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Posts posted by Wycian

  1. There are some differences in how you would ideally build yourself for PVP as opposed to PVE as well and some spec differences. The difference in the build between PVE and PVP is easy to address [the differences in the specs won't change this aspect] and that it in PVE you want to have 110% accuracy, and in PVP you only want at most 105% accuracy. There is even a school of thought that says you can get by with just 101% accuracy, but I wouldn't personally recommend it. Marauder's do a lot of white damage so you want to minimize the misses on your melee attacks to at least that degree, but no more than 105.


    As far as optimal stats are concerned, that will vary somewhat between specs, so without knowing which spec you are I can only speak to generalities. Optimal stats, as it were, are easier to calculate for PVE than for PVP. Generally speaking, I agree with what Icy said for the most part. A couple of power/mastery augs for PVP can be useful, but, I wouldn't use that many, I would recommend more than two.


    Crit is the 'big stat', that's the one that catches people by surprise, a few good crits here and there in quick succession with the right attacks and you could potentially bring their health down by half, perhaps even 3/4s if rng is really loving you that day. Even if it's just half though in 3 or 4 seconds, that puts people quickly on the defensive and could make them think better of attacking you again later on. There is no better defense than you not being the target. Fear is your ally =]


    For PVP shoot for about 42% crit chance and 70/71 crit multiplier. I run a bit more, but that is just my personal preference. As far as alacrity, all marauder specs benefit from it greatly. The downside is that alacrity tends to yield better results the longer the duration of the fight goes on, and in PVP fights with one person or an individual combat don't tend to last very long. It's a bit of a gamble and for that reason and that reason alone I wouldn't put all your eggs in that basket. On the other hand, speed = atms, atms=higher DPS. There is also the consideration of cool downs. Alacrity doesn't only effect the speed of your attacks, it also effects the speed of DOT ticks and every ability that has a cooldown, it will lesson the cooldown to small degrees, the more alacrity to tack on the shorter the CDs so this is a big benefit as well, brings your DCDs back around for use again that much faster.


    I'd recommend the following for the specs, this is not written stone and if you have a little more or a little less it isn't going to make all that much of a difference so these are merely approximations [except for carnage, to follow].


    Annihilation - 1600 Alacrity

    Fury - 1600 Alacrity

    Carnage - 1500 Alacrity [Carnage benefits the most because it helps to insure you will be able to fit more of your highest damaging attacks in your ferocity window more reliably. So why than do the other specs actually call for more alacrity? Because when Carnage uses beserk it gets a +30% bonus to alacrity so that's tacked on top of what you already have from your gear so you still want to meet the suggested value even with the alacrity bonus from beserk]


    Bare in mind these are optimal amounts based on highest potential DPS ceilings. They apply more to PVE than PVP. In PVE, even with game mechanics that make you move and can make you have to stop attacking to avoid a AOE damage from a boss for example, in the end, you will have more uptime during a boss fight that you could ever hope to in any single engagement in PVP. Target switches, CC, deaths, escapes, and a million other things make the fighting in PVP much more fluid and ever changing.


    That said, you can get away with much lower levels of alacrity than in PVE. It's still important, and it still effects combat, it's just not quite as telling as it is when there is more uptime on a target.


    There are different opinions this, and there no definitive right or wrong, but, the considerations listed above do have some baring so you should use that in your consideration of how much alacrity you want to use. There would be nothing wrong with using the recommended values for PVE even in PVP, it certainly wouldn't hurt you, the only consideration would be where that added Alacrity might otherwise be put to another stat for stat allotment. People tend to run higher amounts of crit in PVP than would normally be recommended in PVE for bigger burst potentials, as one bigger hit might make the difference between you or your enemy dropping in a very close fight.


    I have more experience with Carnage than I have with the other two specs, but, for Carnage I'd recommend between 1300-1400 alacrity. My experience with the other 2 specs is limited only to PVE, I've never used either one of them in PVP so I don't feel in position to advise you what level for those two specs is most appropriate for PVP. An educated guess would be 1400-1500, but hopefully someone with more experience than myself in those other two specs in PVP can give you a better idea for those specs.


    Hope this helps some, best of luck.


