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Posts posted by Fluric

  1. Hey everyone :)


    So my girlfriend and I have been enjoying running a Guardian / Sentinel group together, being able to complete 90% of most Heroic 4s by ourselves, and are now going to try out something new with the BH class.


    We're just looking for some help on how we should approach this. I'm trying to avoid spoilers to see what companions we get when, but we would like to be split 1 Powertech and 1 Mercenary. Just wondering which builds are more effective for PvE leveling, like if the powertech can actually tank well / merc can heal well, or if one is better at DPS and leaving Mako to heal, etc.


    Sorry for the stupid questions, but I'd like some advice from people who know a lot better than I do :)



  2. Offtank isn't an exact science but what several of my guildies and I do is we are 31/0/10, gearing with mostly dps gear, and a focus. What this allows us to be is basically Tanky DPS. From there you can be a second tank (or even main tank) in PvE by just putting on your shield, using Kenetic Ward, and perhaps swapping a few items out for more defensive items. This allows for a lot of flexibilty transitioning from PvP to PvE and back again.


    So essentially, 31/0/10 is the only viable build in PvE at this time, but there are different ways it could be played? Differences in the Technique uses, skills, even equipment used.

  3. Alright, so offtanking is out of the question. Was just curious :)


    Even so, it seems like most Shadow Tanks that I've read about still have decent enough damage output for the most part. Although others say they feel the play style is too slow. Is 31/0/10 the only build available for PvP? I guess it may be too soon to ask. Gotta wait for some awesome experts to try some out for us. FOR SCIENCE.


    3) First major buff for PvE tanking is Kinetic ward, which you could get at Lvl20. But for levelling I would recommend going Balance until Upheaval first, and then whatever you want.


    So essentially put points into Balance first until upheaval is maxed, then go into Kinetic from there?

  4. Hello everyone :)


    Been playing for almost 6 days now, and really enjoying it. I rolled a Jedi Shadow off the bat for lulz. I didn't want to be the typical Knight that everyone would go right away (**** lightsaebur tiem im a jedai liek da movies, etc).


    Looked at each class on both sides, and picked a Jedi Consular, unsure if I was going to go Tank or Healer. I have quite a bit of experience with MMO's but not much in terms of their respective end game content. Now, I normally run the following classes if available: Necromancer or equivalent, or a hunter. Now, I almost went with Bounty Hunter first, but I felt like trying something new, while still getting a lightsaber lol. I'm now level 19 at the time of this post, and have moved towards the tanking role vs DPS rogue like role.


    I just have a few newb questions: *Note that I've read through most of the guide stickied at the top, hense this post in case I missed something / have questions that are not answered there*


    1) Is there any build that represents an offtank like role? Being tough yet still able to dish out damage at the same time?


    2) If 2 is a basic no (Or too complicated for a SWTOR beginner), then which of the 2 more popular builds (31/0/10) + (23/0/18) builds is more suited for PvE? Advantages and disadvantages of both? Note I'm a straight PvE Person. PvP I've never been good at with MMO's for some reason.


    3) At what level should I feel Tanky at, or at least start filling the role, and how should I go about doing it? I've gone through almost every heroic in the past few levels with a Sage focused on me while I spam DoT skills and Mind Control, and have not died once. Even on the bosses focusing me the whole time. Got a comment yesterday on how I didn't need as much healing as some Knights.


    Again, sorry if some questions have been answered elsewhere, but I feel mine are either too specific to search for or too broad to find a straight answer.


    Thanks for reading, and thanks in advance for all tips and advice :)

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