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Posts posted by Rompdomp

  1. In random pug WZ's I am more concerned with defenders calling incs, ppl not leaving a node to chase a kill, ppl actually passing the hutball, and just understanding the basics of how each WZ works. You get a random WZ with ppl who have a general understanding of what needs to be done in what situation and your are going to win more often than not. Plus these ppl will probably be doing decent damage anyway. Plenty of bad players post acceptable damage numbers. My biggest beef is when players refuse to get a clue about what actually needs to be done. A good example is civil war when your team attacks the middle and only finds 2 enemies there. Instead of thinking wow they must be zerging snow, 5-6 guys run around while the 2 enemies just try and stay alive as long as possible. Posting good damage is necessary (unless you healing/ guarding a node/ running the huttball / whatever) but its not enough, knowing what needs to be done and anticipating what the enemy will do is the key.
  2. I know. The tool arguing that he's helping gear the ungeared people is laughable. It's fair to say that he's the only one voting for the noob so he's getting a whole 1 comm. Completely useless.


    But I'm sure you made that one guy feel good for the vote Mr. carebear.


    Giving my mvp vote to some random person is so worth it just to piss off guys like you.

  3. Oh well just a bunch of newbies posting in this thread and crying about stuns.


    There are very few advanced classes in the game who have two stuns.


    a] tank specced guardian / juggernaut [4s stun and 3s or 4s choke which is not channeled] - note: not all juggernauts, just the ones speccing for tank

    b] vanguard / powertech [4s stun and 2.5s or 3s AoE melee range stun] - note: any spec

    c] concealment operative / scrapper scoundrel [1.5s knockdown and 4s melee range stun] - note: not all operatives, only those speccing for dps [middle tree]

    d] shadows / assassins [1.5s knockdown and 4s stun]

    e] engineer sniper / sabotage gunslinger [2s stun and 4s melee stun] - note: only the middle tree spec., which is also the rarest spec to meet in the warzone


    USEFUL INFO: there is no stun lasting longer than 4 seconds. Mez =/= stun.


    Teams who can time their stuns perfectly should be rewarded [aka two 4s stuns used perfectly should give 8s stun total]. If there are three people repeatedly stunning you, then there are three less people stunning the rest of your team! How is that no a good thing?

    Yes it is annoying to get repeatedly stunned. Yes it is also annoying to level alts and do the same quests over and over again. Yes it is annoying to lose a warzone due to some noob who does not watch doors / calls inc / etc. That's the way things work here though.So you either deal with it or you unsub.




    If your playing with a halfway decent team they are gonna make the other team pay for spamming too many stuns on one guy. Plus lots of times in pugs multiple players will throw their stuns on you at the exact same time. I can't count the number of times I have had my resolve bar immediately filled by a couple of dps opening up with poorly timed stuns and leaps. If my trinket is off cd I am going to use it and I am going to get away. Even if my trinket is on cd I now have a full resolve bar in exchange for only 4 seconds worth of being stunned. If I am guarded or getting some heals from a teammate I am going to survive those 4 seconds and get away, while a good chunk of the opposing teams dps have just blow all their cd's.

  4. So basically you want to be able to go 1 v 3 and expect to win? You against at LEAST 2 healers (to achieve cross healing) and a tank. Yes, that seems perfectly reasonable to me, 1 person should be AT LEAST as good as THREE....:rolleyes:


    I'm pretty sure the op isn't saying that, he is saying that on well coordinated teams the effectiveness of cross/ off heals paired with the amount of protection you dish out via guard taunt turns rated matches into turtles because no side can bring the other side down enough to take a node. Nobody is claiming to 3v1. I do not necessarily agree with OP but he brings up a valid topic of debate.

  5. Those force fields are there in lieu of long speeder drives/runs to get back into the fray. These WZs are small, so they need them because there is not long run back to get into the action.
  6. The fact of the matter is that a single healer against any halfway decent player can usually be locked down. However, on a good team with guard, taunts, cross heals, peels, and off heals healers become beastly. As it stands now it can be a pain in the *** to solo que as a healer, but they are still extremely effective on a good coordinated rated team. If they nerf healers further (except maybe operators/ scounds) they will be almost unplayable by your average player solo queuing WZ's. I do not think it would be a good idea for the game overall to limit healers to the high end rated teams. Therefore, if this is a real problem, then the nerfs need to be directed at taunts and guard. The DR on cross heals idea is not a good idea, how would you even implement that?
  7. My experience with group finder....


    On a healer - 45 minute queues

    On a dps - Well... right now I have gained two levels and been online for 3 hours with no queue pop.


    GG BioWare, cross server should have been implemented.


    On Corellia Run when I que as a heals for a HM its almost instant. My tank guildies say the same thing. My dps guildies say it take about 30 minutes if they solo que. When I que with a tank its instant. When I que with 1 dps its about 10 minutes. That being said sub 50 is a whole different ball game. 15-30 minutes as a healer and hours as a DPS. Tank is still quick tho.

