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Posts posted by Dropfall

  1. I have a feeling the OP and others who are complaining about the required amount of Conquest have missed what I originally missed when attempting to get weekly conquest cap - Stronghold Bonus. Mine is sitting at 150% which means every single conquest achievement I do is multiplied. You want to cap your conquest quickly like some of us can, start buying and unlocking every Stronghold you can.
  2. Catalyzed Toxins Tac is a very dumb Tactical for PVE.

    You waste two GCDs reapplying DoTs, which is also two GCDs your DoTs aren't ticking, your Toxic Blast isn't doing any damage because there are no DoTs on the target, and you have an increased CD so a reduced ability to get Tactical Advantage (can't remember what is on Pub Side), and you certainly ain't using Corrosive Assault (also can't remember the name) because it'd be a massive waste. All that loss for a big boom every 23s


    What you want to be using is Synox Shots. - 100% dmg increase to Toxic Blast, energy return on crits. In those two GCDs I can Corrosive Assaults back to back; that's 4 x Toxic Blast + 4 x DoT dmg triggered be CA + 2 x DoTs themselves + the DoTs triggering 2 x Toxic Blast + the 2 x dmg from Corrosive Assault. And each element has it's own chance to Crit.

  3. Corrosive Assault with the 2 internal is, even all 3 critting is "okay" damage. Don't forget the 2 extra ticks for potentially over 1k each with toxic blast on, thats 2 more crit rolls.


    And I mean, all the math in the world doesn't change the fact that it's 5 crit rolls at 40%ish chance each roll. Also, 2887 is a lot of damage, considering you spam that a lot :p


    Toxic Blast is it's own ability, regardless of procing during CA activations. I did the calcs for Lethal Strike too, and that came out as a loss.


    Also you mis-read me. I said it was 2887 damage total difference. Divide that by 33 activations is 87.48 dmg difference per activation. And once you add in the fluctuation of crit chance more often that not, if rolled as one crit roll it fails to beat the damage output of rolling 3 times.

  4. Corrosive Assault: FIVE CRIT ROLLS. Asusming Toxic Blast is applied to the target, this thing rolls crit 5 times. If every single one crits, you have an ability that hits for what other DPS burst abilities hit for. But lets face it, even at 50% crit, this doesn't crit all 5 hits as often as it doesn't.


    I did the math a while back for Corrosive Assault to see what the difference could be if you had one Crit roll for all 3 parts, vs 3 Crit rolls. So that's 2 Internal, 1 Energy attack per activation for those who don't know.


    I used the data from a parse which had 33 activation's of CA on a dummy. I took the crit and non-crit percentages of each part as well as their averaged damage; so Energy was 2558 avg DMG, which had a low 25% crit with and avg crit DMG of 4157 etc. These 33 activation's combined to 220047.6 DMG (not DPS).

    I then took the median crit & non-crit percentages and multiplied the total average damage values there respective parts. So 38.63% crit chance, with total crit damage being 8847 over 33 activations plus normal hits etc.

    Anyway, long story short. The damage output of rolling the 3 parts of CA as one crit roll is only 2887.96 damage higher than rolling it as 3 parts.


    Make of that what you will.

  5. Unload to proc 1 mag shot, power shot (instant) for the other.


    Since everything is a 15 second cool down you can be creative with the ordering. E.g.


    SS -> IM -> UL -> Filler -> MS ->

    TD -> PS -> MS -> Filler


    Filler is Power Shot, Rapid Shots or an execute-proceed missile blast. Only Serrated Shot forces you to stand still for that rotation


    Like the man said. Creative. I created and use this.


    Seph's Easy IO rotation. http://i.imgur.com/AeqQtCK.jpg


    You will always be using Rapid Shots after Thermal Det until either Electro Net is off CD or you're below 30% to get the improved Missile Blast.


    Supercharged Gas or Thermal Sensor Override should be used before hitting the Power Shot before Unload. Vent Heat should be used just before hitting Mag Shot for maximum venting.


    Is it the best DPS you could squeeze out of IO/Assault Spec? No, but you're still gonna beat any other ranged damage output on a single target.

  6. I would prefer if they removed Carbine Burst and gave us an entirely new Grenade ability.

    This ability would be a 10m range, 5m AoE, energy attack that is placed rather than requiring a target. Same damage and same cost as Carbine Burst, and of course spammable.

    Only problem is what to call it.

  7. to be fair, thought. I think making Toxic Shot not only hit hard, but either apply AOE, or have a set number of ticks, would help a ton. You wouldnt be worrying about having to fit those culls in the window while your lethal strike sits off cooldown, and you'd only have pretty much the same set up as hatred sins.


