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Posts posted by Jedi_riches

  1. There isn't a good time of day for it. 6am UK time is the late afternoon / early evening in Australia, for example.


    Australian's tend to use the US servers do they not? I'm thinking staggered reset times per server region, so a 6am is time for EU servers and a more convenient timing for the US ones, I mean there isn't anything that says they all need to reset at exactly the same time.

  2. Yep. Companion are in the spot they are meant to be. Why would a companion be stronger than the player? If your companion heals too little maybe you are taking too much dmg?


    Companions are fine!


    They are not fine , they are new useless. Doing a heroic mission on Taris yesterday every group has 4-5 silvers and maybe a good, class has no hard stun all the silvers can use channeled abilities, don't have enough interrupts and level 50 khem is not doing any healing so I'm also having to go through my DCD, if I survive I then have to wait nearly a minute for these abilities to come off cool down otherwise I have nothing for the next group of silvers.

  3. You are right, a lot about 7.0 seems to be the Devs asking us to trust them, it's not our job to give this game the benefit of doubt, it's their job to sell it to us and at that they have done a terrible job, this is the 10th anniversary for crying out loud and they have given us almost the square root of nothing, no road map and it seems no direction.
  4. I have been debating this question myself recently, it seems when I log it I find as much to annoy me as what I find fun, nerfed stats make lower levels tedious, useless companions make heroics more tedious then they need to be, clunky gearing system that only work if you spam certain content otherwise I am lucky if I get enough matrix to upgrade 1 320 piece per week, still not enough Tech frags for my second legendary and I can forget upgrading any of them any time soon. We haven't even got to things like resetting dailes and weeklies.


    The 10th anniversary was supposed to be a celebration, but it feels anything but.

  5. I don't.... huh? What? You don't make sense. The fog doesn't effect whether or not you'll see quest markers.


    I understand what he means, they, just like I do use the fog as a indication to where I have not been and where potential quests may be. Only by completely uncovering the map each time can I be certain I have found every quest on a planet.


    Any such legacy map would have to be completely optional as many people play the same way.

  6. There did used to be way more Comms in the game previously than now (remember planetary Comms for each individual planet?), The stupid thing is that previous dev teams decided that it was two complicated and messy and started consolidating them, the current team seem to be making mistakes that previous teams already realised was not right.
  7. If you have nothing to spend the MoC on it means all of your characters are fully geared, which is highly unlikely. I doubt the person who said that is in that position.



    It's not necessarily the Comms that is the true issue, I easily reached the comm cap because unless i spend my playtime farming heroics etc I have a matrix shortage.

  8. Yep. This is what makes the new system diabolical. My main is only at 324 through doing content which is tedious/annoying/not fun. Even my 324 rating makes a huge difference compared with 306/312 but it’s so hard to get there if you’re not interested in ops or other grouped content. The new gearing system is punishment for people who are story/solo/casual. With no more engaging story content (it’s mostly a series of unavoidable trash mobs to slaughter in flashpoints now with a couple of 2 min cutscenes pretending to be story), thousands of new breaks/bugs and the anti-altness of the game I’m beginning to consider whether it’s worth paying for this anymore.


    Someone mentioned gear drops from the world boss. Really?! That’s the one group thing I do enjoy but have never had a level 80 gear crate or gear item drop for me from a world boss 🤷🏾


    Completely, my main is only at 320 for most things which I bought outright, I have the Comms for upgrades (basically permanently at the cap) but without farming weeklies I am short on the aquatic matrix stuff you need, let alone only having a single legendary implant as I am short on tech fragments which I used to get in abundance and now that is slow going.


    Solo gearing is nothing but a middle finger in 7.0

  9. "Every developer should be working overtime", yeah I don't think it's the devs fault that they don't have enough resources to work with lol.


    Maybe not, but it is the Devs who decide what to do with those resources, nobody was asking for a new gearing system, the removal of modded gear, legendary implants, daily/weekly resets, changes to rotations etc.

  10. I've noticed the companions sometimes prioritizing the wrong abilities and cutting off healing occasionally. It was jarring enough to make me wonder why they weren't healing anymore.


    Bioware tried to nerf companions once before and I need up reverting back to 90% of what they had before because it was evident that companions AI simply isn't good enough, they always needed to OP healing to cover up for their own inadequacy.


    How hard would it be to just leave the tertiary stat percentages alone? I mean seriously, why can't 110% accuracy remain 110% regardless of what level they "sync" you to. Same with the other stats as well. Just leave well enough alone. Lower the actual numbers just be sure to leave the percentages alone. Can't be that hard to do. I am not a programmer so I don't know what this would actually entail, but that seems to be, to me, the way to fix this issue across the board. It is nearly like they just pulled some random numbers out of a hat and stuck them in for various planets, without taking into consideration the effect this would have on percentages.


    yeah leaving 110% at 110% is more preferable, as sync does weird things, like on the fleet I am just under the cap but then go to like early planets where suddenly I have 115%+ accuracy why? The extra 5% is useless.

  11. I agree, fact is we are one month in and we are still on 7.0.1, players deserve to know when the next major update is, not the next patch but 7.1 when the next chunk of content is released. But of course Bioware will not want to do that because when they see 7.1 won't be for another several months players will unsubscribe.
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