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Posts posted by damagedhalo

  1. Trooper is my only class @ 55, and that I have completed the story with.


    The biggest letdown was Jaxo. I think after the interactions made available and after choosing to save her...there should be more there. Not just fade out of the story and that's that. Even if it was just a couple letters from time to time to touch base. Not sure if writers got lazy, or lost the story on her...but pointless to make someone a major component throughout the entire trooper story then just disappear.

  2. When you get items from cartel packs, you should make them Bind to Legacy instead of just BOUND for the first 36 hours. There has been so many items I get from a pack that I want to use on my other characters...and just hate waiting. While I don't mind the bind I think many people would be happier with bind to legacy. :p
  3. People didn't demand the new pets & mounts in the Blizzard store to be included with their subs...why should this be any different? I have 1 level 55, and only legacy 18. I definitely don't have the extra cash to blow on CC since I'm remodeling my house...yet here I sit defending the set up. Why? Because people sell the CC contracts. I made 1 mil credits yesterday, without much effort. I played for 3 hours, and made 1 mil credits. My goal is to buy the CC contract off the GTN (currently bouncing between 1.6 - 2.8 mil creds) So I will log in for 3 days, do my routine to farm some credits, and I will have acquired it without touching the credits I already had saved up.


    It's not hard, and it won't take me a year to get it. If people don't want to put in the effort to acquire new goodies, then they shouldn't be able to acquire them.



  4. I get it. I don't use it, but I get it. While it can offer insight into who's doing what...so can just paying attention. Endgame communities are what have made parsers overly important, not content. I have played MMO's for many years, yet have never played a game that had one incorporated. Even with how WoW sucked up the "good idea addons" they never touched a parser.


    People put too much importance into them.

  5. My loading screens start out at about 20 sec....then after about 30 min go to 30 sec, then after about an hour 45sec to 1min. If I try to switch instances it takes anywhere from 45sec to 2 full min. Every other aspect of the game works great...good FPS, pings, etc....No lag in battle...or in the field.


    It just takes forever when there is a load screen or instance swap needed. Any ideas what causes this, and if there is a fix for it? I have seen a few other threads about this but never any replies. Any help would be appreciated.:confused:

  6. If you have no problem with the GCD, I can bet you don't play pvp or you're new to the game.


    To be fair this shouldn' tbe an issue, because whatever issue you have with the GCD any other pvp'er is facing it as well. So if the GCD was removed completely....it would be removed for them as well....so if you are just slow on the keys...you will still be slow on the keys.

  7. I've got to call you on that one: it's easy to complete missions at 3 levels below them, at 3 levels above they're a complete joke.


    Fact. At 3 lvls above I am soloing Heroic 2+


    If you are struggling to go at equal levels you need to look at your gear. The f2p model doesn't restrict your gameplay any more than other f2p of the same design/caliber. Look at the WoW f2p model...no ah, no bank, no more than 10g, max lvl 20, can't whisper, no guild, etc...


    The F2P isn't meant to be a full version of the game people can play for free. It's a trial. People compare it to Rift, and other F2P/P2W games, but fail to mention that those games were HORRIBLE from the start.

  8. Anyone else know how to fix this? I recently started as a subscriber, but the GMK only allows me to list 10 auctions at a time. It has the option to upgrade and tells me that subscribers get 50 slots. All my other subscriber functions have been working so far, but this one is bugged it seems.
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