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Posts posted by KamRevel

  1. load screens go bye bye with SSD drive :)


    well not bye bye but waaaaay better


    yeah I got a SSD drive as well and my load times are SIGNIFICANTLY reduced. My wife who sits right next to me will load... and load... and load.


    Btw, I really like this posters post. He hit on a lot of good things. I think the most sucky thing about all this... we sit here and tell Bioware whats going on... and have some pretty good posts on it, yet I don't hear any Dev's saying we understand and we appreciate your feedback. Feels like all the Devs up and left.

  2. Completely agree with the OP. End game content should already be in the game. I know with WoW I didn't get to see all the end game content but to be honest... I didn't care. It was still neat to hear about guilds that FINALLY downed a particular boss or an event that took a massive effort was finally completed.


    All I hear is how everyone is just ripping through the content and there is nothing left. :( I don't pretend to think I will ever have the elite of the elite gear. Our guild isn't setup that way. It is nice we will get to do all the operations and probably eventually beat them all, but to be honest I am ok if there is a particular operation that only the elite guilds can beat. Gives a sense of awe to the game imo.


    One other thing about the pvp scoring. I kind of think the way they have it setup is actually a good thing. If people got points for scoring I can see plenty of people being greedy and not passing the ball. As it stands now there isn't really any point to scoring and I think it encourages people to pass it to someone else.

  3. I promise not to reveal anything (so no spoilers) but I just wanted to make a quick shout out to BioWare that I am thoroughly enjoying the game. Especially in the later levels the character development and story progression really sucked me in.


    But I have to say one thing that truly geeked me out. I've been playing the Sith and went the light sided route just to be different. I kind of figured the story wouldn't really be written with this in mind, that possibly being allowed to go light on the Sith side was just thrown in. Man... was I wrong.


    By the level 30s I couldn't believe where my story was going and how whoever wrote the storyline actually took the time to include choices and actual impacts to my progression. I so hope this continues and the story arc I just did wasn't just a one off. The idea presented blew my mind that I was able to do this. I know some of this sounds vague but I really don't want to screw it up for anyone going this route. Suffice to say, you will not be disappointed.


    Thank you Bioware for making an awesome game, and not catering exclusively down the general path. You have my standing ovation.

  4. Is there any point in even posting this kind of stuff on here? I figure the Devs are busy just launching their game and may not even be visiting the forums...


    Some other things:


    • Do you always get dismounted the moment you get hit? If so, it would be nice if you could have a chance of NOT getting knocked off.

    • Mailbox near the GTN. Or is this on purpose?

    • Will you extend the amount of days an item can be on the GTN? 2 days feels short but if a design choice, so be it.

    • Why the 18 hour cool-down on the Fleet Pass? Seems long. Is it not meant to be used as a "hearthstone" back to the capitol?

    • Allow me to shift click (or alt/ctrl) and move my icons on the ability bars when I have them locked.

    • Can I move my bars? At least put them to one side?



    Btw, some things I find very awesome design choices:


    >Being able to fully equip your companion.

    >Your ship. It is just plain awesome to be on there and fool around. I really hope you expand this area.

    >Different choices for rewards.

    >Allowing me to choose a dark/light path without pigeon-holing me.

  5. I have to say that I have been very happy with the game thus far. BioWare has done an incredible job of bringing the Star Wars atmosphere to the MMO market and it is a joy to be playing. It is nice to have a smile brought to my face when I step off my ship into a new world and am eager to explore to it.


    I've been playing for several days now and there are some minor things I thought might help the game (or maybe not). Most of this is really minor and some of it may even seem nit picky. But maybe it might help a little:


    •Camera snaps back to behind character when releasing left mouse button. I'd like it to stay put and only snap behind when I use the right mouse button again. Sometimes I like to be running one way and have the camera pointing in another direction. I could not find an option to turn this off.


    •Logging into the game states you are logged in to everyone else (friends/guild) when you are not actually in the game yet. It is a little irritating when I have multiple tells asking questions, saying hi, etc when I can't respond to anyone while waiting to still actually log in. Can it be changed to when I am actually IN the game to state I've logged on?


    •Can not assign hotkeys to markers. During a flashpoint or operation it would be nice if I can hotkey the markers in the game. Currently it appears you can only do this by right clicking on the enemies portrait and going through the menu.


    •FlyText to include abilities that become ready. I'd like it to state when abilities become ready, or at least give me the option to state which ones. Like retaliation would be a good one. This prevents me from having to stare at the hot bar waiting for cooldowns.


    •Give a console command to /leave and /join channels. Currently I have to go through the process of right clicking on the chat tab and turning them off and on.


    •Turn off auto attack on right click. I do not have an attack ability in my #1 slot. Sometimes when I right click on an enemy on accident it activates. Can this be turned off?


    •Currently items swap in your inventory when you put an object on top of another one. Can it be done when I put one object on top of another it simply shifts to my cursor instead of swapping places? Or at least give me the option?


    •Sheath weapon while running. I can't put my weapon away while running.


    •Companion sheath their weapons when I do mine as well. Right now they run around with them.


    •Dual monitors causes game to sometimes collapse. I run dual monitors and sometimes when I accidentally (or even intentionally) click the other screen, SWTOR will minimize. Can it be setup to stay on-screen when it loses focus?


    •Ability action queue window (btw, great idea). Sometimes when using this it appears the abilities do not trigger right away, that there is a slight delay. Not sure if this has game impact but I know I've pressed a key more than once to hurry up an ability along. Also can we have the option to queue them up past 1 second? Pretty please?


    •Damage dealt and animations do not sync. It is nice that the damage is done as soon as I press the key, but the animation is still on going. Just seems a bit disconcerting, but I guess I have no idea how to remedy this. Probably just something to get used to.


    •When whispering someone when I type /w or "/whisper player" it does not change the line to read that I am whispering someone. For example it DOES do this when you do /general or /trade. Can this be done with whispers too?



    Well, hopefully some of that might be of help. Thanks for reading and again, thank you for making a really enjoyable and fun game. It is a blast!

  6. Hello all,


    The Live Services and development teams are aware of the reports on this issue, and we're investigating. We'll take appropriate action against any players who are found to exploiting the game in any way.


    Thanks for your patience while we look into the issue.


    Surprised they would actually take action against them... maybe they legitimately want to do some BG's??

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