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Posts posted by nicous

  1. You only see 4k+ out of Fus Ro Dah when Gore, Blood Frenzy, Execute, Bloodthirst, and your Power Trinket are ALL up at the same time. Which is 100% impossible to predict.

    Not true. I've never seen blood frenzy not procing after assault+gore+massacre+screem (actually all screems seems to crit). And even without blodthirst you can 4k+ screem with 90% surge.

  2. Do yourself a favor. Reset the quest then go back to the Voss cave and kill the Voss to get the pendant off of his corpse.


    If you are having issues with the dual silvers, wait until you fight the boss at the end. Also, if you cant kill the two adds AND the boss at the end the quest bugs out and you dont get credit, and are forced to reset to try again anyway.




    Do yourself a favor and reset it, then kill the Voss in the cave.


    This is one of the top 3 most difficult fights for the warrior. I was able to pull it off solo as a Jug with good/great gear and a SUPER geared Vette. I can't imagine that fight as a Marauder.


    I did it as a Marauder without killing the Voss in the cave....

  3. Ignore them. Act 2 ENDS on Quesh.


    I'll break it down.


    Act 1: Korriban > Dromund Kaas > Balmorra > Nar Shadda > Tatooine > Alderaan > Hutta

    Act 2: Taris > Hoth > Quesh

    Act 3: Belsavis > Voss > Corellia


    *Note: Please people, let me know if I missed any. It's been a while since I did it and my memory isn't what it used to be pre-cancer.


  4. I had no problem with Voss quests using carnage tree.


    I think your problem is not your gear, but your companion. Quinn is not a good option with carnage, as it’s all about burst, u need a companion that can help you burst. I used Jaessa all the way from 30~ to 50 and soloed all the class content. Remember to keep your companion gear up to date .


    With Jaessa or Vette, pop ur defensive cds, saber ward, cloak of pain and Call On The Force if u think u’ll need it (remember it refreshes your saber ward), charge one of them and dps the crap out of it.. you should kill it before being 50/60% health. Then use force camuflage to lose agro and start dpsing immediately so u can take agro before it kills your companion. I think that should do it, as it worked for me in difficult fights.

  5. Below is a list of valid Star Wars: The Old Republic codes that have been redeemed under this account.

    12.15.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to play

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