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Posts posted by Dartmoose

  1. I think he's looking at the top 50 players across all servers in the game. Which is still irrelevant because 50 players is hardly an adequate sample size for the entire population of the game...nor does it provide any useful information about a given subset of players in the game (namely JC players).


    meh, looking at all the servers and then posting in a specific server's forum is pointless. You can argue that 50 players is enough for a single server because the active ranked solo queue population is significantly smaller than 50 at this point

  2. 42 of the 50 top rated players are imp, etc etc,etc


    but it seems like pub have a long streak of premading and winning pubs on JC. Why is this the case on JC?


    It doesnt' seem that the pubs are particularly good... just the imps are really bad


    what leadboards are you looking at? in solo ranked, reps hold 39 out of the 50 top pvpers (even though most of those people have transfered off). In grouped ranked, reps hold 26/50.

  3. I'm not sure what is impressive in ranked yet.


    the ceiling for heals is probably around 2 million with the current gear. 3 rounds X 5 minute rounds X 60 sec X 2300 hps = 2.07 million. though balancing out that much dps and heals for the full 15 minutes without anyone dying would require a minor miracle.


    and a few record submissions (though i'm not sure if regualr wz count)


    Gametype - arenas

    Section - overall heals

    Class - sage

    Rank - 1

    Toon name - Grozny

    Record - 1,597,737

    Link - http://i.imgur.com/3yyhV9s.jpg


    Gametype - arenas

    Section - overall damage

    Class - marauder

    Rank - 1

    Toon name - v'rod

    Record - 1,687,452

    Link - http://i.imgur.com/jqM69Eo.jpg


    Gametype - arenas

    Section - overall dps

    Class - marauder

    Rank - 1

    Toon name - v'rod

    Record - 1565.35 dps

    Link - http://i.imgur.com/jqM69Eo.jpg


    someone else can figure out the rest of the records from that wz. if we aren't counting regular wzs, we can use this one for overall heals:



    Gametype - arenas

    Section - overall heals

    Class - sage

    Rank - 1

    Toon name - Grozny

    Record - 1574885

    Link - http://i.imgur.com/irRDenM.jpg


    Gametype - arenas

    Section - overall hps

    Class - sage

    Rank - 1

    Toon name - Grozny

    Record - 1867.13 HPS

    Link - http://i.imgur.com/5g0BGKB.jpg


    Gametype - arenas

    Section - overall damage

    Class - shadow

    Rank - 1

    Toon name - Hobi

    Record - 647,067

    Link - http://i.imgur.com/irRDenM.jpg

  4. I solo queued Ranked on my sage (different server), the one that I did get into here on my sorc I had to leave before I entered the zone and it deducted 15 Elo points.


    They did this in 8v8s so you couldn't Q-dodge without consequences. I guess they carried it over


    I only had personal experience with the solo queues but I can tell you 4man premade groups were queuing very regularly all last night. Solo queuing is a little bit hit/miss with who you get on your team. If you get a bunch of bads on your team, not much you can do about that. Queue pops were fairly frequent and fast but as mentioned above, the match making sometimes messed up (1 healer/3 dps vs 2 healer/2dps, etc).


    it has been fun though and some of the matches i've player were really close but most matches have been steam-rolls (i'm 16-1 atm). The matches where there are 3 dps/1 healers are hectic. If both sides have good dps, its a dps race for who can burst down someone on the other side (usually the healer).

  5. new rule: the second someone starts talking about "can't win" or "they have" I leave...unless I want a participation for daily. the number of matches on both factions where players carry on convos about how good the other team is in the middle of the match is unreal. **** and fight already.


    it's not an imp thing. anytime a half decent premade draws a (now average) pug, they roll them. BSW, CP, RG, PD, Jawasomehting, Antisocial, etc. it really doesn't matter. if you can put 4 decent ppl on the same team at this point, chances are you're going to roll a pug or have a pretty even match with another team in similar circumstances.


    agree with everything you said.

  6. not sure what you mean, but whether someone's on ignore or not doesn't affect them being on your team or against you. they're still visible. they just don't see anything you say or vice versa.


    OP in this case = FurienLongbollt


    there have been wzs in the past week where i have queued in and we're missing 4+ players.