    Edit: This guy here below has sited the same source as I based my recommendations on. These are optimal stat spread largely intended for PVE, unfortunately no one has taken on a PVP version of the great work done by Bant and his successor. I.E. You'll notice looking that over that it includes in it's stat spread an accuracy allotment that would bring you to 110% accuracy, which you wouldn't want for PVP. Even still the foundations are still sound.


    Very useful information. Thank you. Helps a ton, thank you very much :)

  2. It depends on the spec you choose and in my case how much lag you have.

    Realistically you don't need more than 105% in accuracy when you check your bolstered lvl stats in pvp. If it's higher than that in pvp, then you are wasting other stats.

    That just means you have two options, crit and alacrity. Your crit will already be pretty high due to the class and you will get diminished returns faster than other classes when equipping it. The way I set it up for Fury is to have about 200 more crit than alacrity.


    Hm... Thanks! It helps :)

  3. Hello, i am looking to re getting into PvP after returning almost a month ago. since they removed PVP gear and Expertise gear. it leaves me to question.. what are stats that are optimal for PvP i'm unsure if its the same for PvE or what. i would love and appriciate the help! :)
  4. Hello, my main is on Shadowlands and i notice republic side on there isn't the best for PvP, as i do wanna relearn how to pvp in this game but lowbie ques are non existant (leveled up a jedi sentinel to 68 so far and always been in a que) i wanna know how PvP is on this server along with PvE. any good guilds to look out for? is it more worth imperial side? i wanna know this so i know if i should transfer or not :)
  5. Hello i was playing trying to sell some items on my character when i randomly got disconnected from the server entirely for no reason i was moving around in a circle around the who republic GTN area then it just randomly disconnects me to the server selection screen giving me a ERROR anyone else have that problem? (and yes i thought i had gotten banned somereason LOL)
  6. Hey folks,


    The team is still trying to work through everything to ensure it doesn't happen again after we come online. Unfortunately I still do not have an ETA but as soon as I have one, you will too!




    Hope yall find a fix soon :) for now i try to figure out what to do lol

  7. I see, i am still interested, as it would be more motivating for me to say the least, cause i have finished every class story other than smuggler and trooper, when ever they bring it back, it would be more motivating for me to start them and play them. it be more of a mission than just to level :) thank you <3
  8. Hello, i am still a fairly returning player after 3 1/2 years, and i noticed last year while i was still gone, there was a Dark vs. Light event that went on. as i look through the stuff of what it contained and how the event worked, i am so heavily regretting not being there for it, as i wanted to ask if it will be returning at all soon. like i know the Gree event came back once (i'm not sure if it came back again after) but i am fairly really interested in leveling a character for it as it seems really fun and sounds to be challenging at the same time. If anyone can help me by telling me if the Developers plan on bringing it back, that would be much appreciated.


    - Much Love



  9. There are 4 reasons to still do it.

    1) Resistive Armoring 51-with that you can make a tank shield more powerful than the artifice pieces.

    2) Absorb augment

    3) Shield augment

    4) augmentation kit mk-10


    For equipping many tanky alts that's nothing to sneeze at.


    Hm. alright. Thanks :)

  10. Honestly, if you looking for stuff to craft for your gunslinger, you may be hard pressed. There is always armor, but most of that is non-moddable (fixed stats). However some of it does look pretty good so you could use it as outfits. There are versatile augments (mastery, endurance), but using them will depend on your build. And like Armstech and Synthweaving you can craft augmentation slot kits.


    That said, armormech does craft items that are desirable...for tanks:

    shield and absorb augments

    resistive armorings


    Armormech is not my most profitable crafting skill, but it is consistently profitable.


    Hm. alright thanks for the Telling :) helps alot.

  11. Hello, i am a returning player after 3 1/2 years as of 2 weeks ago today, i got a level 70 Gunslinger, somewhat geared (2 eternal command MK-5 pieces from HM KP) i wanted to run one of my old favorite OPs EV, or TFB i would love to run those again, but sadly my DPS is quite crappy ;c (it will improve as i get more gear though! :o:o:o:o) hope someone still runs those two :)
  12. Hello, i am a returning player after 3 1/2 years, and alot has changed. i just want a little help because ive looked for guides, orsites to help me out level a brand new Tank or Vengence DPS spec. for discipline points i dont know what to choose, and to see which is better. i dont know the balancing of whats good and not good. would love some help. thanks :)
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