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Posts posted by Mkats

  1. My wife plays and she hides her identity not because of being hit on or insulted, but because of the IWK.


    Internet White Knights.


    Her theory is that it's much easier to chivalrous in the game than it is in real life (where white knighting could be mistaken for flirting, and be turned down). IWKs are obnoxious, constantly defending a female's honor, endlessly groveling for favor, and treating the female as if she has deficiencies which only the IWK can overcome. She can't defend herself or take criticism (especially valid) without a IWK to fall on a sword for her. Woe to the person that doesn't treat the female exactly as the IWK thinks is proper.


    Unlike jerks and pimply teenagers, who take the hint when their advances are rebuffed, the IWK will keep at it forever.


    I think the boyfriends and husbands are more afraid of IWKs then anything else. Because some of them do develop into relationships. I have seen it countless times in my years of MMO gaming. And it doesn't matter if a female gamer has a boyfriend or husband that she says 100 times that she loves them. Those IWK seem to just get more and more attractive to some of them.


    If you don't think it happens then you are just fooling yourself, because it does.

  2. I agree, this game lost it's appeal very early. Especally when you go back to other games that had a ton of features at launch that this game might never see.


    The core problem with SWTOR is the game is lazy.


    It's like Bioware took all the lessons that other MMOs have learned in the last 5 years and completely ignored them. Bioware was so busy trying to be different that no body asked if what the were doing was better.


    Yet you are here and not playing those other MMOs you brag about.

  3. Yet you offer nothing to the contrary.




    Legacy-Who cares, most people have already rolled multiple 50s and aren't likely to roll more so they can use some stupid PvE ability every 30 minutes.


    Ranked WZs-My favorite thing, but again, my server is dead and my guild already is the best at PVP. Nothing will change except we can queue as 8. But alas, most of my guild has quit, so we won't muster up 8 people anyways.


    The fact is, 1.2 is too late. All of this stuff should have been released with the game. It's a 2011 MMO and is already way behind MMOs from a decade ago.


    Honestly, whatever he would say would not matter to you anyway so why bother lol?

  4. This game has social features just because you don't use them does not mean they don't exist, not everything is spoon feed to you. The people make a game social, the game can't be social for you.



    If you want a social element in a game you can make it happen, if you don't that's not the games fault.



    Just wait I am sure Blizzard is thinking of a way to make an add-on for lazy people that want to be social.


    I hear these same QQ from all the MMOs I have played. It seems people forget the concept of a MMO. People burn content and get to end game and find out that there's "nothing" to do. When people play MMOs with a burn through content ASAP mentaity they are the ones who gladly MMO hop from one to another.

  5. So yeah, Bioware has done this kind of thing before in Dragon Age: Origins, in a quest.


    The idea is pretty much just have a slave vendor(lol) where we can purchase slaves for 100k credits and murder them for DS points, set them free for LS points, or murder them/train with them to bolster some minor stats.


    Have the stat bonus from this capped at like +20.


    Eh? Ah?


    Why stop there? I am sure you can think of more sickening stuff to put in the game. Come on this is child's play. Let your creative mind grow. Flood the game with the blood of the non-believers!

  6. What happens when your character marries one of his/her comanpion. Can it be possible in a future patch for that companion be part of the legacy. Mostly what I am asking for is a "fluff" cosmetic reason. Like just adopting the legacy surname and dropping thier original one.
  7. It was pretty much said that there will be no macros anytime soon if ever at the guild summit. It seems part of the Dev team hates macros and does not want them in game.


    But, they did say there will be some things in game that will help healers and such. What that means who knows they did not explain it very well.

    Which i think this is a good thing.


    Bioware says no to facerolling.

  8. If I want to play WoW I would play WoW. Rift came out it's own game then it started to slowly getting destroyed by all the bored Ex-WoW whiners wanting dungeon finders, dps meters, threat meters, all the dumbed down features that destroyed any challenge and community in the MMO world. So the Rift Devs caved and brought in those features and the game still died. Because at the end most of those bored ex-bored WoW game hoppers either moved back to WoW or this game.


    Now we those same bored ex-WoW players QQing about all the WoW features that are missing in this game. Now they want to slowly destroy this game and make it to yet another WoW clone. There is no making these people happy, as these game hoppers will just jump on the next MMO that comes out and continue this cycle of making all MMOs into WoW-clones. Then they complain that all MMOs are boring because they copy WoW.


    It happened here, in Warhammer, in Rift, etc. And it will happen in Tera, Guild Wars 2, and so on.

  9. PVP can continue to be dynamic even after everyone is in the best gear. The skill level of your opponent can change the outcome of a pvp warzone considerably, so there is still a feeling of accomplishment when you win even if you aren't progressing your gear.


    In PVE content though the boss fights seem to have a very scripted and linear feeling after a few times of downing them. Once you have the best gear there is a very good chance that players will get bored with the content and stop showing up once they have all the gear they want.


