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Posts posted by Pytviper

  1. I wanted to pop in and address some of your concerns about our barbershop and its use of Cartel Coins and not credits. There are a couple of design implications that go into these decisions I wanted to highlight in the hopes that it makes our decision in this regard a bit clearer.


    • We very consciously design these systems around the fact that subscribers get monthly Cartel Coin grants. Pricing, etc. has these monthly grants in mind to ensure that our subscribers have access to these systems.
    • We want to set the expectation that cosmetic systems like these are where you are going to see us use the Cartel Market. It is our continued philosophy that we will not implement a form of pay to win so cosmetic systems and other non-game impacting features are our best opportunities to make additions to the Cartel Market.

    As we continue to release more information about our barbershop please continue to give us your feedback.




    600 Cartel Coins for 6 month Sub

    100 Cartel Coins for Security Key

    100 Cartel Coins for Referral Sub staying sub.


    700 Cartel Coins a month. Is supposed to cover Sub Cartel usage?


    1200-1440 Cartel Coins for an armor set

    1800 for a speeder

    2400 Life Day Bundle.

    320 Cartel Coins Packs


    Max monthly Cartel Coin grant doesn’t even cover me buying anything. I have to save up for 2-3 months to buy something and you keep adding new armor twice a month. The only thing I can buy is 2 cartel packs and most likely not going to get anything worth it out of them. Sub that don’t buy coins don’t get anything without waiting forever. Eric the more you talk about the Cartel Market the more I have feel being sub without a large disposable income makes us 2nd class citizens.

  2. I wanted to pop in and address some of your concerns about our barbershop and its use of Cartel Coins and not credits. There are a couple of design implications that go into these decisions I wanted to highlight in the hopes that it makes our decision in this regard a bit clearer.


    • We very consciously design these systems around the fact that subscribers get monthly Cartel Coin grants. Pricing, etc. has these monthly grants in mind to ensure that our subscribers have access to these systems.
    • We want to set the expectation that cosmetic systems like these are where you are going to see us use the Cartel Market. It is our continued philosophy that we will not implement a form of pay to win so cosmetic systems and other non-game impacting features are our best opportunities to make additions to the Cartel Market.

    As we continue to release more information about our barbershop please continue to give us your feedback.




    So Eric are you going to remove the P2W items that are already there?

    P2W lvl 10 Crystals? +41 stats vs +4 @ lvl 7 and +31 @ 47

    P2W speeder? 110% knock off resist vs 90% knock off resist speeder that have to be able to do OP for

  3. Wow.


    No, not the game, the exclamation.


    It's 98 pages later and the same 3 or 4 people continue to attack everyone who has an opposing view. Give it up. EA has more money than god. They have their own PR department. If we wanted to read corporate propoganda we'd get it from the source.


    Maybe they are part of EA PR department pretending to play the game as they are laughing at us for being stupid?

  4. To pick on people now saying "you want it without working for it" is absurdly disingenuous. As if we worked for it. For the first week you came, did 4 scanns and someone found it. On Taris I literary ran up to the site, looted, and were on my way. "Work for it". Yea...


    I've done it 5 times. 3 during the mad rush. Another off peek hours in after xmas and last week. Its annoying but its nothing to QQ and RQ over. Its not need to play game. People stand in line longer then that for an iPhone with less QQ.

  5. I'm sorry taunting isn't tanking. If taunting was tanking in this game the other 2 class would have to do it to to keep threat.


    My Juggy is the only one of my 3 tanks (all equally geared) I have any threat issue with. The whole taunt tanking that people are talking about is a work around for a broken spec.

  6. During that 2 hour grid search, how many others were there looking for the part? Your grid is useless if someone else found it and said nothing.......


    That means I might have to talk to someone or even worse group with someone. I can't do that. It's too much work to work with someone.


    Finding the part is mostly lucky. Working in a group and talking in general chat cuts the time down a lot. Yeah there are a lot of soloist jerks out there that wouldn't help you. You can take a quick scan of the area on your speeder and see if anyone else is doing it if no one says anything in general.

  7. Its a PvP stat; and only comes into play in PvP. You won't notice a difference in PvE aspect of the game. Since most Pvp happens in WZ. What were you doing that you didn't notice? Which companion where using? How much exp did you give them?


    I don't know answer to your question. Exp is list on your companions stat screen.

  8. Biowares utterly insane design decision never cease to amaze me. No wonder this game has crashed & burnt loosing 1+ million subscribers in a year.


    Which sane MMO would force a PvE player into a PvP zone for a story quest? Bioware thats who.


    & dont get me started on gating HK behind doing a HM Flashpoint. Way to go killing your game Bioware!


    Lets deny the majority of MMO players nowadays (casual PvE'ers) from getting the a beloved companion from the Kotor games!


    Lunacy. Utter fin lunacy.




    I'm sorry but your rant is so bad its making me cry.


    You upset because you had to go into a PvP zone and buy 1 item? Its not like evil PvPers are going to camp vendor 24/7.


