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Posts posted by -Torch-

  1. I use a rifle as a combat medic. CM's can use rifles just fine. There is no difference with healing with a rifle vs cannon. The only notable difference is you'll do slightly less damage and won't be able to use a few abillities. However, CM already do poor damage (imo) and it shouldn't be a problem. On a plus side, in pvp people will generally think your a vanguard, not a healer. In theory anyway.
  2. Just a quick question for those wise techie people out there. Im looking into planning a mass open world pvp event on my server (Prophecy of five). By mass im thinking hopfully around 100+ people. I was browsing the forums not to long ago and read that mass pvp events such as this are not prohibited by the engine. Something about the game engine not being able to handle it and crashing the server? Is this true?


    I would rather ask this simple question here and get an answer than post the whole event and get shut down by my ignorance.





  3. The trooper story is good. It feels like bioware had a good idea but jammed random plot devices in to make sure there is enough quests.


    All of the 3 chapters don't nessicarly connect dirrectly, so it gives the feel that you are a soldier on different operations and missions.

  4. Well, healers are perfectly balanced at the momenet. We are not OP or under powered. I'll agree with you on that point. There is a big learning curve, however, to healing. One can't just respec healing and hope to do a good job. Unfortunatly, Bioware doesn't give any incentive to be a healer, especially in pvp. Come on, 1-3 MvP votes which basically means 1-3 extra wz commendations? Thats so usful to getting War Hero.... :rolleyes:
  5. I remember an idea that was suggested back way before TOR was launched when everyone was debating what the 4th class will be. It was a Senator/ Beast Handler. Both would be a pet type class. If the forums didn't reset I would try dig up that very long post covering in full detail what the class should be.
  6. Avoid Commando at all casts. We're extremely gimped and dysfunctional at the moment. Vanguards are pretty sick right now, versatile and beasts in PvP. Much more fun and fluid in all aspects.


    Exactly. Don't go Commando right now. You want to DPS in pvp? Try take a look at the Senital, Shadow, or Gunslinger. Wanna Heal? Go Sage. (Or scoundrel in pvp, both are good)


    If you really want to play a trooper, most definatly go Vanguard. If your wondering my references, my main is a lvl 50 Combat Medic. I played him for awhile, got sick of the 1.2 changes and promptly rolled Sage Healer.

  7. Honestly, as a healer you'll be able to keep one person up almost indefinatly if A. Your playing your class right and B. The Tank is doing a good job. Make one wrong move as a CM and your hooped and people start dying. The combat medic is a single target healer. Don't expect to do any crazy AoE healing. (*looks at sages...*) In an Op or flashpoint, you'll have a fairly easy job keeping up the tank, assuming he is doing it right.


    See, you absolultly have to stay in the fast ammo regen area to keep the heals going. Ammo managment is key. If you keep there, you'll be able to keep throwing out the med/adv med probes. If you don't, you'll be able to heal for about 30 seconds than hammer shot healing will be your only option for awhile.


    Another plus is your survivability. When I play pvp, I tend to be a bugger to kill. With all the abilities given to the commando's you should be able to keep your self on your feet while you try get out of combat. See the Commando in general can't really take much damage, but you have a few tricks to get out of it. This makes you a decent pvp healer.


    But you should know, since 1.2 healing as a CM is very hard and not much fun or rewarding. You'll have a hard time getting top healing in pvp, despite all the work you do keeping people alive.


    In short:



    -Strong Single Target Healer

    -Decent amount of abillities to increase your survivabilty



    -Weak AoE Heals

    -High need for ammo management.

  8. Unfortunatly, my Commando is benched until they improve the CM or for my guild events. Until then I'll finish my sub by leveling a sage healer. I figure BioWare just loves the JC/SI class so much they couldn't think and nerf. Seems like a good class to level because bioware won't break it. I will also wait for GW2. Looks really good. :)
  9. Im going to assume for the moment your Commando spec. What I would do is respec in healing just for this fight. You can easily keep vic up despite the low gear. I'm a healer and I kept Jun and Vic up and I didn't change their gear for the whole mission.


    Or you could just keep your spec and just throw out med probes and use med packs/ med packs that heal you and your companion.


    If your a tank, try trade off aggro between you and vic. When vic goes low health, you gain aggro. Through out med packs and heroic to get your health back up. When your about to go down, vic should have a bit more health. Also use adrenaline rush or what ever it is called for another small heal every 4 seconds.


    I would also make liberal use of your reactive shield and smoke grenade if your tank vanguard. You may also want to look into getting a stim to boast your stats a little.


    If none of this works, just bring a friend. One extra guy, plus their companion, can make that big of a difference. Especially a healer.



    As for lvling to 41, try running your pvp daily(ies) and maybe do a FP with a daily. That should go get your level up. Or go back to the planets you just visited. I believe there may be a bonus series you could pick up to get some xp. You'll also get some gear along the side.


    Hope it helps. :)

  10. Idk if any of you Bounty Hunters caught this, but the first guy you talk to for you story quest on Taris is named Commander Vorten Fett. Is this Mandalorian Boba Fett's great great great great etc. Grandfather? He's not in the codex, so there's not a thing in the game saying it is. What's y'alls take on it?


    Pic: http://imgur.com/54isu


    I was wondering this to. I want to say yes. I looked up the Fett clan on wookiepedia and I found this:


    An ancient Mandalorian clan, the Fett clan had been in existence since the time of the Mandalorian Wars, thousands of years before the rise of the Galactic Empire


    This suggests the fett clan was around during this time. If you listen closely to Vorten's voice, it sounds a lot like Temuera Morrison (Jango fett and the clone trooper actor in the films.) Or at least the voice actor of the cartoon clone troopers.


    These are the only clues I could find. Hope it helps.

  11. If you feel that way, unsub now and tell them the 1.2 Combat Medic changes are why. You can keep playing, resub next week, etc, but if they get a wave of unsub messages about it, you can bet those will get passed on.


    Unsubscribing ASAP is the single best way to prevent these changes from moving to the Live servers.


    I agree. I was planning to unsub anyway just so I can control more when I pay for the sub. But this just topped it off. Ruining the combat medic is a bad move on bioware's part. This is the effect of their choice.

  12. In my opinion the story is one big down hill slope. Act 1 is cool and fun, act 2 starts out kind of cool, then slowly goes down. Act 3 is horrible. Personally, I enjoy playing the loyal soldier type, however I hate the fact I have a whole squad, and I can only bring one of them on an op. The best mission is by far

    when you got to bring them all along with you.

  13. Thank-you. I'm a healer in a warzone. I respeced to a hybrid dps-healer and a full on dps. I enjoy full on healing best. But us healers don't get a lot of thanks for our work. A great example being is this one game I played, I kept half the team alive and got 190k healing and only got 3 medals and 1 mvp vote from my guild mate.


    I appricate the thanks that and the fact that there is people out there who appricate us.

  14. I plan to do something simular. I have pvp'ed with a combat medic spec and a gunnery spec (both to the save levels as you have) and they work great. I can imagine a hybrid spec will be awesome.


    I would do something along the lines of this. In all honesty, to be a good pvp medic you don't need to go above field triage. Tramua probe and preventive medicine are not really worth it. So might as well put it into more DPS.


    One of the only problems I see is making use of the combat support cell. If you are doing lots of DPS you probably won't build the charges.

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