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Posts posted by Lasani

  1. As I'm often asked, where are your stats? Where are you getting your 60% from?


    One thing I can guarantee you, and I am MUCH more familiar with the situation due to my own professional life, that only about 5% of Mac gamers use Boot Camp - not 60%.


    BioWare is missing out on 95% of the potential revenue, and if the numbers are similar to WoW, 25% of the players are on the Mac, meaning if BioWare has 1.6m subscribers, that's 400,000 potential Mac users based on same percentages.


    TOR will come out for OS X, it's a matter of time. The market is there, it's growing, and BioWare is learning what Blizzard and Valve already knew - there's a lucrative business to be had there.


    Also, you may want to watch calling other people idiots. Just sayin'.


    I kind of agree with you, sooner or later they will release Mac OSx version for this game, till then I will play WoW :)

  2. Nice! Good to hear, this im sure will be helpful.


    If I were you and you have the game running as good as you have it now I would not mess around with the drivers. If you read through this thread many people have had it running well and then tried to change drivers and now they cannot even get it back to how they had it.


    Just my 2 cents!


    There is an option in windows by using it you can rollback to your prev driver so don't worry :)

  3. Not so much an assumption as taking you at your word. You say it again here, there's currently no effort directed towards a Mac client. That's good information for us Boot Campers getting fed up with all the rebooting, and lets us reconsider paying subscription money for a situation that won't be improving any time soon.


    Best wishes and all, but I have just unsubscribed, and with 4 days left in my month, this may very well be my last post.


    Same here, I have unsubscribed, its not worth it to play the game when the dev is not willing to help their own users out, is there ?

  4. Never had to reinstall XP, never had to reinstall Win 7


    This isn't 98 anymore, Windows is very stable if you're not doing stupid things with it


    So what exactly can you do on MacOS you can't do on Win 7?

    Besides not playing new games:cool:


    You can't make iOS games on PC. :p


    And http://www.sevenforums.com/performance-maintenance/15288-why-does-any-windows-get-slow-over-time.html


    you can find more of it , google it, internet is full of this complains. ;)

  5. BioWare co-founders Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk are quite dedicated to their fans. At least that's a recurring theme for them when talking about their company's moves in new directions, to which both repeatedly referred during a recent interview in midtown Manhattan. "We know there's a big Mac audience of BioWare fans ... we know that's an important and large audience. And we want to serve that audience," Muzyka told me when asked about a potential Mac version of the his company's latest major release, Star Wars: The Old Republic.


    "I'd say 'not yet,'" Zeschuk assured me when I told him that, as a BioWare fan, I'm unable to play The Old Republic on my less than two-year-old MacBook. Though Muzyka was quick to remind me that I can technically play the game on a Windows partition, he also admitted that it wasn't an ideal situation. "We've done a lot of Mac ports before of our games. We haven't announced any details yet for The Old Republic, but we know that's an important and large audience."


    Neither would offer a strict timetable on the Mac version, but Zeschuk did note, "That's definitely one of the things we're looking at next. We want to get this launch under our belt and everything stabilized and happy, and then we'll look at other platforms, and that's obviously one of the first ones."





    Fingers crossed :t_rolleyes:

  6. Incorrect the xbox used a chip derived from the geforce 3 architecture. The xbox 360 uses a custom chip derived from the R520 architecture from ATI because MS basically had an argument with nvidia during the xbox run over chip prices and stuff.



    It's not worth my time responding to the rest of your post as all you're doing is either stating the obvious or making strange assertions like "MS has ditched hardcore gamers" which are completely against reality..

    Well , tell me 5 good games coming out this years that hardcore gamers will want to play ?


    Currently all the exclusive games list is Kinect games that I don't really think I will ever buy.


    Each year on xbox I see only 1~2 games that are either Gears of war sequel or Halo sequel , I can't understand doesn't xbox gamers get tired of Microsoft milking a same game with a bit better graphics with some new maps ?




    For ATI part, the structure part I am not sure, but the card is made by ATI so I can't really believe whatever you wrote.


    There's a lot to be said about getting to the market first even if your product is inferior. History is littered with evidence supporting this theory. I didn't buy an xbox 360 early because I KNEW it was going to take a couple versions of hardware to get a stable reliable product.


    I don't think so, They came first but currently at this point xbox doesn't have any game worth playing.


    Xbox is like halo, gears of war fan console only


    There is 2 games , one of them comes out every year and all the rest games comes out on both console.

  7. Please don't waste precious resources on a Mac client telll those Mac lovers that they should of thought about their system before going to a crappy PC alternative.


    Let them learn a lesson about short cuts.



    If you give in to these Mac lovers

    ur screwing the PC gamer as those said resources could be used to increase the game for the current players who are pleading for more from BW.


