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Posts posted by DarkSamink

  1. My guess is that this was not off the Fleet, and that you may be higher than 10th. Cookie?


    I don't see why this whole thing is a big deal. ou get infected, u go boom u respawn. Thats all there is to it. Just continue playing the way u usually play, I went to do dailys on belsavis and corolla, didn't get infected once. So if u don't just stand around and do nothing ill probably not get infected

  2. So let me get this straight. All u "Razer" Players are all crying that "ur" crystals are being given out.


    A) No its not "ur" crystals because 1. its a different shade of green, therefore making it different, 2. its a game calm the heck down and act like a mature adult.


    B) I remember when the game was first announced with the collectors edition. They said that the CE VIP lounge was for CE buyers only. Now we all know that was false because u can buy a pass on fleet for 1 mil. Do u see posts about that? No because its not a huge deal.


    Grow up

  3. ... you do realize that the Infected appearance is exclusive to the Infected appearance boxes, yes? Please tell me you just miscommunicated your intended statement.


    I just realized i didn't read anything i thought i read haha I'm a lil drunk, sorry my bad guys

  4. Sence this is a new page for this thread. I will say the event could have been implemented in such a way as to not force the infection ( plague ) on those who donot want to be infected. A stim which makes you immune to the infection during the event and last until the event was over, would have eliminated this issue. You donot care about the infection and want to do that part...fine..donot take the stim. You donot want to be infected, then fine....take the stim and the OP and those who are concerned about that also will have no issue with it. :)


    There is a way. Its called the Vaccine and i have gotten about 30 for free

  5. I am well aware that I will be accused of trolling for this but here it is. I am so sick and tired of coming in to read these forums and coming across nothing but complain complain complain. Bioware put a lot of work in this game and very few players seem to show any appreciation for the good things about this game and instead focus on the faults and, for lack of a better word, flame Bioware for it.


    I am always reading about people unsubscribing, or threatening to do so unless their teeny little demands are met. For crying out loud people, this game was just released only a few months ago, they cant satisfy everybody right off the bat. Relax, make calm, polite suggestions to Bioware, and get on with the game. They are doing their absolute best. Try to remember, this is a company that is still new to the MMO genre. Give them time and things will get better, just don't expect them to be able to give you everything you want immediately.


    Finally, I would like to say thank you Bioware for such a thus far excellent game.


    You made the same mistake I did. Come to this forum. I agree with you.

  6. I unsubbed because I'm tired of losing to premades on my Republic toons and I expect it will only get worse with the upcoming changes.


    Vote with your wallet, because I find making threads like this one does no good at all. Premades don't belong in with pugs and vice versa. They never did, they never will, it will never be fun or fair to solo queue in this game.


    Well have a good life HAHA try not to cry about as much stuff n the future OK? BYE.

  7. Friends?


    I am sorry, I think you missed the point - this is a COMMERCIAL GAME.

    Devs are payed. Owner is payed. Etc.


    So you want more people on. And if you don't make good time for MOST of people, you don't have self-sustainable game (MMORPG are that kind, if I understood the concept good).


    You and your friends are, I am sure, very important - but if I need to sacrifice good feeling of "you and your hommies" so I attract 20 more people, then who cares about your felling?


    Umm if u think PvP will become MORE popular with what ur saying ur dead wrong. U must be at least 12 years old. ITS CALLED AN MMO! Not a CYAO - Cry Your A** Off. Get over it

  8. well u can,


    A)Re-roll on another server and start a new class and everything while you wait for character transfers, which are in the works,


    B) Stay there


    C)Re-roll the same class and start over on anther server

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