  8. Stuns are a crutch? Almost everybody and their momma has one, plus not everyone uses it to kill someone in a stun lock. Lots of classes use it to get away. They are also useful for when an enemy pops his defensive cds. If every class has one and its useful to every class then its not a crutch its just part of the game. Plus, against good teams, dumb use of your stun will hurt more than it helps.
  9. Some actual focus on world pvp. Maybe throw in something like Winter grass where you have a big objective based battle every few hours or so and the winner gets access to a raid boss or two. Cross server pvp ques for rated and unrated. Ranked Arenas (at least 2v2 and 3v3). Some sort of ranked dueling system. A few new warzones including one that is large and has tons of different objectives with multiple ways to win (think Isle of Conquest in wow or Port scion in rift). Make it large (at least 16v16). Since the team size would not be 8v.8 it would not be used for rateds. Increase the amount of time resolve gives you immunity, but still leave snares and roots off of it. Finally come up with some cool pvp event ideas like tournaments and what not.


    Edit: I really like the idea for dynamic obstacles in huttball too.

  10. OP - your silence on this one point is telling - Multiple people have pointed out that you can't be kicked unless you were afk. So while the initial grouse could be that, "Hey, he's not in pvp gear!!", you were ultimately kicked because you were not participating at all - that is the way the system works, and that is justified. There are players who play with PVE gear and do reasonably well, and that is not sufficient reason to kick someone, nor is it a reason accepted by the vote-kick system.


    Yep, hes silent on it cuz hes pulling our legs. He couldn't have been kicked unless he was doing nothing and nobody would seriously be pissed about having to use a free set of gear that you can take off as soon as u leave the WZ. Or maybe he is one of those Napoleon Dynamite guys that you encounter from time to time in MMO's.

  11. L2p is a coward's response from someone that either doesn't play the class or toyed with an alt and feels that it is fine when you can do well in lowby PvP.


    Wanting more utility when you can off heal and CC at range is asking for an awful lot. You've got a leg up on quite a few classes in that area. But, in today's game, if you don't have a gap closer, ranged CC, heals, guard, and/or a push or pull, you've got nothing worth it and need more.


    Mercs are essentially acceptable. They're in no worse shape then a Sorceror. They just lack the escape abilities and the guaranteed snare to pebbles/lightning.


    I do not have a 50 merc, but I do have a V60 sage and from my observations sorc DPS is in better shape than merc dps. A good sorc is usually not gonna be locked down by 1 melee dps, a good merc can be locked down fairly easily by one decent melee dps. A sorc has escape-ability, and mobility. A sorc also brings tons of control, rescue, and is the best dps off healer in the game. A merc has heavy armor. If I had to vote for the AC that needs some love the most, Mercs would get my vote and I have never played one past 25.

  12. It would be hilarious if they had some sort of stealth crawl ability. You would very slowly army crawl while in stealth, that way if you wanted to use it you could spend 5 minutes slowly sneaking into perfect position. Hell maybe they could add some mud for you to crawl through on the maps. You would slowly work your way into position, target that sage healer, blow it up, and sneak away into the night. Maybe not super helpful to the team but it would be awesome.
  13. so i could buy the level 50 medpack/adrenals pre 50? hmmm... might just do that and stock up lol! at the rate im going i am not having any problems farming commendation. What about MVPvotes/medals or whatever they are called i would check but i am at work atm not to sure the name but it says i have 40+ of them, are they useful for anything?


    Every MVP vote you get just gives you a couple extra comz from that particular WZ. In the WXZ que window it keeps track of your total reg. WZ kills wins and mvp votes recieved (also keeps track of rated WZ stuff if applicable), basically this is there for you to fa.p to

  14. I do all the time on my operative, even if it is an energy hog and is easily interrupted. Mainly, it's for a carrier or a healer under focus, sometimes a tank if I am guarding a node with one. But really, anytime it will actually make a difference I'll use it; and I quite often self heal myself as well if I am able to put less stress on the main healer. I always take the reduced cast time off my heal in any spec. If you aren't utilizing everything at your disposal, then you aren't doing your job.


    I agree totally, i see the good dps ops doing this allot especially when trying to hold out at a node for reinforcements.

  15. Ahhh... That makes sense. Thanks.


    Last question, are BM or WH gear any good in Operations? Or should I have a second-set of gear just for operations?


    BM + gear is fine for story mode EV/KP operations. Plus if you run those enough you will get a full columi set pretty fast anyways and then you will be geared for HM KP/EV. You can also get a full set of columi gear pretty quick from running Tier 1 Hard Mode Flash points. Again, BM+ (hell even recruit) is fine for running T1's. Getting that BM weapon will be nice for pve as well cuz you can only get a columi wep. from operations and Lost Island (the tier 2 hard mode flashpoint) and the BM wep is almost as good for pve. Basically the pvp gear is good enough to get you in the door, and from their you can build up a set of good pve gear pretty quick.

  16. This is one of the few saving graces of a DPS Sage/Sorc in RWZs. I make the effort to use my bubble on allies under attack. Easy to get 150k+ healing this way with minimal loss in DPS.


    Yea Dps sage/sorcs can do it the best with bubbles and dark heal/ Benevolence being spam-able.