    You're too selfish , lol


    and what makes you think that by giving Mac support it will screw with PC gamers ?

  8. Yeah IE is still holding on to 30% of the market today but in 2009 IE was about 70% of the browser market which is pretty much dominating. I don't use IE because I prefer firefox because of add ons like adblock+ noflast noscript etc. Despite starting from behind big names like netscape and mosiac MS was able to get IE into a dominate position. THe problem is MS hasn't really done much in the way of expanding or noticeable improving IE so it's losing massive amounts of market share. THe point was just that IE was a product that came out behind the competitors and went on to dominate the market for quite a long time.



    You're right the 360 doesn't really have that good of hardware inside. THe initial design was rushed and they used bargain bin parts so failure rates were well over 50%. Despite having sub par hardware and a horrendous failure rate the 360 has the largest market share amongst consoles. I didn't say the 360 I said Xbox which was an off the shelf celeron computer with nvidia graphics. While that product used bargain bin components too it wasn't as rushed and is quite reliable. I use a modded regular xbox (extra ram larger hdd etc) as my primary emulation machine along with original controllers that I have modified for each game system.


    The reason developers support the 360 so much is because MS made it to market first by a pretty good amount which allowed the 360 to get way ahead of the ps3. The cell architecture of the ps3 is more difficult to fully utilize then the off the shelf PC components in the 360. Also as I stated earlier you can program your games for the 360 in the .net framework which allows for easy porting to the wintel market. So overall despite the 360 being a rushed terrible product initially it's now a fairly decent product with a huge amount of developer support and a very large market share. Personally I'm very disappointed as I'd rather see Sony be rewarded for taking their time and making a product that works right at the start.




    Uh Chrome is probably the hardest to hack due to it's sandbox nature. The rewards for hacking Chrome has only recently been paid out after a couple years of being offered. I'd still say Chrome is one of the if not most secure browser available for general public usage. As stated earlier I prefer firefox with some add ons which makes it just about as secure as chrome. Opera is probably still a fine browser but I haven't used it in years.


    I don't really see holding a high amount of share makes a product better ?


    Xbox getting more games first and PS3 was released later and getting good titles a bit later is just a bogus marketing brainwashing technique that Microsoft baited xbox users and all of them fell in the trap. Everyone knows than when a new console comes out it has limited titles. even when the Xbox came out the titles were limited ? it is same as checking your pocket and finding no money to buy the new console and saying the grapes are sour.


    Speaking from developer point of view ? I would say get off your lazy *** and learn how to utilize the full potential of PS3 instead of whining how hard it is to use PS3.


    They are getting paid for it. They are not doing it for free, an extra time won't hurt , will it ?


    and Xbox has ATI graphic not nVidia.


    PS3 has nVidia. :rolleyes:



    Xbox has better developer support ? I don't see any good IP on xbox except old school recycling Halo,Gears of Wars and Fable....


    I don't think 3 games can make a console.


    Before they had Mass Effect but unfortunately it is available on PS3 also now :p


    The only thing that made xbox get high sales chart is 1 person will have to buy 2~5 xbox every year, it usually breaks after several months and most of them are restless without xbox and would prefer to buy a new one instead of waiting a month to get it repaired.


    Currently Microsoft has ditched Hardcore gamers, and moved into casual gamers market to earn more profit thus higher making it getting higher shares on the market, that doesn't make it a good console ?



    IE is the browser , mostly everyone uses it as soon as they install windows and download other browsers and after that no-one ever uses it. It is not a good browser.


    Google Chrome or Firefox are better by every way. What if their shares are not strong as IE , that doesn't make a thing better than the other ? It is customer satisfaction that makes a product good , not how much they are earning.


    That goes to all companies




    I am going off-topic


    I want SWTOR support for MAC! /nuff said

  9. Do you? Since you asked surely you have data on that subject so I'd like at least 2 detailed citations of peer reviewed studies to backup any number you produce. I'm currently working in a hybrid environment and those using macs tend to be a lot less technical then the PC users. Frankly even the PC users are barely technical though so it's all relative.





    Your assertion has absolutely no basis in facts. My 386sx is still running fine and I even had an 8086 I threw out before a major move. I personally have the problem that my PCs last too long so I always end up trashing perfectly working PCs because they are so outdated they aren't useful to me or anyone I could give them to (who's going to take a p3-500 that I can't get rid of but is in top shape and sitting in my spare bedroom?). Don't try to pretend macs don't suffer from obsolescence because you should know as well as anyone that macs ARE PCs. There's no magical hardware difference. Like I said earlier I've seen several macs in for repair and they were using TAIWANESE CAPS!! I refuse to use components that have such crappy parts in them. I stick to Japanese caps because history has proven them to be much more reliable. For more information check out the "Capacitor plague" on wikipedia or somewhere. Anyone that is serious about quality wouldn't be using Taiwanese caps it's as simple as that. THat's not even getting into the components such as their choice of voltage regulators and mosfets...




