However, on my Vengeance Juggernaut I went with Strength + Endurance + Power + Accuracy.

    He's currently sitting at 433-515 Main + 269 Bonus damage.


    Considering that I've been hitting like a truck on that char and frequently topping the leaderboards in PvP, I was wondering which stat optimisation would be the most effective as AP..the crit gear or power gear ?

    Also, a question related to End Game & PvP: As AP, which sets would be most complementary to the spec I'm using ?


    Tyvm in advance. :)

  12. I would honestly love to see Kel Dor, Rodians and Trandoshans being added to the mix.

    However, all things considered, I feel that BioWare will likely add Togruta somewhere in the near future. :p

  13. Hey there. :)


    So, I'm planning to read this novel as part of a book review for next semester, but something presses at my mind.

    I read a small part of the introduction, and they state that it takes place 2 years after the events of Kotor.

    I remember that Kotor 2 was supposed to take place 5 years after Kotor 1, so how does Revan eventually meet up with the Exile when the so called "Dark Wars" haven't even happened yet ? :S


    I know, it's a minor question, but it's one which has me confused to say the least. :p

  14. There is a quest on Dromund Kaas which gives one of these as quest reward, however this is just a green item.

    More specficially, it's in the Dark Temple where you accept the quest from Lord Pharshol, although the quest name eludes me atm.

    There are however 2 of these masks available from the Equipment Commendations Vendor on Nar Shaddaa, you can spend your commendatations on these to buy them.

  15. Hello there, didn't exactly know where to post this, so I figured the general SW forums might be a good place. :p


    I'm looking for Star Wars novels which deal with the subject "Teenage / Adolescent literature".

    The only thing which remotely resembles a Star Wars book which I have lying around atm is "Tales Of The Empire", but I assume that this doesn't fall under that category because it's a collection of short stories rather than an actual novel.



    I was wondering if anyone could give me some assistance in this matter, for it would be greatly appreciated. :)

  16. From the article:

    To have the fans creating petitions against the work is pretty hard to take


    What petitions? I didn't hear about this.


    The only petition which comes to mind (for TOR in this case) was a pre-launch petition along the lines of "Scrap the game and give us KOTOR 3".

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