  17. I feel like off heals in this game are not always utilized as much as they should be. By off heals I mean dps spec'd classes that have access to healing abilities. I read allot of posts about how these heals are pretty much worthless. I believe this is some serious misinformation. The main thing is that these heals are not there to keep you alive when your personally getting focused (unless of course you can get LOS on your attackers, which may or may not be possible). These heals (as crappy as they may seem) are there to throw out strategically on your team when they are getting focused. This is especially true if one of your healers is dropping like a rock in a stun. I can't even count the times I have seen a node fight hinge on a dps throwing off a few well timed off heals to keep up a key guy just long enough to get reinforcements or to finish off the remaining defenders. In this game, a single healer isn't really a force multiplier unless he is totally left alone. However, put him with another good healer and they become dominant. Good cross heals can be downright nasty in this game. Good off heals, to a lesser extent, can produce a similiar effect. I feel like not enough dps players who have access to these heals actually utilize them. What are your thoughts? Are smartly thrown off heals effective in pvp or do you think they are a waste of time?
  18. Sorc have nothing? ROFL.... talk about a nice try! You must be the kid that thinks mages need buffz in WoW. All the sorcs i play with have no problem topping dps/healing charts.


    I tend to agree with you. Sorc healing output is fine (hell prob the highest pure healer output in the game when left alone). Honestly the only real issue is that its a kiting class that has to stop and hard cast a heal with a long cast time. If they had the ability to make their main heal cast quicker (maybe via a proc) or some kind of lower powered instant cast heal the class would be in a solid spot. Some sort of a defensive cd would go along way too, but nothing too extreme the class is meant to be squishy.


    As far as dps goes madness and the hybrid specs are solid they just lack burst. That being said I really think all madness needs is a bit more force efficiency. Its got so much control and mobility already. As far as dot protection goes, aren't other sorc/sages the only class whose dispel removes force effects? (the actual 5 sec cd cleanse, not the harmful effects removing cd's) . DPS sorcs have utility, control, steady damage, and are prob the best dps off healers. When your healer is getting focused and eats a stun 2 dark heals spammed on him go along way (especially if hes guarded and ppl are throwing taunts at his attackers).


    Overall I like how the sorc plays, its frantic and fast paced. You got to be on your game and time your **** right because you are literally on the verge of getting dropped all the time. You die allot, but when your on and your playing everything smoothly its an addicting class. I think the problem ppl have with the class is it not a particularly self sufficient class. You are dependent on your teammates allot more than allot of the other classes.

  19. I don't want utility, if we're supposed to be this heavy armor glass cannon, then fine, but I need more dps to fulfill the job. I could care less if I had a stun. the heals are basically crappy med packs for me, that's the only way I use them, and i've never once used the cleanse, nor do i see myself ever using it. take those 3 away, and give us the dps that assault spec vanguards have and i'll be happy.


    just did a wz, this assault spec vang did 450 k damage.. 450 k! I worked my butt off to get 200.. got 10 medals.. for it.. cmon man.. The truth is, no, I don't want them to remove the utility we have, but gosh dangit, I want to be a dps, and I don't want to feel hindered because my, completely crappy heavy armor, and 2 second, useless heals are the reason why I can't match the dps of that guy.


    commando dps really needs help, you nerfed gunnery in 1.2 but you did nothing.. for assault spec.. I think you may have nerfed it as well.. don't remember.. pre 1.2 i was gunnery, because it was fun then. assault spec is the only viable option for pvp atm, The thing is, and I don't mean to toot my own horn, but i'm a fairly adept player at it, and I can't get past 230 k.. for anything, it's impossible.. what ranked teams ever going to want me on their team? I do sub par dps and oh wait.. i can stealth scan! .. 200 k extra damage vs stealth scan.. hmm... oh wait!.. vang's get stealth scan too.. haha.. so that's not the reason! then what is? what is the reason my dps is so sub par?


    remove the heals if that's what's needed for us to get dps.. on second thought.. haha, vanguards have an interrupt.. so they trump our crap 2 second useless heals to start..


    please fix my class bioware.. I really do enjoy it, but I'm not going to keep playing if I keep doing such subpar dps when I have nothing to say, hey, this is why, this is why my class has low dps, because of skill _______. it doesnt exist, we don't have a unique ability.


    Commando/ merc is in a rough spot but if your are ************ about having stun and cleanse (tech and physical w/out the healer talent point) you are nuts. Also, your off heals aren't for yourself when you are getting focused, they are to help a focused healer out or to use on class like a mara or a guardian when u at a node with no healer and your not getting focused. Off heals will not help your survive-ability, but they are great to use on certain classes and can turn the tide in a node battle, this is why off heals are considered utility. When you play a good team every dps class that can heal will toss out the ocasional heal to keep a focus target alive. Once again not saying that mando/merc doesn't need love, but If you really want to just mindlessly dps stuff then roll a PT. Your ignorant post about how you ignore cleanse is not going to make a strong case about why mercs need buffs. It blows my mind why you wouldn't use cleanse.

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