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Posts posted by ScrabblePants

  1. Any pre-made group of 4 will not currently get any rewards due to a bug. There's no warning, you just don't get them at the end.


    I've done plenty of pre-mades with guildmates and the only time we ever don't get a reward is if we DC during the FP and even then it's only the person that DC'd that doesn't.

    Perhaps i have just been lucky?

  2. Hi folks, last night we tried four times to start a FP HM for the daily reward (LFG BH), all 4 times all FPs started at the same time, and at the end of the one we chose no reward was obtained.

    Did someone else have this problem?


    I don't quite get what you mean by "all FPs started at the same time, and at the end of the one we chose no reward was obtained."

    The LFG reward is only granted if you select random and have all Fp's selected, therefore you do not get a choice of FP when it pops. If you are choosing a select 4 FP's and choose whichever one you want then you are not doing a random with all FP's selected.


    Maybe I am mis-reading your post, but that's how it looks to me.

  3. Does it invalidate people's existence if someone spends an hour's worth of cash on an item they spent days grinding fake cash to get? Or just make them think about how much time they actually spent on that grinding and if it was an efficient use of their time? Why is someone threatened by others having their shiny objects?


    Does it invalidate your existence if someone has an item in a game that you can't get? No it does not. Silly point you made really since nobody is questioning their existence based on someone wanting what they currently can't have.

  4. Real life =/= Game life


    To say that 'grinding' real money should grant you benefits in a game is just as ridiculous as saying completing Denova HM entitles me to a pay rise in my job.

    They are completely different and un-related worlds.


    I can complete sonic the hedgehog without losing a single life, so i should have the option to buy full campaign gear in SW:TOR with all those gold rings i collected :rolleyes:

  5. Did you earn it? Or was it only around 200k along with the top speeders in the game? To me you have no room to speak because 5 million credit took 1 hr to get back when the game first came out. And don't tell me people didn't take advantage of those glitches! Do you understand that anyone that starts SWTOR today has to work 100x harder (than what you did to get a white crystal) just to get a cyan/purple light saber...?


    My point is you are a selfish person whether you admit it or not. Have you ever thought about the people starting to play the game now and how they have to look at all these awesome light sabers/speeders that don't exist anymore? Don't you think you'd want one if you didn't have it? Don't you think they deserve one as much as you? Do you think it is fair? I honestly doubt you can comprehend any of that.


    I am just saying this, bring back the white crystal and keep it rare so people can work hard to get one and all you hipsters can still be happy. Or make every person with a white color crystal in their inventory ineligible for the next rare color crystal/speeder. That would be a great idea in my opinion cause it would make everything fair for everyone. It's just not fair that players these days can't be unique as well. THAT IS WHAT EVERYONE PLAYS THE GAME FOR!


    Think of them like antiques, or classic cars.

    Sure, back in the day they cost a pittance to what new cars cost now, but they aren't manufactured anymore.

    There is a prestige in owning a classic car, there will only ever be a certain amount of those cars in existence and they give a wow factor due to their rarity.

    What you are suggesting is like demanding the manufacturers begin building these cars again because you want one but they aren't available to buy any more.

    It's not selfishness to own one. Some people can, some people can't. It's something we all live with, we can't always have what we want and often it's for the best.


    As i previously stated, i do not have one and wholeheartedly believe i should never be able to have one.

  6. Should they add the founder title to the cash shop too?


    I missed the white crystal because i started playing later than most, wasn't 50 by then and didn't have enough credits but i think they should not bing it back.

    Rare/unique items should always be just that, in my opinion.


    Just a note on a previous post too that mentioned white being bland followed by fact>opinion, saying white is bland is opinion too :rolleyes: (even if i agree)

  7. ...and i hit my heroic moment and used legacy lightning storm (thats what drew the aggro)


    Can't heroic moment only be used when your companion is out?

    Which companion was it? (could be a healer comp healing you, meaning you stay up longer) have you counted them as part of the 7 or were they an eigth character in the ops gorup?

    Can you summon comps in an ops group? (not tried this so no idea) I know you can if a normal group is not full or if one member is far enough away.

  8. your idea might be valid if it wasnt for the fact that we had 7 people total...thats abit overkill for any situation so no one should of died regardless


    Point still stands that if you are the last alive, you are not the one all the mobs are attacking.

    If you have the aggro, how is everyone else dieing? Suicide?


    I kid....and also agree that a party or 7 should be steamrolling any 'at level' missions.

  9. Perhaps not being a tank, yet diving in first grabbing all the aggro overworked your healer and drained their resources meaning they were unable to heal the tank when they got aggro, meaning they went down due to no healing and by the time the aggro got back to you the mobs were near enough dead.

    Therefore you were possibly the reason your group were actually dieing before you.


    The very face that you are the last alive means that the others were being hit, therefore you did not have all the aggro.


    Something to think about before diving in next time ;)

  10. Or trust that the LFG tool is buggy (see the known issues list - it is!) and take the group and figure out who really queued for the role mistakenly assigned to you.


    oh no, i 100% agree it is bugged to hell, we have to give our dps the group lead or he gets assigned healer.

    The trouble with accepting and sorting it out inside is that you could end up with 4xdps in one group, it doesn't just mix up the assigned roles in a normal group build, it mixes up the roles before building the group, if you see what i mean.

  11. I'm amazed (well, not really considering) that a simple post asking to excercise simple politeness got to 18 pages like this. Both of the logical sides of the arguments have merit but I think the overall message of the post went over a lot of heads. Being polite (in anything, not just asking to skip the dialogue) will get you a lot. Is it really so hard to simply ask for something as opposed to demanding it?


    Seems that way sir.


    Although I will just add that sometimes something written down is read in a different way to that which the author intended. e.g something sarcastic and/or 'jokey' can be read as rude, since you cant get a 'tone' accross in text. The author may read it back to themselves in a jovial cheery manner whilst others may read the same sentence in a rude demanding manner.

    Perhaps some people are intending to be rude - although many actually are and have no manners what-so-ever.

  12. 1.When I use /w Doe, or /i Doe, or /ginvite Doe.. where does it go?

    2. [EDIT]How do you separate Three, as an example, from Legacies Doe and Roe and for Legacy not unlocked?


    Not forgetting that many people, guidmates included, don't even know my legacy name because I don't display it on my main.

    So if my character was called "Ten" and there were 10 other Ten's how would they know what to /w me?

    I doubt junk mail would even find its way to me :confused:

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