  7. ive read this thread and i was still wondering if you guys believe its balanced and dependent on what time you play for imps to be dominant? or have we really tipped in the scales in our favor and imp are improving across the board?


    depends on time of day. not enough good pvpers left to for one side to "dominant"

  8. putting you on ignore won't stop me from getting Q'd up against your groups of 5, 6, 7, or 8 who purposely Q-dodge until they land on the same team. your "fun" circumvents the queue system, thus abusing the system at the expense of everyone else you play against.


    ooooo, thats why there are so many queues where we have half a team missing. fyi, OP, its really annoying

  9. Really? Focus spec for PvP? I've tried that in the past, and I could definitely see breaking 1.5 mil easy if everyone stayed put, but that's a BIG If. I know I've gotten some impressive numbers before in the Focus, but only on individuals or small groups, and definitely nothing to that extent.


    from this post, you show that you are ignorant of the numbers that can be achieved by good pvpers. 1.5 mill is definitely achievable in a 15 minute voidstar. The match you have in question is probably closer to 21 minute match Civil War..


    and to break down the screen shot even more (arote, you SS'ed the wrong wz), healers healed a total of ~3.6 million that game with very few deaths on their team. This indicates that there are relatively few DPS on the imp team and a lot of healers (i would guess 3 healers, probably more). Smashers by themselves produce a lot of "fluff" aoe damage that is easily healed and this particular pub team was lacking the burst DPS to take down a group of 3 competent healers (just look at their damage). plus you can see from the SS that there was a sin-tank guarding the healers, which A) adds a guard to make it harder for to burst down an imp healer and B) reduces the number of imps that could DPS pubs.


    edit: found it buried in this thread. my assessment was pretty accurate. 1 sin tank, 3 imp healers, 1 node guarder, and only 3 imp dps for the 3 pub healers. stalemate ftw


    img: http://i.imgur.com/hHzW2OX.jpg


    Dark Magician's stream: http://www.twitch.tv/atti_dreemcrusher/b/415345682


    3 hours, 25 minutes, 33 seconds.

  10. Some of these were clearly planned and shouldn't be considered as records, and fraudulent. For instance, I am looking at the high record for overall damage by a marauder/sentinel. If you look at the screenshot for Lexi, it's clearly one of two things. Either it was photoshopped, or they had a friend just sit there and take damage while being healed non stop for the entire match.


    It's crap like that that takes all the fun out of these games. Records should only be for those who are actually PLAYING the game, and not just standing around in a setup environment where you have a friend that just takes it for you. That requires NO skill whatsoever, but getting top damage in every warzone, in every match? NOW that takes REAL skill.


    looks more like to me that an imp was pointing out a dmg record to lexi.


    and on that note, I love it when someone says a game was set up because they must have had 1 friend on the other team. Its the same as people accusing me of sitting in a corner and noblesacrificing to get my heal numbers. you simply cannot get enough DPS or HPS on one person/target to make these kinds of records. It generally takes a team to do it (see blunti's picture from pre-2.0, if you can dig that one up).

  11. quality of pvpers on both sides has fallen dramatically... i think pub side is slightly better off because we have several solo-queueing pvpers who did not transfer... however, if you don't have good pvpers on the team (imp or pub), its a wash.


    i've personally been winning more recently, but i dont really think its has as much to do with pub >> imps (maybe a little) as it has to do with the other team cant kill me (generally lacking the DPS and/or the coordination to do so).

  12. Before I update this any more... What you guys wanna do with names/records of people who are transferring off the server? Seeing as how this is a Jedi Covenant thing...


    I don't mind either way, but I wanna get a consensus.


    keep them. with the heavy pvpers gone, it will be harder to get the longer games where records are made (especailly with the current state of pvp) and the new records will probably not beat the old ones.

  13. I remember making a really long post in a thread that got deleted, but essentially, I belive that if you pop 4 solo q'ers and 4 people in a premade, the premade should be doing the heavy lifting at mid, or controlling the huttball, or fighting on the busy door on VS, while the pugs fill in the role of support players, like node guards, interceptors, and dpsers.


    Because, really, a 4 man that can work cohesively and not have their awe's broken or whirlwinds broken by either bad players or players that don't know it's coming, will come out on top in a game most of the time. As a solo q'er you should be supplementing the premade you're with, not trying to be a hero and gimping the only chance you have of winning the game by ruining the concept of a premade.


    i primarily solo-queue, on my sage healer and guardian tank. imo, premades have a much better chance of winning if they guard a node. Odds are, that node wont be capped by a stealther that mezes the guarder, the premade will have better communication with each other on whether the node will need help, and the pugs can do whatever they want in the middle. premades that make sure they cover all their bases win more games b/c they wont drop games that they should have won. and if the premade starts losing or it is stalemated, then you can try to find someone else to guard... if you can't find someone who will guard if you are losing/stalemated, you sure as hell won't find a guarder at the beginning of the game.

  14. And what kind of gear do you have? My sorc has 28.1k hp and I'm not even in full Partisan (Partisan / Warhero gear).


    more specifically, if you have 24k hp, that means you are using out-of-date pvp gear. if your gear has any expertise on it that is not a partisan/conqueror piece, you are losing a ton of stats. that means take your recruit/battlemaster pieces (that includes relics, implants, earpieces) and replace them with any pve gear you have. even greens probably get you more expertise and stats with bolster.

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