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Posts posted by brishae

  1. The top teams already avoid each other anyway.


    That's somewhat true. Only 2 groups of people on Satele Shan can form good teams. I play on both of their teams if I'm around. Those 2 teams queue into each other often. It's everyone else that dodges. Multiple lower *skilled* teams I guess? sit in queue all hours of the day farming the random pugs but as soon as anyone that will beat them queue up they either A) Leave queue or B) Swap off their main toons to alts so they don't lose their precious rating.


    I could name them all here but then i'd get a suspension. I'll just say the guy who quoted me calling me fat is one said person. =)

  2. There is currently a bug where you can queue team ranked with 3 or even 2 people. I'd imagine thats what they're doing and lying about their "healer" missing the queue.


    You gain more rating by winning a 3v4 over a 4v4 ect, Can't explain your 4th dying tho no clue.


    Oh and to clarify the operative who was winning them the game was standing ontop of the box in mid while you guys were killing the tank sin and other operative. As soon as acid ticked he rolled away you can see it in vid incase you didnt see it.

  3. Lets give Sins/Juggs/Powertechs, Saberward, Camo, Cloak of Pain, Undying rage, Predation and Pacify (with ruthless aggressor already granted to them) and see how fun this game is then.


    Only cooldown marauders need to lose is ruthless aggressor and people act like it will kill marauder class. Carnage and Anni would be the only 2 specs to slightly notice a difference. Smh people acting like they play anything other than fury anyway lol :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

  4. 75% resistance needs to go. Marauders have too much survivability for how well kitted they are. Saberward, Cloak of Pain, Undying Rage, Camo, Pacify, Predation. On top of that all 3 specs do incredibly well in PvP. If Marauders lost the 75% resistance from Ruthless Aggressor it would hardly even be noticed to them.


    I play a Powertech the class most people say have the weakest defensives in game next to juggernauts. I don't even want defensive buffs to Powertech because it would make them overpowered. Sure regs can be rough with tons of focus and losing 30% damage reduction while stunned was meh but it honestly balanced the class in 4s since most people play a Powertech in 4s. Being able to stun a PT in 4s and deliver full damage to them is a good thing.


    No class in this game needs defensive buffs it's the otherway around except maybe juggernauts. They could possibly use a cloak of pain type cd. Marauders, Snipers and Mercs needs to lose some of their defensives.


    Merc Trauma Regulators should just be removed and kolto rebuffed to 70% and revert the damage nerfs both specs got for no reason zzzz bioware.


    Marauder 75% resistance gone.


    Sniper tbh I don't even know. Maybe lower Evasion back to 3 second duration not 5 and lower the damage reduction it gives. Or remove the 20% defence chance they get from being in cover. I'm sure someone else who actually plays a sniper can give more insight.


    No class in swtor needs to be as defensively strong as Marauder is right now and while they have a 75% resistance on a 45 second cd they will be at that level.

  5. And here it starts again.

    If we go with that logic, put all defenses of marauder in 3 minute CD.

    Why not? Marauder unfair and OP, totally top tier class and stuff. No skill necessary to use and yada yada. :rak_01:


    What part of Ruthless Aggressor is broken do you not understand? No one is complaining about any other defensive ability Marauders have (Least I'm not because I understand how this game works) I've said since the start of 5.0 how broken and insane that utility is. Like my earlier post said. 99% of PvP forums don't know what they're talking about. You are not the 1% honestly just quit posting or go to general discussion

  6. This thread continues to be cancer even when grim was educated on what RA actually does, and still doesn’t get it.


    I like how everyone on the other side of this discussion can all agree every other melee class in this game is trash in pvp but the thought of slightly nerfing mara which was given one of the most overpowered abilities in the game is triggering to people. You all need a reality check. Stop playing regs and go play ranked. Go play a game function where it’s about using all your dcds and killing fast and you’ll find that marauders are one of the best classes in the game. You won’t understand any of this because you all play verse casuals in regs.


    Don’t come here talking about dcd balance when more than half the people don’t even know how to pop dcds in regs.


    Never thought I'd agree with Hottie in my life but here it is.


    Truth of the matter is PvP forums have been dead for 3years. 99% of people posting only do regs and have no idea what they're actually talking about. Imagine thinking Ruthless Aggressor is balanced. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

  7. Last 5 pages of this thread have been top quality.


    Pacify isn't even the problem in itself. It's the absurd 75% Force and Tech resistance that comes with it form Ruthless Aggressor. Marauder defensive cds where already top tier. Getting ruthless aggressor in 5.0 was as dumb as adding Trauma Regulators for Mercs.


    In team ranked (as talentless and boring as the games are with people playing double carb/engi or double carb/anni all day) Ruthless Aggressor adds to that. Idk how many times I've seen the marauder taking dmg while they're training the healer and just pop Pacify onto the healer and get lol 75% resistance to force/tech.


    Either remove RA from the game or make the 75% force/tech resistance only apply to the player they put Pacify on.


    ZZZZZZ Marauder fanboys are worse than 5.0 Merc defenders.

  8. Is this another nerf mara thread?


    Lol honestly I'd normally say that maras have historically been among the most balanced classes.

    Sniper/merc > mara (and maybe operative idk) > shadow/guardian/sorc/pt




    Marauder is better than Merc.

  9. I'd say Marauder damage for all 3 specs is fine. It's just the defensive cds that are over the top. Ruthless Aggressor is by far one of the stupidest utilities to come into the game right behind Trauma Regulators.


    Also. Sniper Evasion back to 3 second duration not 5.

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