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Posts posted by Zataos

  1. When they institute 30 - 45 min debuff, i'll wish you the best of luck as you stand on fleet twiddling thumbs in gen chat too. We all win.


    haha, keep dreaming, they wouldn't even add a 1 min debuff, and you think your getting a 45 min one?


    The quitting is a symptom, not the problem, the problem is unbalanced teams, most people don't need to be steam rolling to not quit of of a warzone, just feel that they have a chance in hell to win. Installing a matchmaker is the only solution to reduce quitting.

  2. I think everyone is just used to BioWare just handing them everything, so when it comes time to when the spoiled brats don't get what they want in a day, it's time to throw a ***** fit on the forums.

    So, if they were to give you everything, let you grind out the rep in a day, get all the items from the vendor, then what?

    I'll tell you what, you'll come BACK to the forums, throw another ***** fit about how there's not content...but wait...didn't you just blaze through it to get everything you wanted?

    Part of an MMO is grinding. If you're not interested in grinding for something, then you're probably playing the wrong game. How about you just be patient, ENJOY the new content and rep system, and take it slow.

    I'm pretty sure you'll live if you don't get everything in endgame in one night...I would hope anyway.


    So what your saying is that you don't care or aren't in any rush to get the legacy bound weapons, so therefore no one else should get them and if anyone disagrees with YOUR timeline then they are "spoiled brats", get over yourself.

  3. I was stealthed, alone on my DPS Assassin by the pylon, I saw a a Pyrotech Attacking a lower geared pair or Sorcs and decimating them while they were waiting with a orb, so I interceded, killed the PT and as my "reward" the the 2 Sorcs turned focus and killed me, people will be people, there are real life scums and there are in-game scums.
  4. I gotta say, I love PVP, but for the most part, the pvp part of this event is dumb, save for the few fun large equal encounters that have happened, most time it is a group of 4 looking for a group of 2, a group of 2 looking for a single player, then, when there actually are equal numbers, most everyone stands in a fricking line like we're at the DMV, and the hilarity is when everyone moves up one place haha, anyway, there should have been some clever mechanics based advantages for "fair" fights, some smart ideas on those floating around, too bad they all languish on these forums and not into the DEVS computers. DPS is too strong in this game for simple open world pvp, there's simply no time to respond.


    Also, some type of open world kill reward system would be great, but again, with some type of equalizer to keep farming in check.

  5. Bioware's problem from day one, in every single little aspect has been they think that they know better, and predictably the majority of those people are now without jobs at Bioware, yet it seems that their coworkers that are still there simply can't break that single player mentality of a game made 15 years ago. Either that or their just dumb and don't know how to make a game, but I lean toward arrogance.
  6. Don't be a baby, Illum is generally a PVP planet, its not like you lose anything other than a little of your time. This event is PVP centric, how about other events that have little to no PVP in it, did PVPers complain and whine that it was "boring"?(if they did then they are babies to).


    The beauty, is that it's optional.


    I will say I understand the faction on faction targeting, I believe its to keep numbers balanced, but it is a bit of a pain, I've had to stop tab targeting during the event altogether haha.

  7. The skill gap is growing in both sub 50 and 50 PVP, the only thing that can save this games PVP is a matchmaking system, by the time BW establishes one, as they don't seem to have the slightest interest, it may well be too late.


    It does currently depends on your server and faction, but in some, such as mine, the unbalance from match to match is nearly out of control. On the Imp side, its either you are steam rolling or get steam rolled, very rarely in between, and the in between are what PVPers live for, the really fun matches.


    A matchmaker that takes, gear, lvl, valor, expertise and group size should all be in the mix and it needs to be done yesterday.

  8. I disagree, all things considered, the quickest way to win is if they have no healer and you do, so priority should always be to quickly focus and bring down the healer a fast as possible. Your "cc the healer" bit is unreasonable in anything but coordinated rated matches.
  9. My Suggestion would be a Gigabyte Radeon 7850 2 GB card found here on Amazon for $195


    Here is a link to some benchmarks for a 1GB version of it (which is about $25 less), the card receives very high scores for value/performance


    Like the poster said above me, check your power supply as this card requires a 500w one

  10. Bioware, I believe has resisted putting this in game because of some idiotic thought that it will take away from leveling alts, I don't remember the exact quote but that's what I took away from it when there was a response early in the games launch.


    I can tell you, Bioware, with 100% certainty that people are more likely to spend more time on a character if they like its appearance, and I also know that people make mistakes or aren't happy with how their toons look midway through and are unwilling to start over.

  11. bah, I'm both a fan a a detractor of this game, but honestly, there's not really a "lack of end game content", there is plenty to do, but the game lacks "fleshing out" and quality of life" stuff, things to do when your not doing Raids, Flashpoints or PVP, the game really just lacks polish, but unfortunately, that polish really could lift this game up.
  12. Its all very server and faction dependent, on Shadowlands the Imp side is a complete disaster (as a whole), starting with very few healers and the Pub side has very many healers, you can go 4 rounds and out of all 4 you are lucky to get 1 round with 1 healer, the Pub side will often have 2 per round and as many as 4, it's so unbalanced it's almost funny.


    Now, if you want to be a healer, it's much easier to be one on the Pub side, because you will not be singled out, and you can chain heal each other, on the Imp side, single healers get slaughtered, because there's 1 and they will be chased around an focused every single round leading to less and less healers.

  13. Hi!


    I've replaced my lightsaber's crystal to the different one, but the color has not changed. Now I have red crystal in there and green lightsaber.

    What is wrong?


    It SHOULD be impossible, my guess is that you are overlooking something, open your Character Sheet (press C), mouse over your saber to make sure that the proper crystal is in the slot, there will be the crystal, hilt, mod and enhancement, ctrl + right click on your light saber to open the screen to edit and place a new crystal, hilt, mod or enhancement, drag the new crystal over top of the old crystal, when asked if you are sure as you are about to destroy the old crystal, click yes (if you don't want the old one.


    I assume your saber is customizable (orange or purple bordered item) not green or blue bordered item.

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