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Posts posted by FSUJL

  1. So I have noticed that ops groups for story mode are only trying to get one heal in the group and add an extra dps 

    also Its hard to really learn your role in the game if it to easy.

    I would like to see flash points and ops have one more mode so the players can learn the roles easy, veteran's, medium, hard for flash points and for ops add the nightmare again its hard to learn the role if you don't have the practice. Medium should not be available till level 23 for when you have most of your abilities. Have using a group Healer, tank, 2 dps.

    ok one other thing please give us founders a few more perks A story line on founders day or the week of founders day . Founders Fp and ops

  2. You guys have missed the opportunity to recreate a old event in this time of need for your community you are also missing the boat on time cards as 30 day cars have not been available on amazon for almost 8 months. Why don't you add this stuff to buy on your own website it frustration when you cant buy a month for a FRIEND OR CONTEST FOR YOUR GUILD. you have smart people working for you or I would at least think you do. PLESES DO SOMETHING
  3. Please grow some balls you have really fuked over lots of guilds by allowing the kp trash to go on stop the cheating now. You whole reason for the Ex pac was to make it longer for people to get there equipment up and now you aren't doing anything about it
  4. Are you talking about TIME GAME CARD? You can buy those from Walmart, Amazon and such.


    If that fail, try to buy a pre-paid Mastercard . Those work just fine as well . You can use them to do a 1time Sub .


    amazon seems to be out of 60 day so they screw you in to buying 90 days so they must be getting a slice of the pie from swtor ,Walmart lol 30 day game cards that they never have

  5. why does have to be so *********** hard to find a gamecard to download. you *********** spend all you goddam fixing the *********** cartel market and you can buy a game card for a friend on the *********** god dam game site...……………………….……………………….…..
  6. I've been around since beta. I have 14k hours in this game. I've played on every server and have seen guilds come and go. There is a trend on star forge that I want to help stop. You either stay in a small 5 person PvP guild and don't queue without your friends, or you get roped into a massive conquest guild that accepts all players regardless of skill or interest and you get drowned out.


    Ive spent the better part of 2 weeks messaging every single guild I could find on Star Forge asking about their policies and practices. I've even joined some of them to see what was going on. They all boiled down to three things.


    -Conquest farmers, accept all skills levels, advertise on starter planets. Have 40-50 people online at all times. A core group of players that only play with each other (sort of like clicks in high school), meanwhile guild chat is being spammed with "Can someone loan me credits", "What is best DPS", "Why can't I equip a dualsaber on my juggernaut". No coordination besides core players. They run ops, but carry all the new people through and teach them nothing.


    - RP guilds. Don't have a lot to say about those, but personally not my thing. I stay away from them as much as possible. Some tend to PvP, some tend to PvE, but not really competitive in nature or welcoming if youre not into their specific RP mindset.


    -PvP tryhards. They have their own level 2 guild, with 5-7 members, have some edgy name like "rekt", or "Youre bad", they only queue with each other, or other edgy edgelord guilds. They are usually toxic, and troll via PvP chat.



    I want to start a guild, and I need help from people that have vision. I know it may be just a pipe dream but I love this game and I want to play with people that love it too. I personally am a big PvPer, and love to PvE as well. I've done all SM Ops, never NIM, but have an interest. What I want to create is a guild that is ran by a team of people who actually want to compete. Whether thats PVE and PvP. I want to see guildies actually queue together for regs, Ranked, or FPs, Daily SM operations. I want to see competitions. Duels, raffles, prizes for events. Fastest clearing of FPs, etc. I want to see a discord that has people in voice channels laughing and talking strategy and coordination in whatever they are doing. I'm not looking to be an overlord and rule over everyone. I don't even have to be GM, if someone has a dead guild they want to work with me on, i'd be down.


    With 6.0 coming out, and even now currently there are a ton of players that are returning to the game looking for guilds. The giant conquest guilds are recruiting them like mad, only for their numbers, not because they want to actually play the game with these people. Sooner or later they will leave, and i've seen it countless times. You join a conquest guild you aren't getting the best of swtor. I think now is a perfect time to create a guild where people that actually want to play at a medium to higher skill level can find a home. If anyone is interested in helping me, or maybe you are already working on something similiar please let me know. PM me if you want, or reply, and I can give you my discord name and we can chat. Also in my findings from joining Conquest guilds and asking questions, I found many people who would be interested in joining a guild like this, but none are created, but didn't want to join until things were established. So I want to establish it with a team of people.


    * I also created something on reddit similar but it was immediately removed by the mods for breaking the side rule "No guild chat". Even though they let 99% of the other side bar breaking posts go every day. The recruitment section on reddit is dead so i figured i'd try here*

    did you find something

  7. if your guild goes for the small yield planets and makes the high yield points make the system stop them for going back to that yield for the next week its killing the small guilds tracking in conquest. the system should only allow them to go for the points the got so if you receive 600k in conquest you should only be able to got for the med or large not screw over a small guild
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