    Denying the casual gamer because of a HM? Don't they give you a free set of gear to run HM? All you have to is hit 50 pick up the quest and move 100m. Sound like big mean BW hates us.


    HK is heroic companion you should have to do heroic things to get him.

  9. So let me get this straight. You're mad because as a purely PvE player you are forced to go into a purely PvP area to do an events and get HK? Even though a purely PvPer is forced to do multi PvE quest for an event and for HK had to do 2 2m quest, HM Foundry and FE.


    Lets compare:


    -Since you hate PvP your on PvE sever. If you hate PvP and are on a PvP server that is all on you; you choose your server.

    -You had to kill 1 WB in PvP area for 1st event.

    -Nothing PvP related for 2nd event.

    -HK you had to go to a PvP area and buy 1 part.



    -Had to kill 3 WB and 7 quest for 1st event

    -Nothing PvP related. Couldn't even get currency from WZ like the 1st event for 2nd.

    -HK had to complete HM and normal FP and do to 2 2m quest easy to solo with geared companion but since companion has no use in WZ companion is ungeared. When asking for help you get trolled.


    Who is being forced more to do other type of content ? Who is QQ more?

  10. I don’t see the point of having cutscenes in HM. Majority of the player base has already seen the cutscenes too many times. Players are doing HM not for the story but for the dailies and weeklies. Yes there are some players out there that have never seen it. HM shouldn’t be where you are learning the fights. You should have run SM once before you do a HM. From an RPer stand point the events in HM have already happen. HM should be simulators to keep us trained and ready for any battle ahead.
  11. Because all I care for is my BH Com and only the last boss drops gear better than your free set. When it comes down to it time vs reward. Time that it takes to clear everything in there isn't worth it to the majority of the player base. If they force player base to clear everything they will find more people aren’t going to run it. Why would I was 1hr in HM to get 5 BH Com. Not worth my time.
  12. If I'm forced to waste time in HM, I'll quit doing HM. Killing anything other then 2nd and last boss is waste of time. They are only ones that drop Col.


    Maybe OP shouldn't try and force people to play his way. He should learn to play as a group. Before I even go to the HM. I clear state I'm skipping everything I can. If you have a problem with this I'll find a new group. Everyone agrees I head there and we start.

  13. If I'm forced to waste time in HM, I'll quit doing HM. Killing anything other then 2nd and last boss is waste of time. They are only ones that drop Col.


    Maybe OP shouldn't try and force people to play his way. He should learn to play as a group. Before I even go to the HM. I clear state I'm skipping everything I can. If you have a problem with this I'll find a new group. Everyone agrees I head there and we start.

  14. Fleet never lags for me even with 250 ppl on it. And I dont like ideas that makes a MMO into a game where you just stand in one spot to click yourself around for pvp and pve. Its bad enough that you dont really have to travel to instance entrances in this game.


    On the other hand... There seem to be a great deal of support for this idea. A high legacy unlock might be a good idea then. Even though I woudnt use it. AND Bioware should give us other reasons to travel around the galaxy and hang out at the fleet. Still waiting for travling to Nar Shaadda for gambling and other places for racing, housing etc...


    I'm glad you don't lag on fleet. There are alot of people that do. Your not going see any large decrease in people on fleet. The people that are going to use this are the people that don't hang out there now. Having to go to fleet just to pick up dailies is a huge waste of time. Sitting through 4 loading s screen just to pick on drop off dailies.

  15. If they gave us the ability to unlock PVP and HM FP daily terminals, and mod stations on our ships, the only thing missing would be a quick travel bind point. Would that make your ship too convenient and leave fleet a ghost town? I'm not sure, but I hate the lag in fleet as well. The first thing I do when I log into fleet is to try to find a less populated instance, usually.


    I thought, though, that if you had a crafting profession, your ship had a mod station suitable for that crafting profession. I recall seeing companions at mod stations on my ships when I send them on missions. Are these mod stations just not accessible to add augment kits to items? I've never tried to access them, so I do not know.


    Fleet would never be ghost town. People will still go there to try and get a HM OP, PvP vendors, PvE vendors, selling/buying and trolling. Instead of 3 fleets you'll have 2 fleets.


    What the companions are at is a crafting station not a mod station.

  16. Major issue with companions is the bad AI with them. HK AI is a huge improvement then what most companions AI is. My biggest complaint about companions is healing companions refuse to move to heal. If the healing companion can shoot a mob he will stand there and shoot and no move to heal you if your fighting something out of range.


    I have 1 tank, 1 DPS and I healer geared in 136 plus gear all augmented. For times we need a 4th to finish a HM. Granted some fights are a huge pain with companion that are tanks and healers because you have keep moving them out of stuff. My OP healer used Kaliyo to tank from 1st boss of Foundry to end. Last boss was a huge pain since i basically had to tank and heal. Controlling when Kaliyo attack, was passive and taunted.

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