    Running worse? Dude your mac is a PC.. repeat after me your mac IS a PC deal with it. Apple abandoned any true unique hardware difference years ago when they changed to an intel platform. The only real difference between a mac and a PC is the TPM chip that allows a mac to use OSx without a "hack". I build computers on the side and aside from a couple graphics card issues I've not had to replace any major component outside of for performance improvements in the 5 years I've been doing it for others. I've personally been building my own units for 20 years now. My living room currently has 3 machines I self built with the newest being almost 3 years old yet I'm still playing the latest games on it and it's CPU and FSB have been OCed(1600mhz fsb etc) the entire time with standard air cooling. Based on the results you're stating it's blatantly obvious you're too incompetent to build your own system and you would be better off allowing others to do for you.



    See above rant about poor component quality in mac parts. The differences in reliability come out of the circuit board level and it's painfully obvious you wouldn't know a diode from a resistor..



    On to the second macboi



    We've been there from the earliest days of computing. Seriously gaming was just an afterthought of a use for computers that came up long after the mainstream uses had been explored. What cracks me up is the mainstream market is umm the "MAINSTREAM" market for a reason and I suggest you look up the word mainstream before continuing with this post. Are you really going to claim the universities and the government that built and funded the earliest computers were just doing it so they could play games?


    I think you're underestimating the power of games like farmville and angry birds. Believe it or not but those are considered games and people playing them are GAMERS. IT's these truly casual gamers that are going to be a driving force in the future. Hardcore gamers are still going to continue to fund the development of high end gear with their purchases.



    Oh yes this lovely mindset where you know you're right and all the experts and facts are wrong because you could never possible be making a mistake. You're so bought into ideology that facts and reality have no place in your existence as a result it's quite painful to read your completely misguided posts.



    Haha you have now converted into total Apple fanboi at this point. Like I said before I don't like Microsoft but the reality is they are utterly DOMINATING all other OSes and browsers yet you point to the xbox as the only worthwhile product of Microsoft. The cognitive dissonance that is going on in this thread is utterly amazing.



    Yeah they doubled in sales from 5% to 10% of the market.. Much like the hooplah over China's AMAZING economic growth the reality is they have a VERYYY long way to go before they catch up to the USA just like APPLe trying to catch up to the wintel market. BTW macs are PCs I highly suggest you look up the definition of a Personal Computer someday.


    As for the PC market in general? Well sales are not declining overall and screaming that it is while closing your eyes and covering your ears isn't going to make it so. Even your own links despite selective use of numbers show a growing marketplace for wintels despite the worst economic downturn since the great depression. Seriously the whole world's market has been disrupted by the economic downturn and computer component suppliers have been severely affected by natural disasters. Those two combined should of been enough to completely destroy any growth and it didn't. The biggest problem I'm having right now is that hard drive prices are still over double what they were last year cause of the flooding. Once supply gets back into line and the prices get back where they should be everything will be gravy again :)


    Like the mighty awesome Internet Explorer ?


    Xbox 360 is not a good hardware, not good support by developers not sure why you guys like it.


    PS3 is a different story but bro you are going off topic this is not PC vs MAC thread.


    Go make your own thread stating PC vs MAC


    The game sale is currently 2mil + copies


    I don't think it is that much compared to other games that are multi platform sale

  10. I don't think they're trying or want to dis-satisfy anyone with the Mac thing. They're prioritizing engineering effort.


    I've heard their phone support is pretty bad, bad enough that I've avoided doing some things that I would like to do simply because I might eventually wind up needing to use it.


    I disagree with the GTX thing. I have a GTX 570 and get great performance. (Though I don't PvP and I've heard a lot of issues are there.)


    I have my share of concerns.


    I'm concerned that server transfers and LFG will be too little, too late for too many people on low-population servers.


    I'm concerned that each patch seems to have the type of quality issues that experienced MMO producers (read: Blizzard) simply don't experience. But at the same time, I see BioWare taking steps to address that.


    I'm concerned about quality issues I see with ancillary products like the smartphone authenticators, and that those problems have existed for months now without a single statement of acknowledgement let alone a commitment and timeframe to address them.


    But I have a really hard time getting concerned about native support for Mac when they've clearly stated beginning years ago that it wouldn't be there, and continue to state it won't be there any time soon, and the game apparently works with Bootstrap and possibly (from this or another similar thread) WINE.