    Lethality ops need toxic shot to make their dots do as much as hatred, but it only applies to 1 person, 2/3rds of the time become of it's CD, and does eff all for damage upon application. (at least make it force a ticke of the dots + itself or something ugh)


    Those ticks would have to tick massively to have a fixed number. Otherwise 15 ticks would be gone very quick; 2 DoTs every 3s + the chance of both DoTs ticking twice, 2 for each Corrosive Assault you do, 1 on Lethal Strike. Within a 3s time frame you could have used 7-10 ticks if everything lined up perfectly.


    Where as in 10s, you can fit a **** ton more ticks of Toxic Blast in.


    Now if you compare TB to Death Field, DF is a strongish AoE that provides Death Marks for extra damage. The Death Marks are the only similar sorta thing they have in common. TB provides a TA, is energy free, and immediately comes off CD once the target is dead.

    TB being the way it is, is more essential to your energy management than you realize. If they made it hit harder initially or had an AoE part, it's gonna get an energy cost attached to it.


    I've never found TB to be the problem with Lethality, only the application of DoTs and there relatively weak damage.

  8. I actually find it almost impossible to stealth rez as lethality. Waiting for the dots to drop can be as long as 24 seconds worst case scenario and the dps loss is severe.


    Yeah it is easier in Concealment, but I tend to keep DPSing until you know the DoTs are coming off, then move away to stealth rez. I mean, if you're stealth rezing, somethings gone wrong, and it might end in a /stuck anyway. More often than not its also useful for picking up the dead in those moments between a bosses phases.

    There are of course several fights where stealth rezing is difficult due to timing from raid wide AoE.

  9. When it comes to HM Ops for the most part Lethality Ops are extremely usable. Their DPS is considerably strong for a MDPS, not as good as Anni Mara, but better than most, and their defensive CDs and off-heals will keep you alive a lot longer than other MDPS.

    Their utility comes in the form of the ability to Stealth-Rez multiple times per fight. Sure Medicine Ops can do this too, but wouldn't you rather have them not stop healing to do that?


    The only downside of the spec is having to swap targets more than once with 24 secs, and obviously a hard hitting AoE.

    The first can be dealt with by learning Concealment, the second... well, you're **** out of luck; learn to DoT spread better.

  10. Just out of curiosity and my own understanding, why do you say that it is better to bring assault to sword squadron? You have to move quite a fair bit in that fight and the fact that i can't move while using charged burst and i HAVE to use charged burst at a given time greatly hinders me, while in gunnery i'm way more mobile and can delay using gravity round without losing much dps. They're too far apart to dot spread and trying to dot both at the same time blows ur energy.

    The problem your describing only occurs using Marisi's rotation. There are more mobile versions, with only slight DPS decreases.


    Some other high mobility specs:

    - AP Powertech (only casts are AOE)

    - Operative (only as a healer are you casting abilities)

    - Marauder (Ravage is the only cast)

    - Juggernaut (Ravage)



    Fixed that for ya. Or have none of you ever seen or played a Lethality Operative? Don't worry, I already know the answer.


  12. This was the only boss I had real issues with as well as Merc, until I perfected my game plan by /stucking it when I felt it wasn't right yet.


    So I ran the entire 10 as Innovative Ordnance (Assault Specialist) with a healing companion. And after working out the kinks the first 10 through, my 2nd time though I did not die, and thus got the achieve. I do believe doing Brawler in Arsenal (Gunnery) may be a very tough ask, though I may try it just to see.


    In order to do Brawler. Engage Brawler and one of the beasts (either will do) within their respective circles. Do not hit the other beast. Using your knockback, split the beasts apart. The beast you did hit, you attack, Brawler will follow. Run around the beast within the circle dpsing so as to avoid as many stacks as possible from Brawler.

    The other beast that you did not hit, will agro on to the healing output of your companion pretty quickly. Once one beast is down, repeat the running circles around the last beast, till only Brawler is left. Pop a defensive CD and burn his ***.

    It should be noted, when the first beast dies, Brawler will agro onto your companion, you need to get him off it by attacking him immediately or your companion is toast.

  13. I heard somebody from test mention about 150dps, so 2% as stated above sounds about right. Basically in line with concealment, so no real reason to play lethality anymore since it lacks in burst so it's pointless for short fights. Better off playing the burst spec that Is acceptable for short and long fights.


    The gap between Lethality and Concealment was larger than 150 DPS. Now though, its probably closer.



    This is what the games preeminent theory crafter has to say.

    Lethality || Ruffian : 6597 -> 6655 (-58 = -0.88%)

    If that's true, then you won't notice a thing.


    Also apparently Lethality is now the 3rd highest melee spec in the game, and 7th out of 18 specs, according to the same theory crafter.

  14. You know all the long running jokes and memes to "Nerf Operatives"? Most of us know these are just that (jokes and memes) but I'm starting to wonder if the Developers know that as well ...


    Its Bioware, the people who can't and couldn't play their own game if their life depended on it. Of course they think you're serious.