    Basically, PVP content can continue to be fun and engaging well after all the best gear is acquired, while PVE content can get stale and boring once you have all the best gear.


    So how about all those highly "skilled" and geared out players going around destroying the PvE content? Where is the balance there?

  10. I wouldn't bet on that.... It might take a while but I'll be aiming for one one every toons ship.... (That's 16 on live, I won't count the toons I currently have on the PTS).... And I'm quite sure I won't be in the minority in 8 months to a years time. The cross-faction aspect combined with the convenience.... and everyone who has this will also have a mailbox on board, even more convenience. I don't think it will have a shortage of clientèle.


    I believe buying it once opens it up for all characters, or what is the point of having it in the legacy system in the first place.

  11. Yes, PLEASE, just remove it from the game and replace it with something useful. Anything: attack, defense, passive skills, whatever. At this point it doesnt really matter because anything is better than Tumult.


    Its not even on my 3rd or 4th quickslot bar.


    Why create a 45 seconds cooldown skill that can only be used on TRASH MOBs that happen to be incapacited?


    Now, would you replace it please? Thanks.


    I use it and love it. .

  12. Your story is over. It's one of the great failures of SWTOR. They made such a great story 1-50, but once you finish Corellia, your story pretty much ends.


    It will continue in future patches (maybe) or for sure in Xpacs. Everything takes time...

  13. Sadly no, Darth Maul was really at heart a shallow character.


    But he perfectly illustrates one of the problems Lucas has at times as a filmaker. I refer to this as the Boba Fett principle.


    George is an amazing visual artist. He creates scenes and images that are just stunning and cannot be compared to. Even today his original trilogy has never been equaled in its ability to take you to worlds long ago and far far away.


    And that is part of the problem. He creates amazing visuals, but he doesn't always create the characterization, dialogue and back story to back them up. What makes this worse is the "Boba Fett principle". Where he then takes those stunning (but relatively minor, to him at least) images and uses them for marketing purposes.


    Lucas has never understood fans love of or fascination with Boba Fett. To George Boba was just a throwaway character. One of the Bounty Hunters. I dude in a helmet. Nothing special and no great story. he failed to appreciate that after the original movie, in 1979, Boba Fett was the first glimpse of what was to come. He was the first little piece we were given as kids that there was more to the Star Wars story than just the one movie. That it wasn't over. (remember back then, except for James Bond there really was no such thing as a movie franchise. Sequels were rare and often cheesy). And then the magic contest. If you bought enough of the regular Star Wars action figures, and clipped the proof of purchase code from them and mailed them in, they would send you a cool figure of a never before seen character from the NEXT movie. It was like Willy Wonka come to life. He was a bounty hunter! He had armor and a targeting thingy on his helmet and a jet pack and rockets and a wrist blasters! And he was hunting Han Solo! Oh the stories we came up with for him. And then the second and third movies released. He walked around in 2 or 3 scenes. Had about three lines of dialogue, and died stupidly in an evil carnivorous hole in the ground. Ummm ***???


    You would have though that GL might have learned from that experience. But then he went and did exactly the same thing with the prequels. After 20 years of waiting, the ever increasing rabid fan base finally got a glimpse of a new Star Wars in production. And what do they see. This amazing image. A red and black kabuki Sith Lord wielding a double bladed red lightsaber/staff. OMG was this image ever badaz. Once again we and our children spent countless hours imagining how cool this character was, based on those badaz images and action figures alone. And then the movie hit. He walked around in three or 4 scenes. Had three lines of spoken dialogue, no actual story, had one exceedingly wicked fight, and died stupidly in a giant hole in the ground. UMMM? Once again ***???


    The problem is Lucas is like the worlds greatest comic book cover artist, except he paints with people and film. He sets up these amazing looking scenes, astonishing characters etc. And then move on to the next bit of color and landscape without ever filling in the details we are screaming for. This isn't always a bad thing. Lucas when playing to his strengths of imagery is one of the truest masters of his art. It's when he attempts to play to his weaknesses or fails to recognize them that things fall apart (see romantic dialogue, Anakin v Padme). Unfortunately George seems to often has some personal blind spots regarding his own weak areas (casting small children, sorry GL but only Spielberg even manages to make it work) and often his greatest strengths (just the images of Boba Fett and Darth Maul stirred such strong fan reaction that he should have opted to better use them. He doesn't always recognize when he makes something incredible.) To be fair in this regard he is probably the same as the rest of us.


    At least there are some signs that Lucas is at long last starting to learn to recognize some of this. The way he has recently played around with some of the images of the characters in the Clone Wars series, and even essentially brought back a "Darth Maul" character with a much more complicated and compelling backstory in the form of Savage Oppress is hopeful.


    Could not have said it better my friend. You hit the nail right on the head with that.

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