    Well bro, I am using Windows 7 , even in Windows 7 I am not getting good performance, I am pretty sure it is engines fault....


    I have heard a lot of problems with GTX cards and not sure when I read that a guy with GTX card is unable to even play the game on his normal pc. The specs were pretty decent imo.


    Even if they can't support Mac directly , they can at least do support for Windows boot camped from mac.

  11. That makes no sense. You KNEW it was Windows only when you bought it. They didn't hide that fact from you. You don't buy a Windows only product and expect it to run on a Mac. You just... don't. There's really no excuse to complain about a "crappy port" when you KNEW it was a "crappy port" in the first place.


    While I think it would be NICE if it could run on all platforms, as a programmer myself, I know that is not always an option and, indeed, can be VERY time consuming to do.


    That is not what I was saying


    I have installed windows 7 64 bit on my iMac and still getting low FPS.


    So basically I am not on Mac OSx I am on PC and they are suppose to give good support for Windows product, aye ?

  12. Not really, first it's success on the PC, if it's big enough a Mac version will come, like every other "greedy" company does or has done in the past.

    I don't get what there is so greedy about it, it's more a question of playing your cards safe, but I guess your not much into business strategies?


    If it was me I will natively support mac, and ask Apple to do some publicity , everyone knows Apple owners are utter foolish and will buy anything you throw at them , given some publicity with it.

  13. As a consumer, I think they should be up-front about which platform(s) they support so I can make an informed buying decision. They are.


    As a shareholder, I think they should do whatever they believe will be profitable and avoid doing things that will result in a loss. Again, they are.


    I don't really see a point for them to dis-satisfy their customers for profit.


    Currently EA support chat is the most terrible. If you ask them any question they will act like they want to get rid of you.


    Their software support for multi platform - multi hardware support is currently really poor.


    Seeing people with GTX nvidia cards not being able to run this game smoothly.


    If they keep on working like this I don't think they will last long.


    It is like they are following Activision footpath. And in fact Activision is trying to improve themselves but I am not seeing any improvement from EA side



    As a customer this is my view-point.

  14. I'm noticing a pattern with BW. Think about it- PCs (majority) are like sorcs. Macs (minority) are like operatives. So, don't expect anything for a mac any time soon. When it does come out, it will most likely somehow give all PCs a 300% efficiency buff while making your mac crash every 20 seconds. Wine/Bootcamp it is!


    It's strange cuz Mass Effect 3 runs pretty great for me.

  15. Which is really my point.


    You made the choice to pay for the Mac knowing that it gets far less support from the software development community than does PC.


    You are making the choice to not use (pay for) Bootstrap, even though you know the game works just fine under it.


    In both cases, it is your choice. If you're making the choice, why are you complaining?


    BTW, I do own a Mac so I guess I get to stay?



    I am also paying $60 for the game + $15 per month and in the end I am getting a crappy port from EA....


    I am paying EA not Apple to get the game support.



    Don't you think they should support all devices instead of focusing on Windows only ?

  16. So you overpay for your computers, frequently by 2x counting price-performance, and then you complain about paying a bit more because you bought a niche computer knowing it's not widely supported by the software development community?


    There's a word for that, which is typically associated with Apple... just can't recall it... :rolleyes:


    not sure if too dumb or trolling.


    If you don't own mac than go to PC topics, this place is not for you guys coming in here telling Mac users that how they should spend their money,


    It's our money , our choice, not yours.

  17. There are no current development efforts to create a Mac OS client for Star Wars: The Old Republic (or indeed, for any other operating system or platform).


    No-one here hates Macs (in fact, many of us quite like them :)) but development efforts are currently focused on expanding and improving the game for PC/Windows.


    Then there is currently no money going from my pocket to your company (or indeed not only this game all other EA games (i will pirate all of them) )


    I don't hate EA (in fact , many of use like EA) but not working\useless port of the game is no good for me , all mac users.



    Therefore enjoy making a half baked game better when you are able to support Mac , I will be back.


    Time for WOW ....




  18. so what your saying is BW should program there game for 10% market share for apple users because the other guy does. it comes down to cost and how many of the 10% that use apple are gamers and not just graphic or multi media professionals


    there is nothing wrong with Mac support ? is there ?


    WOW has mac support , why can't Bioware support it ?

  19. I have an iMac I bought in 2011, installed bootcamp a day ago as well as SWTOR. Unfortunately when I tried to run the program it would come up with an error code 7.


    I found out that this is due to my ATI Radeon HD 5***(can't remember the exact model) not being seen by my windows partition.


    I went to AMD's driver page (http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx) and downloaded the automatic detect and install drive whilst on the windows partition of my mac. It did all the work for me and the game is running smoothly so far.

    How many framerate are you getting on high settings ?

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