  15. Assuming you mean Toxic Blast, its cooldown is finished on target death via the Devouring Microbes talent at level 56 for Lethality.


    Wow, holy ****, missed that one. I've never noticed that.


    EDIT: Went and tried it, and yes it does work every time for me.

  16. I know that we are quite poor with dps, but how to squeeze a bit more from that class and spec?

    Now i have around 110% accuracy, 35% crit, around 5% alacrity. Gear is 216 set + few 220 modifications.

    Most augments went for mastery, few crit.

    The best i achieved on training dummy was 5500 dps, average is 4500/5000 dps.

    Rotation is rather typical.


    Can you post your thoughts.


    Lethality in PvE is not weak. Not by a long shot. The issue you're a probably having is your crit needs to be higher (39-38%), and your alacrity needs to be higher. Next is pushing your APM up by practicing.


    Sadly you never should've augmented Mastery.

  17. So I've been playing Lethaliy lately. I've always found it to be an absolutely fun spec to play. With that said, the damage it does kinda sucks. You'll be lucky to break 2.3k dps. And if you have to do a lot of self healing forget about it.


    DoTs - I do believe they need to be buffed up a bit. Just look at every other DoT class and see their DoTs can hit for up to 5k per tick. Leth DoTs hits are grossly under powered compared to other classes. And as our DoT spread only spreads one of the DoTs you end up spending a lot of time manually spreading them. I do see where they are coming from tho, a lot of people played the class by all they ever did was throw poison around. But still cmon our DoTs do need a little beefing up. Also a tiny duration increase might be nice.

    Duration is fine, damage is mediocre. In fact I've tested DoT damage, and for the most part, those specs which have DoTs do relatively (+/-5%) the same levels of total damage. Lethality (along with VIrulence) has two of the longest DoT duration's in the game (only exception is Sorch with 30s), whilst the total damage equal the damage output of other specs DoTs, Lethality DoTs tick for less over a longer time, that's why they hit for bugger all.

    Should they change the DoTs to tick harder; yes, but too much would break the point of the spec. The DoTs are filler/buffs.


    Lethal Strike - as it stands right now this skill is completely worthless. It's damage sucks and doesn't even crit for a high amount. And unleaded used from stealth (which as leth when are you ever gonna be in stealth) doesn't even give you a TA. Plus, you do you have time to use it? Between spreading your DoTs and ramping up for your "burst" you don't even have a good spot to use it? Every other DoT class as an ability that hits super hard. (Leeching Strike, annihilate, impale just to name a few) So really, what's the point to this skill.


    Cull - yes yes I know it's corrosive assault now but cmon who likes change. Anyways, this ability does do an ok amount of damage but not enough to do an real amount of damage especially if the other team as a decent amount of healers. Plus the set up time to even be able to use it is a bit ridiculous. Long story short, it does need a bit of a damage buff. By the time you do all the work to set it up it should feel worth it.

    Both Corrosive Assault and Lethal Strike suffer from being multi-parted. In order to hit for a staggeringly high amount of damage via crit, all parts need to crit. This can happen with Lethal Strike (2 parts) if your crit is high enough, bit more difficult with Corrosive Assault (3 parts).


    Now if you aren't using Lethal Strike often, you're wasting the 10% buff to DoT damage for 6s it provides. If you're not using it after DoT spreading you're just being plain silly.


    Corrosive Assault does not need a damage increase. If you aren't melting someones face off with this ability, they have cleared your DoTs, or are being healed.


    Weakening Blast - I forget what this abilities name changed to but anyways.... This ability is in a pretty good spot. My only complaint with it is that it seems a bit bugged. Idk how many times I had this on someone and they died and it didn't regrant this back. Maybe worth looking into?

    Weakening Blast is not regranted upon target death in Lethality, that is Virulence.



    concealment chops lethality.

    Come again? Concealment can't do diddly squat if you cleanse their DoTs immediately. That poison requirement and delay on Volatile Substance is hilariously exploitable. Sure they can cleanse your DoTs, but having no CD means you can instantly reapply them and go to town on them. Their only defence is to roll away.

  18. So, books have no content? movies? Story is content.


    Last time I checked, I buy the complete book, and the complete movie for a very reasonable price.


    A book last me more than 10+ hours, a movie 1 1/2 to 3 hrs long.


    Subs are being bribed to remained subbed for what is the equivalent of 25-30 mins of content, dripped feed over 7 months for the low low price of 104.93 USD.


    Is there some other content to do during this time? Sure. If you've not been, there done that. Is it it worth that sub. No, just flat out no.


    People need to differentiate the term 'content' by medium in which its set. The standard for any online game, 'content' does not mean drip feed story, it means actual new things to do.


    SWTOR did not loose all those original subs two-three months after launch because of lack of story. Repeatable content was the problem. And once again BW is doubling down on 'story'.

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